// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/strings/string16.h"
#include "ui/base/models/menu_model_delegate.h"
#include "ui/base/models/menu_separator_types.h"
#include "ui/base/ui_export.h"
#include "ui/gfx/image/image_skia.h"
#include "ui/gfx/native_widget_types.h"
namespace gfx {
class Font;
class Image;
namespace ui {
class Accelerator;
class ButtonMenuItemModel;
// An interface implemented by an object that provides the content of a menu.
class UI_EXPORT MenuModel {
// The type of item.
enum ItemType {
virtual ~MenuModel() {}
// Returns true if any of the items within the model have icons. Not all
// platforms support icons in menus natively and so this is a hint for
// triggering a custom rendering mode.
virtual bool HasIcons() const = 0;
// Returns the number of items in the menu.
virtual int GetItemCount() const = 0;
// Returns the type of item at the specified index.
virtual ItemType GetTypeAt(int index) const = 0;
// Returns the separator type at the specified index.
virtual ui::MenuSeparatorType GetSeparatorTypeAt(int index) const = 0;
// Returns the command id of the item at the specified index.
virtual int GetCommandIdAt(int index) const = 0;
// Returns the label of the item at the specified index.
virtual base::string16 GetLabelAt(int index) const = 0;
// Returns the sublabel of the item at the specified index. The sublabel
// is rendered beneath the label and using the font GetLabelFontAt().
virtual base::string16 GetSublabelAt(int index) const;
// Returns the minor text of the item at the specified index. The minor text
// is rendered to the right of the label and using the font GetLabelFontAt().
virtual base::string16 GetMinorTextAt(int index) const;
// Returns true if the menu item (label/sublabel/icon) at the specified
// index can change over the course of the menu's lifetime. If this function
// returns true, the label, sublabel and icon of the menu item will be
// updated each time the menu is shown.
virtual bool IsItemDynamicAt(int index) const = 0;
// Returns the font used for the label at the specified index.
// If NULL, then the default font should be used.
virtual const gfx::Font* GetLabelFontAt(int index) const;
// Gets the acclerator information for the specified index, returning true if
// there is a shortcut accelerator for the item, false otherwise.
virtual bool GetAcceleratorAt(int index,
ui::Accelerator* accelerator) const = 0;
// Returns the checked state of the item at the specified index.
virtual bool IsItemCheckedAt(int index) const = 0;
// Returns the id of the group of radio items that the item at the specified
// index belongs to.
virtual int GetGroupIdAt(int index) const = 0;
// Gets the icon for the item at the specified index, returning true if there
// is an icon, false otherwise.
virtual bool GetIconAt(int index, gfx::Image* icon) = 0;
// Returns the model for a menu item with a line of buttons at |index|.
virtual ButtonMenuItemModel* GetButtonMenuItemAt(int index) const = 0;
// Returns the enabled state of the item at the specified index.
virtual bool IsEnabledAt(int index) const = 0;
// Returns true if the menu item is visible.
virtual bool IsVisibleAt(int index) const;
// Returns the model for the submenu at the specified index.
virtual MenuModel* GetSubmenuModelAt(int index) const = 0;
// Called when the highlighted menu item changes to the item at the specified
// index.
virtual void HighlightChangedTo(int index) = 0;
// Called when the item at the specified index has been activated.
virtual void ActivatedAt(int index) = 0;
// Called when the item has been activated with given event flags.
// (for the case where the activation involves a navigation).
// |event_flags| is a bit mask of ui::EventFlags.
virtual void ActivatedAt(int index, int event_flags);
// Called when the menu is about to be shown.
virtual void MenuWillShow() {}
// Called when the menu has been closed.
virtual void MenuClosed() {}
// Set the MenuModelDelegate. Owned by the caller of this function.
virtual void SetMenuModelDelegate(MenuModelDelegate* delegate) = 0;
// Gets the MenuModelDelegate.
virtual MenuModelDelegate* GetMenuModelDelegate() const = 0;
// Retrieves the model and index that contains a specific command id. Returns
// true if an item with the specified command id is found. |model| is inout,
// and specifies the model to start searching from.
static bool GetModelAndIndexForCommandId(int command_id,
MenuModel** model,
int* index);
} // namespace ui