// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

var harness = {
   * Kick off the test harness.
   * Called by harness.html after the dom has been parsed.
  init: function() {
    console.log('Initializing harness...');


    var self = this;

    function onFilesystem(filesystem) {
      console.log('Filesystem found.');
      self.filesystem = filesystem;

    window.webkitRequestFileSystem(window.PERSISTENT, 16 * 1024 * 1024,
                                   util.flog('Error initializing filesystem'));

    var paramstr = decodeURIComponent(document.location.search.substr(1));
    this.params = paramstr ? JSON.parse(paramstr) : {};

    var input = document.getElementById('default-path');
    input.value = this.params.defaultPath || '';
    input.addEventListener('keyup', this.onInputKeyUp.bind(this));

    var iframe = document.getElementById('dialog');
    iframe.setAttribute('src', 'main.html' + document.location.search);

  onInputKeyUp: function(event) {
    if (event.keyCode != 13)


  changePath: function() {
    var input = document.getElementById('default-path');
    this.changeParam('defaultPath', input.value);

  changeParam: function(name, value) {
    this.params[name] = value;
    document.location.href = '?' + JSON.stringify(this.params);

   * 'Reset Fileystem' button click handler.
  onClearClick: function() {
    utils.forEachDirEntry(this.filesystem.root, function(dirEntry) {
      if (!dirEntry)
        return console.log('Filesystem reset.');

      console.log('Remove: ' + dirEntry.name);

      if (dirEntry.isDirectory) {
      } else {

   * Change handler for the 'input type=file' element.
  onFilesChange: function(event) {

   * The fileManager object under test.
   * This is a getter rather than a normal property because the fileManager
   * is initialized asynchronously, and we won't be sure when it'll be
   * done.  Since harness.fileManager is intended to be used for debugging
   * from the JS console, we don't really need to be sure it's ready at any
   * particular time.
  get fileManager() {
    return document.getElementById('dialog').contentWindow.fileManager;

   * Import a list of File objects into harness.filesystem.
  importFiles: function(files) {
    var currentSrc = null;
    var currentDest = null;
    var importCount = 0;

    var self = this;

    function onWriterCreated(writer) {
      writer.onerror = util.flog('Error writing: ' + currentDest.fullPath);
      writer.onwriteend = function() {
        console.log('Wrote: ' + currentDest.fullPath);


    function onFileFound(fileEntry) {
      currentDest = fileEntry;
                               util.flog('Error creating writer for: ' +

    function processNextFile() {
      if (files.length == 0) {
        console.log('Import complete: ' + importCount + ' file(s)');

      currentSrc = files.shift();
      var destPath = currentSrc.name.replace(/\^\^/g, '/');
      self.getOrCreateFile(destPath, onFileFound,
                              util.flog('Error finding path: ' + destPath));

    console.log('Start import: ' + files.length + ' file(s)');

   * Locate the file referred to by path, creating directories or the file
   * itself if necessary.
  getOrCreateFile: function(path, successCallback, errorCallback) {
    var dirname = null;
    var basename = null;

    function onDirFound(dirEntry) {
      dirEntry.getFile(basename, { create: true },
                       successCallback, errorCallback);

    var i = path.lastIndexOf('/');
    if (i > -1) {
      dirname = path.substr(0, i);
      basename = path.substr(i + 1);
    } else {
      basename = path;

    if (!dirname)
      return onDirFound(this.filesystem.root);

    this.getOrCreatePath(dirname, onDirFound, errorCallback);

   * Locate the directory referred to by path, creating directories along the
   * way.
  getOrCreatePath: function(path, successCallback, errorCallback) {
    var names = path.split('/');

    function getOrCreateNextName(dir) {
      if (!names.length)
        return successCallback(dir);

      var name;
      do {
        name = names.shift();
      } while (!name || name == '.');

      dir.getDirectory(name, { create: true }, getOrCreateNextName,
