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* Copyright (C) 2011-2013, International Business Machines Corporation 
* and others.  All Rights Reserved.

 * IntlTestSpoof is the top level test class for the Unicode Spoof detection tests


#include "unicode/utypes.h"
#include "unicode/uspoof.h"
#include "intltest.h"

class IntlTestSpoof: public IntlTest {
    void runIndexedTest( int32_t index, UBool exec, const char* &name, char* par = NULL );
    // Test the USpoofDetector API functions that require C++
    // The pure C part of the API, which is most of it, is tested in cintltst
    void  testSpoofAPI();

    void  testSkeleton();

    void testAreConfusable();
    void testInvisible();

    void testConfData();

    void testBug8654();

    void testIdentifierInfo();

    void testScriptSet();

    void testRestrictionLevel();

    void testMixedNumbers();

    // Internal function to run a single skeleton test case.
    void  checkSkeleton(const USpoofChecker *sc, uint32_t flags, 
                        const char *input, const char *expected, int32_t lineNum);
