#include "Platform.h"
#include "Hashes.h"
#include "KeysetTest.h"
#include "SpeedTest.h"
#include "AvalancheTest.h"
#include "DifferentialTest.h"
#include "PMurHash.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
// Configuration. TODO - move these to command-line flags
bool g_testAll = false;
bool g_testSanity = false;
bool g_testSpeed = false;
bool g_testDiff = false;
bool g_testDiffDist = false;
bool g_testAvalanche = false;
bool g_testBIC = false;
bool g_testCyclic = false;
bool g_testTwoBytes = false;
bool g_testSparse = false;
bool g_testPermutation = false;
bool g_testWindow = false;
bool g_testText = false;
bool g_testZeroes = false;
bool g_testSeed = false;
// This is the list of all hashes that SMHasher can test.
struct HashInfo
pfHash hash;
int hashbits;
uint32_t verification;
const char * name;
const char * desc;
HashInfo g_hashes[] =
{ DoNothingHash, 32, 0x00000000, "donothing32", "Do-Nothing function (only valid for measuring call overhead)" },
{ DoNothingHash, 64, 0x00000000, "donothing64", "Do-Nothing function (only valid for measuring call overhead)" },
{ DoNothingHash, 128, 0x00000000, "donothing128", "Do-Nothing function (only valid for measuring call overhead)" },
{ crc32, 32, 0x3719DB20, "crc32", "CRC-32" },
{ md5_32, 32, 0xC10C356B, "md5_32a", "MD5, first 32 bits of result" },
{ sha1_32a, 32, 0xF9376EA7, "sha1_32a", "SHA1, first 32 bits of result" },
{ FNV, 32, 0xE3CBBE91, "FNV", "Fowler-Noll-Vo hash, 32-bit" },
{ Bernstein, 32, 0xBDB4B640, "bernstein", "Bernstein, 32-bit" },
{ lookup3_test, 32, 0x3D83917A, "lookup3", "Bob Jenkins' lookup3" },
{ SuperFastHash, 32, 0x980ACD1D, "superfast", "Paul Hsieh's SuperFastHash" },
{ MurmurOAAT_test, 32, 0x5363BD98, "MurmurOAAT", "Murmur one-at-a-time" },
{ Crap8_test, 32, 0x743E97A1, "Crap8", "Crap8" },
{ CityHash64_test, 64, 0x25A20825, "City64", "Google CityHash64WithSeed" },
{ CityHash128_test, 128, 0x6531F54E, "City128", "Google CityHash128WithSeed" },
{ SpookyHash32_test, 32, 0x3F798BBB, "Spooky32", "Bob Jenkins' SpookyHash, 32-bit result" },
{ SpookyHash64_test, 64, 0xA7F955F1, "Spooky64", "Bob Jenkins' SpookyHash, 64-bit result" },
{ SpookyHash128_test, 128, 0x8D263080, "Spooky128", "Bob Jenkins' SpookyHash, 128-bit result" },
// MurmurHash2
{ MurmurHash2_test, 32, 0x27864C1E, "Murmur2", "MurmurHash2 for x86, 32-bit" },
{ MurmurHash2A_test, 32, 0x7FBD4396, "Murmur2A", "MurmurHash2A for x86, 32-bit" },
{ MurmurHash64A_test, 64, 0x1F0D3804, "Murmur2B", "MurmurHash2 for x64, 64-bit" },
{ MurmurHash64B_test, 64, 0xDD537C05, "Murmur2C", "MurmurHash2 for x86, 64-bit" },
// MurmurHash3
{ MurmurHash3_x86_32, 32, 0xB0F57EE3, "Murmur3A", "MurmurHash3 for x86, 32-bit" },
{ MurmurHash3_x86_128, 128, 0xB3ECE62A, "Murmur3C", "MurmurHash3 for x86, 128-bit" },
{ MurmurHash3_x64_128, 128, 0x6384BA69, "Murmur3F", "MurmurHash3 for x64, 128-bit" },
{ PMurHash32_test, 32, 0xB0F57EE3, "PMurHash32", "Shane Day's portable-ized MurmurHash3 for x86, 32-bit." },
HashInfo * findHash ( const char * name )
for(size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(g_hashes) / sizeof(HashInfo); i++)
if(_stricmp(name,g_hashes[i].name) == 0) return &g_hashes[i];
return NULL;
// Self-test on startup - verify that all installed hashes work correctly.
void SelfTest ( void )
bool pass = true;
for(size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(g_hashes) / sizeof(HashInfo); i++)
HashInfo * info = & g_hashes[i];
pass &= VerificationTest(info->hash,info->hashbits,info->verification,false);
printf("Self-test FAILED!\n");
for(size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(g_hashes) / sizeof(HashInfo); i++)
HashInfo * info = & g_hashes[i];
printf("%16s - ",info->name);
pass &= VerificationTest(info->hash,info->hashbits,info->verification,true);
template < typename hashtype >
void test ( hashfunc<hashtype> hash, HashInfo * info )
const int hashbits = sizeof(hashtype) * 8;
printf("--- Testing %s (%s)\n\n",info->name,info->desc);
// Sanity tests
if(g_testSanity || g_testAll)
printf("[[[ Sanity Tests ]]]\n\n");
// Speed tests
if(g_testSpeed || g_testAll)
printf("[[[ Speed Tests ]]]\n\n");
for(int i = 1; i < 32; i++)
double cycles;
// Differential tests
if(g_testDiff || g_testAll)
printf("[[[ Differential Tests ]]]\n\n");
bool result = true;
bool dumpCollisions = false;
result &= DiffTest< Blob<64>, hashtype >(hash,5,1000,dumpCollisions);
result &= DiffTest< Blob<128>, hashtype >(hash,4,1000,dumpCollisions);
result &= DiffTest< Blob<256>, hashtype >(hash,3,1000,dumpCollisions);
if(!result) printf("*********FAIL*********\n");
// Differential-distribution tests
if(g_testDiffDist /*|| g_testAll*/)
printf("[[[ Differential Distribution Tests ]]]\n\n");
bool result = true;
result &= DiffDistTest2<uint64_t,hashtype>(hash);
// Avalanche tests
if(g_testAvalanche || g_testAll)
printf("[[[ Avalanche Tests ]]]\n\n");
bool result = true;
result &= AvalancheTest< Blob< 32>, hashtype > (hash,300000);
result &= AvalancheTest< Blob< 40>, hashtype > (hash,300000);
result &= AvalancheTest< Blob< 48>, hashtype > (hash,300000);
result &= AvalancheTest< Blob< 56>, hashtype > (hash,300000);
result &= AvalancheTest< Blob< 64>, hashtype > (hash,300000);
result &= AvalancheTest< Blob< 72>, hashtype > (hash,300000);
result &= AvalancheTest< Blob< 80>, hashtype > (hash,300000);
result &= AvalancheTest< Blob< 88>, hashtype > (hash,300000);
result &= AvalancheTest< Blob< 96>, hashtype > (hash,300000);
result &= AvalancheTest< Blob<104>, hashtype > (hash,300000);
result &= AvalancheTest< Blob<112>, hashtype > (hash,300000);
result &= AvalancheTest< Blob<120>, hashtype > (hash,300000);
result &= AvalancheTest< Blob<128>, hashtype > (hash,300000);
result &= AvalancheTest< Blob<136>, hashtype > (hash,300000);
result &= AvalancheTest< Blob<144>, hashtype > (hash,300000);
result &= AvalancheTest< Blob<152>, hashtype > (hash,300000);
if(!result) printf("*********FAIL*********\n");
// Bit Independence Criteria. Interesting, but doesn't tell us much about
// collision or distribution.
printf("[[[ Bit Independence Criteria ]]]\n\n");
bool result = true;
//result &= BicTest<uint64_t,hashtype>(hash,2000000);
if(!result) printf("*********FAIL*********\n");
// Keyset 'Cyclic' - keys of the form "abcdabcdabcd..."
if(g_testCyclic || g_testAll)
printf("[[[ Keyset 'Cyclic' Tests ]]]\n\n");
bool result = true;
bool drawDiagram = false;
result &= CyclicKeyTest<hashtype>(hash,sizeof(hashtype)+0,8,10000000,drawDiagram);
result &= CyclicKeyTest<hashtype>(hash,sizeof(hashtype)+1,8,10000000,drawDiagram);
result &= CyclicKeyTest<hashtype>(hash,sizeof(hashtype)+2,8,10000000,drawDiagram);
result &= CyclicKeyTest<hashtype>(hash,sizeof(hashtype)+3,8,10000000,drawDiagram);
result &= CyclicKeyTest<hashtype>(hash,sizeof(hashtype)+4,8,10000000,drawDiagram);
if(!result) printf("*********FAIL*********\n");
// Keyset 'TwoBytes' - all keys up to N bytes containing two non-zero bytes
// This generates some huge keysets, 128-bit tests will take ~1.3 gigs of RAM.
if(g_testTwoBytes || g_testAll)
printf("[[[ Keyset 'TwoBytes' Tests ]]]\n\n");
bool result = true;
bool drawDiagram = false;
for(int i = 4; i <= 20; i += 4)
result &= TwoBytesTest2<hashtype>(hash,i,drawDiagram);
if(!result) printf("*********FAIL*********\n");
// Keyset 'Sparse' - keys with all bits 0 except a few
if(g_testSparse || g_testAll)
printf("[[[ Keyset 'Sparse' Tests ]]]\n\n");
bool result = true;
bool drawDiagram = false;
result &= SparseKeyTest< 32,hashtype>(hash,6,true,true,true,drawDiagram);
result &= SparseKeyTest< 40,hashtype>(hash,6,true,true,true,drawDiagram);
result &= SparseKeyTest< 48,hashtype>(hash,5,true,true,true,drawDiagram);
result &= SparseKeyTest< 56,hashtype>(hash,5,true,true,true,drawDiagram);
result &= SparseKeyTest< 64,hashtype>(hash,5,true,true,true,drawDiagram);
result &= SparseKeyTest< 96,hashtype>(hash,4,true,true,true,drawDiagram);
result &= SparseKeyTest< 256,hashtype>(hash,3,true,true,true,drawDiagram);
result &= SparseKeyTest<2048,hashtype>(hash,2,true,true,true,drawDiagram);
if(!result) printf("*********FAIL*********\n");
// Keyset 'Permutation' - all possible combinations of a set of blocks
if(g_testPermutation || g_testAll)
// This one breaks lookup3, surprisingly
printf("[[[ Keyset 'Combination Lowbits' Tests ]]]\n\n");
bool result = true;
bool drawDiagram = false;
uint32_t blocks[] =
0x00000001, 0x00000002, 0x00000003, 0x00000004, 0x00000005, 0x00000006, 0x00000007,
result &= CombinationKeyTest<hashtype>(hash,8,blocks,sizeof(blocks) / sizeof(uint32_t),true,true,drawDiagram);
if(!result) printf("*********FAIL*********\n");
printf("[[[ Keyset 'Combination Highbits' Tests ]]]\n\n");
bool result = true;
bool drawDiagram = false;
uint32_t blocks[] =
0x20000000, 0x40000000, 0x60000000, 0x80000000, 0xA0000000, 0xC0000000, 0xE0000000
result &= CombinationKeyTest<hashtype>(hash,8,blocks,sizeof(blocks) / sizeof(uint32_t),true,true,drawDiagram);
if(!result) printf("*********FAIL*********\n");
printf("[[[ Keyset 'Combination 0x8000000' Tests ]]]\n\n");
bool result = true;
bool drawDiagram = false;
uint32_t blocks[] =
result &= CombinationKeyTest<hashtype>(hash,20,blocks,sizeof(blocks) / sizeof(uint32_t),true,true,drawDiagram);
if(!result) printf("*********FAIL*********\n");
printf("[[[ Keyset 'Combination 0x0000001' Tests ]]]\n\n");
bool result = true;
bool drawDiagram = false;
uint32_t blocks[] =
result &= CombinationKeyTest<hashtype>(hash,20,blocks,sizeof(blocks) / sizeof(uint32_t),true,true,drawDiagram);
if(!result) printf("*********FAIL*********\n");
printf("[[[ Keyset 'Combination Hi-Lo' Tests ]]]\n\n");
bool result = true;
bool drawDiagram = false;
uint32_t blocks[] =
0x00000001, 0x00000002, 0x00000003, 0x00000004, 0x00000005, 0x00000006, 0x00000007,
0x80000000, 0x40000000, 0xC0000000, 0x20000000, 0xA0000000, 0x60000000, 0xE0000000
result &= CombinationKeyTest<hashtype>(hash,6,blocks,sizeof(blocks) / sizeof(uint32_t),true,true,drawDiagram);
if(!result) printf("*********FAIL*********\n");
// Keyset 'Window'
// Skip distribution test for these - they're too easy to distribute well,
// and it generates a _lot_ of testing
if(g_testWindow || g_testAll)
printf("[[[ Keyset 'Window' Tests ]]]\n\n");
bool result = true;
bool testCollision = true;
bool testDistribution = false;
bool drawDiagram = false;
result &= WindowedKeyTest< Blob<hashbits*2>, hashtype > ( hash, 20, testCollision, testDistribution, drawDiagram );
if(!result) printf("*********FAIL*********\n");
// Keyset 'Text'
if(g_testText || g_testAll)
printf("[[[ Keyset 'Text' Tests ]]]\n\n");
bool result = true;
bool drawDiagram = false;
const char * alnum = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789";
result &= TextKeyTest( hash, "Foo", alnum,4, "Bar", drawDiagram );
result &= TextKeyTest( hash, "FooBar", alnum,4, "", drawDiagram );
result &= TextKeyTest( hash, "", alnum,4, "FooBar", drawDiagram );
if(!result) printf("*********FAIL*********\n");
// Keyset 'Zeroes'
if(g_testZeroes || g_testAll)
printf("[[[ Keyset 'Zeroes' Tests ]]]\n\n");
bool result = true;
bool drawDiagram = false;
result &= ZeroKeyTest<hashtype>( hash, drawDiagram );
if(!result) printf("*********FAIL*********\n");
// Keyset 'Seed'
if(g_testSeed || g_testAll)
printf("[[[ Keyset 'Seed' Tests ]]]\n\n");
bool result = true;
bool drawDiagram = false;
result &= SeedTest<hashtype>( hash, 1000000, drawDiagram );
if(!result) printf("*********FAIL*********\n");
uint32_t g_inputVCode = 1;
uint32_t g_outputVCode = 1;
uint32_t g_resultVCode = 1;
HashInfo * g_hashUnderTest = NULL;
void VerifyHash ( const void * key, int len, uint32_t seed, void * out )
g_inputVCode = MurmurOAAT(key,len,g_inputVCode);
g_inputVCode = MurmurOAAT(&seed,sizeof(uint32_t),g_inputVCode);
g_outputVCode = MurmurOAAT(out,g_hashUnderTest->hashbits/8,g_outputVCode);
void testHash ( const char * name )
HashInfo * pInfo = findHash(name);
if(pInfo == NULL)
printf("Invalid hash '%s' specified\n",name);
g_hashUnderTest = pInfo;
if(pInfo->hashbits == 32)
test<uint32_t>( VerifyHash, pInfo );
else if(pInfo->hashbits == 64)
test<uint64_t>( pInfo->hash, pInfo );
else if(pInfo->hashbits == 128)
test<uint128_t>( pInfo->hash, pInfo );
else if(pInfo->hashbits == 256)
test<uint256_t>( pInfo->hash, pInfo );
printf("Invalid hash bit width %d for hash '%s'",pInfo->hashbits,pInfo->name);
int main ( int argc, char ** argv )
const char * hashToTest = "murmur3a";
if(argc < 2)
printf("(No test hash given on command line, testing Murmur3_x86_32.)\n");
hashToTest = argv[1];
// Code runs on the 3rd CPU by default
SetAffinity((1 << 2));
int timeBegin = clock();
g_testAll = true;
//g_testSanity = true;
//g_testSpeed = true;
//g_testAvalanche = true;
//g_testBIC = true;
//g_testCyclic = true;
//g_testTwoBytes = true;
//g_testDiff = true;
//g_testDiffDist = true;
//g_testSparse = true;
//g_testPermutation = true;
//g_testWindow = true;
//g_testZeroes = true;
int timeEnd = clock();
printf("Input vcode 0x%08x, Output vcode 0x%08x, Result vcode 0x%08x\n",g_inputVCode,g_outputVCode,g_resultVCode);
printf("Verification value is 0x%08x - Testing took %f seconds\n",g_verify,double(timeEnd-timeBegin)/double(CLOCKS_PER_SEC));
return 0;