// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_vector.h"
#include "base/platform_file.h"
#include "base/strings/string16.h"
#include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
#include "ui/base/layout.h"
#include "ui/base/ui_export.h"
#include "ui/gfx/font_list.h"
#include "ui/gfx/image/image.h"
#include "ui/gfx/native_widget_types.h"
class SkBitmap;
namespace base {
class Lock;
class RefCountedStaticMemory;
namespace ui {
class DataPack;
class ResourceHandle;
// ResourceBundle is a central facility to load images and other resources,
// such as theme graphics. Every resource is loaded only once.
class UI_EXPORT ResourceBundle {
// An enumeration of the various font styles used throughout Chrome.
// The following holds true for the font sizes:
// Small <= SmallBold <= Base <= Bold <= Medium <= MediumBold <= Large.
enum FontStyle {
// NOTE: depending upon the locale, using one of the *BoldFont below
// may *not* actually result in a bold font.
enum ImageRTL {
// Images are flipped in RTL locales.
// Images are never flipped.
// Delegate class that allows interception of pack file loading and resource
// requests. The methods of this class may be called on multiple threads.
class Delegate {
// Called before a resource pack file is loaded. Return the full path for
// the pack file to continue loading or an empty value to cancel loading.
// |pack_path| will contain the complete default path for the pack file if
// known or just the pack file name otherwise.
virtual base::FilePath GetPathForResourcePack(
const base::FilePath& pack_path,
ScaleFactor scale_factor) = 0;
// Called before a locale pack file is loaded. Return the full path for
// the pack file to continue loading or an empty value to cancel loading.
// |pack_path| will contain the complete default path for the pack file if
// known or just the pack file name otherwise.
virtual base::FilePath GetPathForLocalePack(
const base::FilePath& pack_path,
const std::string& locale) = 0;
// Return an image resource or an empty value to attempt retrieval of the
// default resource.
virtual gfx::Image GetImageNamed(int resource_id) = 0;
// Return an image resource or an empty value to attempt retrieval of the
// default resource.
virtual gfx::Image GetNativeImageNamed(int resource_id, ImageRTL rtl) = 0;
// Return a static memory resource or NULL to attempt retrieval of the
// default resource.
virtual base::RefCountedStaticMemory* LoadDataResourceBytes(
int resource_id,
ScaleFactor scale_factor) = 0;
// Retrieve a raw data resource. Return true if a resource was provided or
// false to attempt retrieval of the default resource.
virtual bool GetRawDataResource(int resource_id,
ScaleFactor scale_factor,
base::StringPiece* value) = 0;
// Retrieve a localized string. Return true if a string was provided or
// false to attempt retrieval of the default string.
virtual bool GetLocalizedString(int message_id, base::string16* value) = 0;
// Returns a font or NULL to attempt retrieval of the default resource.
virtual scoped_ptr<gfx::Font> GetFont(FontStyle style) = 0;
virtual ~Delegate() {}
// Initialize the ResourceBundle for this process. Does not take ownership of
// the |delegate| value. Returns the language selected.
// NOTE: Mac ignores this and always loads up resources for the language
// defined by the Cocoa UI (i.e., NSBundle does the language work).
// TODO(sergeyu): This method also loads common resources (i.e. chrome.pak).
// There is no way to specify which resource files are loaded, i.e. names of
// the files are hardcoded in ResourceBundle. Fix it to allow to specify which
// files are loaded (e.g. add a new method in Delegate).
static std::string InitSharedInstanceWithLocale(
const std::string& pref_locale, Delegate* delegate);
// Same as InitSharedInstanceWithLocale(), but loads only localized resources,
// without default resource packs.
static std::string InitSharedInstanceLocaleOnly(
const std::string& pref_locale, Delegate* delegate);
// Initialize the ResourceBundle using given file. The second argument
// controls whether or not ResourceBundle::LoadCommonResources is called.
// This allows the use of this function in a sandbox without local file
// access (as on Android).
static void InitSharedInstanceWithPakFile(
base::PlatformFile file, bool should_load_common_resources);
// Initialize the ResourceBundle using given data pack path for testing.
static void InitSharedInstanceWithPakPath(const base::FilePath& path);
// Delete the ResourceBundle for this process if it exists.
static void CleanupSharedInstance();
// Returns true after the global resource loader instance has been created.
static bool HasSharedInstance();
// Return the global resource loader instance.
static ResourceBundle& GetSharedInstance();
// Check if the .pak for the given locale exists.
bool LocaleDataPakExists(const std::string& locale);
// Registers additional data pack files with this ResourceBundle. When
// looking for a DataResource, we will search these files after searching the
// main module. |path| should be the complete path to the pack file if known
// or just the pack file name otherwise (the delegate may optionally override
// this value). |scale_factor| is the scale of images in this resource pak
// relative to the images in the 1x resource pak. This method is not thread
// safe! You should call it immediately after calling InitSharedInstance.
void AddDataPackFromPath(const base::FilePath& path,
ScaleFactor scale_factor);
// Same as above but using an already open file.
void AddDataPackFromFile(base::PlatformFile file, ScaleFactor scale_factor);
// Same as AddDataPackFromPath but does not log an error if the pack fails to
// load.
void AddOptionalDataPackFromPath(const base::FilePath& path,
ScaleFactor scale_factor);
// Changes the locale for an already-initialized ResourceBundle, returning the
// name of the newly-loaded locale. Future calls to get strings will return
// the strings for this new locale. This has no effect on existing or future
// image resources. |locale_resources_data_| is protected by a lock for the
// duration of the swap, as GetLocalizedString() may be concurrently invoked
// on another thread.
std::string ReloadLocaleResources(const std::string& pref_locale);
// Gets image with the specified resource_id from the current module data.
// Returns a pointer to a shared instance of gfx::ImageSkia. This shared
// instance is owned by the resource bundle and should not be freed.
// TODO(pkotwicz): Make method return const gfx::ImageSkia*
// NOTE: GetNativeImageNamed is preferred for cross-platform gfx::Image use.
gfx::ImageSkia* GetImageSkiaNamed(int resource_id);
// Gets an image resource from the current module data. This will load the
// image in Skia format by default. The ResourceBundle owns this.
gfx::Image& GetImageNamed(int resource_id);
// Similar to GetImageNamed, but rather than loading the image in Skia format,
// it will load in the native platform type. This can avoid conversion from
// one image type to another. ResourceBundle owns the result.
// Note that if the same resource has already been loaded in GetImageNamed(),
// gfx::Image will perform a conversion, rather than using the native image
// loading code of ResourceBundle.
// If |rtl| is RTL_ENABLED then the image is flipped in RTL locales.
gfx::Image& GetNativeImageNamed(int resource_id, ImageRTL rtl);
// Same as GetNativeImageNamed() except that RTL is not enabled.
gfx::Image& GetNativeImageNamed(int resource_id);
// Loads the raw bytes of a scale independent data resource.
base::RefCountedStaticMemory* LoadDataResourceBytes(int resource_id) const;
// Loads the raw bytes of a data resource nearest the scale factor
// |scale_factor| into |bytes|, without doing any processing or
// interpretation of the resource. Use ResourceHandle::SCALE_FACTOR_NONE
// for scale independent image resources (such as wallpaper).
// Returns NULL if we fail to read the resource.
base::RefCountedStaticMemory* LoadDataResourceBytesForScale(
int resource_id,
ScaleFactor scale_factor) const;
// Return the contents of a scale independent resource in a
// StringPiece given the resource id
base::StringPiece GetRawDataResource(int resource_id) const;
// Return the contents of a resource in a StringPiece given the resource id
// nearest the scale factor |scale_factor|.
// Use ResourceHandle::SCALE_FACTOR_NONE for scale independent image resources
// (such as wallpaper).
base::StringPiece GetRawDataResourceForScale(int resource_id,
ScaleFactor scale_factor) const;
// Get a localized string given a message id. Returns an empty
// string if the message_id is not found.
base::string16 GetLocalizedString(int message_id);
// Returns the font list for the specified style.
const gfx::FontList& GetFontList(FontStyle style);
// Returns the font for the specified style.
const gfx::Font& GetFont(FontStyle style);
// Resets and reloads the cached fonts. This is useful when the fonts of the
// system have changed, for example, when the locale has changed.
void ReloadFonts();
// Overrides the path to the pak file from which the locale resources will be
// loaded. Pass an empty path to undo.
void OverrideLocalePakForTest(const base::FilePath& pak_path);
// Returns the full pathname of the locale file to load. May return an empty
// string if no locale data files are found and |test_file_exists| is true.
// Used on Android to load the local file in the browser process and pass it
// to the sandboxed renderer process.
base::FilePath GetLocaleFilePath(const std::string& app_locale,
bool test_file_exists);
// Returns the maximum scale factor currently loaded.
// Returns SCALE_FACTOR_100P if no resource is loaded.
ScaleFactor GetMaxScaleFactor() const;
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(ResourceBundleTest, DelegateGetPathForLocalePack);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(ResourceBundleTest, DelegateGetImageNamed);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(ResourceBundleTest, DelegateGetNativeImageNamed);
friend class ResourceBundleImageTest;
friend class ResourceBundleTest;
class ResourceBundleImageSource;
friend class ResourceBundleImageSource;
// Ctor/dtor are private, since we're a singleton.
explicit ResourceBundle(Delegate* delegate);
// Shared initialization.
static void InitSharedInstance(Delegate* delegate);
// Free skia_images_.
void FreeImages();
// Load the main resources.
void LoadCommonResources();
// Implementation for AddDataPackFromPath and AddOptionalDataPackFromPath, if
// the pack is not |optional| logs an error on failure to load.
void AddDataPackFromPathInternal(const base::FilePath& path,
ScaleFactor scale_factor,
bool optional);
// Inserts |data_pack| to |data_pack_| and updates |max_scale_factor_|
// accordingly.
void AddDataPack(DataPack* data_pack);
// Try to load the locale specific strings from an external data module.
// Returns the locale that is loaded.
std::string LoadLocaleResources(const std::string& pref_locale);
// Load test resources in given paths. If either path is empty an empty
// resource pack is loaded.
void LoadTestResources(const base::FilePath& path,
const base::FilePath& locale_path);
// Unload the locale specific strings and prepares to load new ones. See
// comments for ReloadLocaleResources().
void UnloadLocaleResources();
// Initializes all the gfx::FontList members if they haven't yet been
// initialized.
void LoadFontsIfNecessary();
// Returns a FontList or NULL by calling Delegate::GetFont and converting
// scoped_ptr<gfx::Font> to scoped_ptr<gfx::FontList>.
scoped_ptr<gfx::FontList> GetFontListFromDelegate(FontStyle style);
// Fills the |bitmap| given the data file to look in and the |resource_id|.
// Returns false if the resource does not exist.
// If the call succeeds, |fell_back_to_1x| indicates whether Chrome's custom
// csCl PNG chunk is present (added by GRIT if it falls back to a 100% image).
bool LoadBitmap(const ResourceHandle& data_handle,
int resource_id,
SkBitmap* bitmap,
bool* fell_back_to_1x) const;
// Fills the |bitmap| given the |resource_id| and |scale_factor|.
// Returns false if the resource does not exist. This may fall back to
// the data pack with SCALE_FACTOR_NONE, and when this happens,
// |scale_factor| will be set to SCALE_FACTOR_100P.
bool LoadBitmap(int resource_id,
ScaleFactor* scale_factor,
SkBitmap* bitmap,
bool* fell_back_to_1x) const;
// Returns true if missing scaled resources should be visually indicated when
// drawing the fallback (e.g., by tinting the image).
static bool ShouldHighlightMissingScaledResources();
// Returns true if the data in |buf| is a PNG that has the special marker
// added by GRIT that indicates that the image is actually 1x data.
static bool PNGContainsFallbackMarker(const unsigned char* buf, size_t size);
// A wrapper for PNGCodec::Decode that returns information about custom
// chunks. For security reasons we can't alter PNGCodec to return this
// information. Our PNG files are preprocessed by GRIT, and any special chunks
// should occur immediately after the IHDR chunk.
static bool DecodePNG(const unsigned char* buf,
size_t size,
SkBitmap* bitmap,
bool* fell_back_to_1x);
// Returns an empty image for when a resource cannot be loaded. This is a
// bright red bitmap.
gfx::Image& GetEmptyImage();
const base::FilePath& GetOverriddenPakPath();
// This pointer is guaranteed to outlive the ResourceBundle instance and may
// be NULL.
Delegate* delegate_;
// Protects |images_| and font-related members.
scoped_ptr<base::Lock> images_and_fonts_lock_;
// Protects |locale_resources_data_|.
scoped_ptr<base::Lock> locale_resources_data_lock_;
// Handles for data sources.
scoped_ptr<ResourceHandle> locale_resources_data_;
ScopedVector<ResourceHandle> data_packs_;
// The maximum scale factor currently loaded.
ScaleFactor max_scale_factor_;
// Cached images. The ResourceBundle caches all retrieved images and keeps
// ownership of the pointers.
typedef std::map<int, gfx::Image> ImageMap;
ImageMap images_;
gfx::Image empty_image_;
// The various font lists used. Cached to avoid repeated GDI
// creation/destruction.
scoped_ptr<gfx::FontList> base_font_list_;
scoped_ptr<gfx::FontList> bold_font_list_;
scoped_ptr<gfx::FontList> small_font_list_;
scoped_ptr<gfx::FontList> small_bold_font_list_;
scoped_ptr<gfx::FontList> medium_font_list_;
scoped_ptr<gfx::FontList> medium_bold_font_list_;
scoped_ptr<gfx::FontList> large_font_list_;
scoped_ptr<gfx::FontList> large_bold_font_list_;
scoped_ptr<gfx::FontList> web_font_list_;
base::FilePath overridden_pak_path_;
} // namespace ui
// TODO(beng): Someday, maybe, get rid of this.
using ui::ResourceBundle;