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 * Copyright 2006 The Android Open Source Project
 * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file.

#include "SkEdge.h"
#include "SkFDot6.h"
#include "SkMath.h"

    In setLine, setQuadratic, setCubic, the first thing we do is to convert
    the points into FDot6. This is modulated by the shift parameter, which
    will either be 0, or something like 2 for antialiasing.

    In the float case, we want to turn the float into .6 by saying pt * 64,
    or pt * 256 for antialiasing. This is implemented as 1 << (shift + 6).

    In the fixed case, we want to turn the fixed into .6 by saying pt >> 10,
    or pt >> 8 for antialiasing. This is implemented as pt >> (10 - shift).

static inline SkFixed SkFDot6ToFixedDiv2(SkFDot6 value) {
    // we want to return SkFDot6ToFixed(value >> 1), but we don't want to throw
    // away data in value, so just perform a modify up-shift
    return value << (16 - 6 - 1);


int SkEdge::setLine(const SkPoint& p0, const SkPoint& p1, const SkIRect* clip,
                    int shift) {
    SkFDot6 x0, y0, x1, y1;

        float scale = float(1 << (shift + 6));
        x0 = int(p0.fX * scale);
        y0 = int(p0.fY * scale);
        x1 = int(p1.fX * scale);
        y1 = int(p1.fY * scale);
        shift = 10 - shift;
        x0 = p0.fX >> shift;
        y0 = p0.fY >> shift;
        x1 = p1.fX >> shift;
        y1 = p1.fY >> shift;

    int winding = 1;

    if (y0 > y1) {
        SkTSwap(x0, x1);
        SkTSwap(y0, y1);
        winding = -1;

    int top = SkFDot6Round(y0);
    int bot = SkFDot6Round(y1);

    // are we a zero-height line?
    if (top == bot) {
        return 0;
    // are we completely above or below the clip?
    if (NULL != clip && (top >= clip->fBottom || bot <= clip->fTop)) {
        return 0;

    SkFixed slope = SkFDot6Div(x1 - x0, y1 - y0);
    const int dy  = SkEdge_Compute_DY(top, y0);

    fX          = SkFDot6ToFixed(x0 + SkFixedMul(slope, dy));   // + SK_Fixed1/2
    fDX         = slope;
    fFirstY     = top;
    fLastY      = bot - 1;
    fCurveCount = 0;
    fWinding    = SkToS8(winding);
    fCurveShift = 0;

    if (clip) {
    return 1;

// called from a curve subclass
int SkEdge::updateLine(SkFixed x0, SkFixed y0, SkFixed x1, SkFixed y1)
    SkASSERT(fWinding == 1 || fWinding == -1);
    SkASSERT(fCurveCount != 0);
//    SkASSERT(fCurveShift != 0);

    y0 >>= 10;
    y1 >>= 10;

    SkASSERT(y0 <= y1);

    int top = SkFDot6Round(y0);
    int bot = SkFDot6Round(y1);

//  SkASSERT(top >= fFirstY);

    // are we a zero-height line?
    if (top == bot)
        return 0;

    x0 >>= 10;
    x1 >>= 10;

    SkFixed slope = SkFDot6Div(x1 - x0, y1 - y0);
    const int dy  = SkEdge_Compute_DY(top, y0);

    fX          = SkFDot6ToFixed(x0 + SkFixedMul(slope, dy));   // + SK_Fixed1/2
    fDX         = slope;
    fFirstY     = top;
    fLastY      = bot - 1;

    return 1;

void SkEdge::chopLineWithClip(const SkIRect& clip)
    int top = fFirstY;

    SkASSERT(top < clip.fBottom);

    // clip the line to the top
    if (top < clip.fTop)
        SkASSERT(fLastY >= clip.fTop);
        fX += fDX * (clip.fTop - top);
        fFirstY = clip.fTop;


/*  We store 1<<shift in a (signed) byte, so its maximum value is 1<<6 == 64.
    Note that this limits the number of lines we use to approximate a curve.
    If we need to increase this, we need to store fCurveCount in something
    larger than int8_t.
#define MAX_COEFF_SHIFT     6

static inline SkFDot6 cheap_distance(SkFDot6 dx, SkFDot6 dy)
    dx = SkAbs32(dx);
    dy = SkAbs32(dy);
    // return max + min/2
    if (dx > dy)
        dx += dy >> 1;
        dx = dy + (dx >> 1);
    return dx;

static inline int diff_to_shift(SkFDot6 dx, SkFDot6 dy)
    // cheap calc of distance from center of p0-p2 to the center of the curve
    SkFDot6 dist = cheap_distance(dx, dy);

    // shift down dist (it is currently in dot6)
    // down by 5 should give us 1/2 pixel accuracy (assuming our dist is accurate...)
    // this is chosen by heuristic: make it as big as possible (to minimize segments)
    // ... but small enough so that our curves still look smooth
    dist = (dist + (1 << 4)) >> 5;

    // each subdivision (shift value) cuts this dist (error) by 1/4
    return (32 - SkCLZ(dist)) >> 1;

int SkQuadraticEdge::setQuadratic(const SkPoint pts[3], int shift)
    SkFDot6 x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2;

        float scale = float(1 << (shift + 6));
        x0 = int(pts[0].fX * scale);
        y0 = int(pts[0].fY * scale);
        x1 = int(pts[1].fX * scale);
        y1 = int(pts[1].fY * scale);
        x2 = int(pts[2].fX * scale);
        y2 = int(pts[2].fY * scale);
        shift = 10 - shift;
        x0 = pts[0].fX >> shift;
        y0 = pts[0].fY >> shift;
        x1 = pts[1].fX >> shift;
        y1 = pts[1].fY >> shift;
        x2 = pts[2].fX >> shift;
        y2 = pts[2].fY >> shift;

    int winding = 1;
    if (y0 > y2)
        SkTSwap(x0, x2);
        SkTSwap(y0, y2);
        winding = -1;
    SkASSERT(y0 <= y1 && y1 <= y2);

    int top = SkFDot6Round(y0);
    int bot = SkFDot6Round(y2);

    // are we a zero-height quad (line)?
    if (top == bot)
        return 0;

    // compute number of steps needed (1 << shift)
        SkFDot6 dx = ((x1 << 1) - x0 - x2) >> 2;
        SkFDot6 dy = ((y1 << 1) - y0 - y2) >> 2;
        shift = diff_to_shift(dx, dy);
        SkASSERT(shift >= 0);
    // need at least 1 subdivision for our bias trick
    if (shift == 0) {
        shift = 1;
    } else if (shift > MAX_COEFF_SHIFT) {
        shift = MAX_COEFF_SHIFT;

    fWinding    = SkToS8(winding);
    //fCubicDShift only set for cubics
    fCurveCount = SkToS8(1 << shift);

     *  We want to reformulate into polynomial form, to make it clear how we
     *  should forward-difference.
     *  p0 (1 - t)^2 + p1 t(1 - t) + p2 t^2 ==> At^2 + Bt + C
     *  A = p0 - 2p1 + p2
     *  B = 2(p1 - p0)
     *  C = p0
     *  Our caller must have constrained our inputs (p0..p2) to all fit into
     *  16.16. However, as seen above, we sometimes compute values that can be
     *  larger (e.g. B = 2*(p1 - p0)). To guard against overflow, we will store
     *  A and B at 1/2 of their actual value, and just apply a 2x scale during
     *  application in updateQuadratic(). Hence we store (shift - 1) in
     *  fCurveShift.

    fCurveShift = SkToU8(shift - 1);

    SkFixed A = SkFDot6ToFixedDiv2(x0 - x1 - x1 + x2);  // 1/2 the real value
    SkFixed B = SkFDot6ToFixed(x1 - x0);                // 1/2 the real value

    fQx     = SkFDot6ToFixed(x0);
    fQDx    = B + (A >> shift);     // biased by shift
    fQDDx   = A >> (shift - 1);     // biased by shift

    A = SkFDot6ToFixedDiv2(y0 - y1 - y1 + y2);  // 1/2 the real value
    B = SkFDot6ToFixed(y1 - y0);                // 1/2 the real value

    fQy     = SkFDot6ToFixed(y0);
    fQDy    = B + (A >> shift);     // biased by shift
    fQDDy   = A >> (shift - 1);     // biased by shift

    fQLastX = SkFDot6ToFixed(x2);
    fQLastY = SkFDot6ToFixed(y2);

    return this->updateQuadratic();

int SkQuadraticEdge::updateQuadratic()
    int     success;
    int     count = fCurveCount;
    SkFixed oldx = fQx;
    SkFixed oldy = fQy;
    SkFixed dx = fQDx;
    SkFixed dy = fQDy;
    SkFixed newx, newy;
    int     shift = fCurveShift;

    SkASSERT(count > 0);

    do {
        if (--count > 0)
            newx    = oldx + (dx >> shift);
            dx    += fQDDx;
            newy    = oldy + (dy >> shift);
            dy    += fQDDy;
        else    // last segment
            newx    = fQLastX;
            newy    = fQLastY;
        success = this->updateLine(oldx, oldy, newx, newy);
        oldx = newx;
        oldy = newy;
    } while (count > 0 && !success);

    fQx         = newx;
    fQy         = newy;
    fQDx        = dx;
    fQDy        = dy;
    fCurveCount = SkToS8(count);
    return success;


static inline int SkFDot6UpShift(SkFDot6 x, int upShift) {
    SkASSERT((x << upShift >> upShift) == x);
    return x << upShift;

/*  f(1/3) = (8a + 12b + 6c + d) / 27
    f(2/3) = (a + 6b + 12c + 8d) / 27

    f(1/3)-b = (8a - 15b + 6c + d) / 27
    f(2/3)-c = (a + 6b - 15c + 8d) / 27

    use 16/512 to approximate 1/27
static SkFDot6 cubic_delta_from_line(SkFDot6 a, SkFDot6 b, SkFDot6 c, SkFDot6 d)
    SkFDot6 oneThird = ((a << 3) - ((b << 4) - b) + 6*c + d) * 19 >> 9;
    SkFDot6 twoThird = (a + 6*b - ((c << 4) - c) + (d << 3)) * 19 >> 9;

    return SkMax32(SkAbs32(oneThird), SkAbs32(twoThird));

int SkCubicEdge::setCubic(const SkPoint pts[4], const SkIRect* clip, int shift)
    SkFDot6 x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3;

        float scale = float(1 << (shift + 6));
        x0 = int(pts[0].fX * scale);
        y0 = int(pts[0].fY * scale);
        x1 = int(pts[1].fX * scale);
        y1 = int(pts[1].fY * scale);
        x2 = int(pts[2].fX * scale);
        y2 = int(pts[2].fY * scale);
        x3 = int(pts[3].fX * scale);
        y3 = int(pts[3].fY * scale);
        shift = 10 - shift;
        x0 = pts[0].fX >> shift;
        y0 = pts[0].fY >> shift;
        x1 = pts[1].fX >> shift;
        y1 = pts[1].fY >> shift;
        x2 = pts[2].fX >> shift;
        y2 = pts[2].fY >> shift;
        x3 = pts[3].fX >> shift;
        y3 = pts[3].fY >> shift;

    int winding = 1;
    if (y0 > y3)
        SkTSwap(x0, x3);
        SkTSwap(x1, x2);
        SkTSwap(y0, y3);
        SkTSwap(y1, y2);
        winding = -1;

    int top = SkFDot6Round(y0);
    int bot = SkFDot6Round(y3);

    // are we a zero-height cubic (line)?
    if (top == bot)
        return 0;

    // are we completely above or below the clip?
    if (clip && (top >= clip->fBottom || bot <= clip->fTop))
        return 0;

    // compute number of steps needed (1 << shift)
        // Can't use (center of curve - center of baseline), since center-of-curve
        // need not be the max delta from the baseline (it could even be coincident)
        // so we try just looking at the two off-curve points
        SkFDot6 dx = cubic_delta_from_line(x0, x1, x2, x3);
        SkFDot6 dy = cubic_delta_from_line(y0, y1, y2, y3);
        // add 1 (by observation)
        shift = diff_to_shift(dx, dy) + 1;
    // need at least 1 subdivision for our bias trick
    SkASSERT(shift > 0);
    if (shift > MAX_COEFF_SHIFT) {
        shift = MAX_COEFF_SHIFT;

    /*  Since our in coming data is initially shifted down by 10 (or 8 in
        antialias). That means the most we can shift up is 8. However, we
        compute coefficients with a 3*, so the safest upshift is really 6
    int upShift = 6;    // largest safe value
    int downShift = shift + upShift - 10;
    if (downShift < 0) {
        downShift = 0;
        upShift = 10 - shift;

    fWinding    = SkToS8(winding);
    fCurveCount = SkToS8(-1 << shift);
    fCurveShift = SkToU8(shift);
    fCubicDShift = SkToU8(downShift);

    SkFixed B = SkFDot6UpShift(3 * (x1 - x0), upShift);
    SkFixed C = SkFDot6UpShift(3 * (x0 - x1 - x1 + x2), upShift);
    SkFixed D = SkFDot6UpShift(x3 + 3 * (x1 - x2) - x0, upShift);

    fCx     = SkFDot6ToFixed(x0);
    fCDx    = B + (C >> shift) + (D >> 2*shift);    // biased by shift
    fCDDx   = 2*C + (3*D >> (shift - 1));           // biased by 2*shift
    fCDDDx  = 3*D >> (shift - 1);                   // biased by 2*shift

    B = SkFDot6UpShift(3 * (y1 - y0), upShift);
    C = SkFDot6UpShift(3 * (y0 - y1 - y1 + y2), upShift);
    D = SkFDot6UpShift(y3 + 3 * (y1 - y2) - y0, upShift);

    fCy     = SkFDot6ToFixed(y0);
    fCDy    = B + (C >> shift) + (D >> 2*shift);    // biased by shift
    fCDDy   = 2*C + (3*D >> (shift - 1));           // biased by 2*shift
    fCDDDy  = 3*D >> (shift - 1);                   // biased by 2*shift

    fCLastX = SkFDot6ToFixed(x3);
    fCLastY = SkFDot6ToFixed(y3);

    if (clip)
        do {
            if (!this->updateCubic()) {
                return 0;
        } while (!this->intersectsClip(*clip));
        return 1;
    return this->updateCubic();

int SkCubicEdge::updateCubic()
    int     success;
    int     count = fCurveCount;
    SkFixed oldx = fCx;
    SkFixed oldy = fCy;
    SkFixed newx, newy;
    const int ddshift = fCurveShift;
    const int dshift = fCubicDShift;

    SkASSERT(count < 0);

    do {
        if (++count < 0)
            newx    = oldx + (fCDx >> dshift);
            fCDx    += fCDDx >> ddshift;
            fCDDx   += fCDDDx;

            newy    = oldy + (fCDy >> dshift);
            fCDy    += fCDDy >> ddshift;
            fCDDy   += fCDDDy;
        else    // last segment
        //  SkDebugf("LastX err=%d, LastY err=%d\n", (oldx + (fCDx >> shift) - fLastX), (oldy + (fCDy >> shift) - fLastY));
            newx    = fCLastX;
            newy    = fCLastY;

        // we want to say SkASSERT(oldy <= newy), but our finite fixedpoint
        // doesn't always achieve that, so we have to explicitly pin it here.
        if (newy < oldy) {
            newy = oldy;

        success = this->updateLine(oldx, oldy, newx, newy);
        oldx = newx;
        oldy = newy;
    } while (count < 0 && !success);

    fCx         = newx;
    fCy         = newy;
    fCurveCount = SkToS8(count);
    return success;