// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ui/events/gestures/velocity_calculator.h"
namespace ui {
VelocityCalculator::VelocityCalculator(int buffer_size)
: buffer_(new Point[buffer_size]) ,
velocities_stale_(false) {
VelocityCalculator::~VelocityCalculator() {}
float VelocityCalculator::XVelocity() {
if (velocities_stale_)
return x_velocity_;
float VelocityCalculator::YVelocity() {
if (velocities_stale_)
return y_velocity_;
void VelocityCalculator::PointSeen(int x, int y, int64 time) {
buffer_[index_].x = x;
buffer_[index_].y = y;
buffer_[index_].time = time;
index_ = (index_ + 1) % buffer_size_;
if (num_valid_entries_ < buffer_size_)
velocities_stale_ = true;
float VelocityCalculator::VelocitySquared() {
if (velocities_stale_)
return x_velocity_ * x_velocity_ + y_velocity_ * y_velocity_;
void VelocityCalculator::UpdateVelocity() {
// We don't have enough data to make a good estimate of the velocity.
if (num_valid_entries_ < 2)
// Where A_i = A[i] - mean(A)
// x velocity = sum_i(x_i * t_i) / sum_i(t_i * t_i)
// This is an Ordinary Least Squares Regression.
float mean_x = 0;
float mean_y = 0;
int64 mean_time = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_valid_entries_; ++i) {
mean_x += buffer_[i].x;
mean_y += buffer_[i].y;
mean_time += buffer_[i].time;
// Minimize number of divides.
const float num_valid_entries_i = 1.0f / num_valid_entries_;
mean_x *= num_valid_entries_i;
mean_y *= num_valid_entries_i;
// The loss in accuracy due to rounding is insignificant compared to
// the error due to the resolution of the timer.
// Use integer division to avoid the cast to double, which would cause
// VelocityCalculatorTest.IsAccurateWithLargeTimes to fail.
mean_time /= num_valid_entries_;
float xt = 0; // sum_i(x_i * t_i)
float yt = 0; // sum_i(y_i * t_i)
int64 tt = 0; // sum_i(t_i * t_i)
int64 t_i;
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_valid_entries_; ++i) {
t_i = (buffer_[i].time - mean_time);
xt += (buffer_[i].x - mean_x) * t_i;
yt += (buffer_[i].y - mean_y) * t_i;
tt += t_i * t_i;
if (tt > 0) {
// Convert time from microseconds to seconds.
x_velocity_ = xt / (tt / 1000000.0f);
y_velocity_ = yt / (tt / 1000000.0f);
} else {
x_velocity_ = 0.0f;
y_velocity_ = 0.0f;
velocities_stale_ = false;
void VelocityCalculator::ClearHistory() {
index_ = 0;
num_valid_entries_ = 0;
x_velocity_ = 0;
y_velocity_ = 0;
velocities_stale_ = false;
} // namespace ui