// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/sync/engine/net/server_connection_manager.h" #include <errno.h> #include <ostream> #include <string> #include <vector> #include "base/command_line.h" #include "build/build_config.h" #include "chrome/browser/sync/engine/net/url_translator.h" #include "chrome/browser/sync/engine/syncapi.h" #include "chrome/browser/sync/engine/syncer.h" #include "chrome/browser/sync/engine/syncproto.h" #include "chrome/browser/sync/protocol/sync.pb.h" #include "chrome/browser/sync/syncable/directory_manager.h" #include "chrome/common/chrome_switches.h" #include "chrome/common/net/http_return.h" #include "googleurl/src/gurl.h" namespace browser_sync { using std::ostream; using std::string; using std::vector; static const char kSyncServerSyncPath[] = "/command/"; // At the /time/ path of the sync server, we expect to find a very simple // time of day service that we can use to synchronize the local clock with // server time. static const char kSyncServerGetTimePath[] = "/time"; static const ServerConnectionEvent shutdown_event = { ServerConnectionEvent::SHUTDOWN, HttpResponse::CONNECTION_UNAVAILABLE, false }; bool ServerConnectionManager::Post::ReadBufferResponse( string* buffer_out, HttpResponse* response, bool require_response) { if (RC_REQUEST_OK != response->response_code) { response->server_status = HttpResponse::SYNC_SERVER_ERROR; return false; } if (require_response && (1 > response->content_length)) return false; const int64 bytes_read = ReadResponse(buffer_out, static_cast<int>(response->content_length)); if (bytes_read != response->content_length) { response->server_status = HttpResponse::IO_ERROR; return false; } return true; } bool ServerConnectionManager::Post::ReadDownloadResponse( HttpResponse* response, string* buffer_out) { const int64 bytes_read = ReadResponse(buffer_out, static_cast<int>(response->content_length)); if (bytes_read != response->content_length) { LOG(ERROR) << "Mismatched content lengths, server claimed " << response->content_length << ", but sent " << bytes_read; response->server_status = HttpResponse::IO_ERROR; return false; } return true; } namespace { string StripTrailingSlash(const string& s) { int stripped_end_pos = s.size(); if (s.at(stripped_end_pos - 1) == '/') { stripped_end_pos = stripped_end_pos - 1; } return s.substr(0, stripped_end_pos); } } // namespace // TODO(chron): Use a GURL instead of string concatenation. string ServerConnectionManager::Post::MakeConnectionURL( const string& sync_server, const string& path, bool use_ssl) const { string connection_url = (use_ssl ? "https://" : "http://"); connection_url += sync_server; connection_url = StripTrailingSlash(connection_url); connection_url += path; return connection_url; } int ServerConnectionManager::Post::ReadResponse(string* out_buffer, int length) { int bytes_read = buffer_.length(); CHECK(length <= bytes_read); out_buffer->assign(buffer_); return bytes_read; } ScopedServerStatusWatcher::ScopedServerStatusWatcher( ServerConnectionManager* conn_mgr, HttpResponse* response) : conn_mgr_(conn_mgr), response_(response), reset_count_(conn_mgr->reset_count_), server_reachable_(conn_mgr->server_reachable_) { response->server_status = conn_mgr->server_status_; } ScopedServerStatusWatcher::~ScopedServerStatusWatcher() { // Don't update the status of the connection if it has been reset. // TODO(timsteele): Do we need this? Is this used by multiple threads? if (reset_count_ != conn_mgr_->reset_count_) return; if (conn_mgr_->server_status_ != response_->server_status) { conn_mgr_->server_status_ = response_->server_status; conn_mgr_->NotifyStatusChanged(); return; } // Notify if we've gone on or offline. if (server_reachable_ != conn_mgr_->server_reachable_) conn_mgr_->NotifyStatusChanged(); } ServerConnectionManager::ServerConnectionManager( const string& server, int port, bool use_ssl, const string& user_agent) : sync_server_(server), sync_server_port_(port), user_agent_(user_agent), use_ssl_(use_ssl), proto_sync_path_(kSyncServerSyncPath), get_time_path_(kSyncServerGetTimePath), error_count_(0), channel_(new Channel(shutdown_event)), listeners_(new ObserverListThreadSafe<ServerConnectionEventListener>()), server_status_(HttpResponse::NONE), server_reachable_(false), reset_count_(0), terminate_all_io_(false) { } ServerConnectionManager::~ServerConnectionManager() { delete channel_; } void ServerConnectionManager::NotifyStatusChanged() { listeners_->Notify(&ServerConnectionEventListener::OnServerConnectionEvent, ServerConnectionEvent2(server_status_, server_reachable_)); } bool ServerConnectionManager::PostBufferWithCachedAuth( const PostBufferParams* params, ScopedServerStatusWatcher* watcher) { string path = MakeSyncServerPath(proto_sync_path(), MakeSyncQueryString(client_id_)); return PostBufferToPath(params, path, auth_token(), watcher); } bool ServerConnectionManager::PostBufferToPath(const PostBufferParams* params, const string& path, const string& auth_token, ScopedServerStatusWatcher* watcher) { DCHECK(watcher != NULL); scoped_ptr<Post> post(MakePost()); post->set_timing_info(params->timing_info); bool ok = post->Init(path.c_str(), auth_token, params->buffer_in, params->response); if (!ok || RC_REQUEST_OK != params->response->response_code) { IncrementErrorCount(); return false; } if (post->ReadBufferResponse(params->buffer_out, params->response, true)) { params->response->server_status = HttpResponse::SERVER_CONNECTION_OK; server_reachable_ = true; return true; } return false; } bool ServerConnectionManager::CheckTime(int32* out_time) { // Verify that the server really is reachable by checking the time. We need // to do this because of wifi interstitials that intercept messages from the // client and return HTTP OK instead of a redirect. HttpResponse response; ScopedServerStatusWatcher watcher(this, &response); string post_body = "command=get_time"; // We only retry the CheckTime call if we were reset during the CheckTime // attempt. We only try 3 times in case we're in a reset loop elsewhere. base::subtle::AtomicWord start_reset_count = reset_count_ - 1; for (int i = 0 ; i < 3 && start_reset_count != reset_count_ ; i++) { start_reset_count = reset_count_; scoped_ptr<Post> post(MakePost()); // Note that the server's get_time path doesn't require authentication. string get_time_path = MakeSyncServerPath(kSyncServerGetTimePath, post_body); VLOG(1) << "Requesting get_time from:" << get_time_path; string blank_post_body; bool ok = post->Init(get_time_path.c_str(), blank_post_body, blank_post_body, &response); if (!ok) { VLOG(1) << "Unable to check the time"; continue; } string time_response; time_response.resize( static_cast<string::size_type>(response.content_length)); ok = post->ReadDownloadResponse(&response, &time_response); if (!ok || string::npos != time_response.find_first_not_of("0123456789")) { LOG(ERROR) << "unable to read a non-numeric response from get_time:" << time_response; continue; } *out_time = atoi(time_response.c_str()); VLOG(1) << "Server was reachable."; return true; } IncrementErrorCount(); return false; } bool ServerConnectionManager::IsServerReachable() { int32 time; return CheckTime(&time); } bool ServerConnectionManager::IsUserAuthenticated() { return IsGoodReplyFromServer(server_status_); } bool ServerConnectionManager::CheckServerReachable() { const bool server_is_reachable = IsServerReachable(); if (server_reachable_ != server_is_reachable) { server_reachable_ = server_is_reachable; NotifyStatusChanged(); } return server_is_reachable; } void ServerConnectionManager::kill() { { base::AutoLock lock(terminate_all_io_mutex_); terminate_all_io_ = true; } } void ServerConnectionManager::ResetConnection() { base::subtle::NoBarrier_AtomicIncrement(&reset_count_, 1); } bool ServerConnectionManager::IncrementErrorCount() { error_count_mutex_.Acquire(); error_count_++; if (error_count_ > kMaxConnectionErrorsBeforeReset) { error_count_ = 0; // Be careful with this mutex because calling out to other methods can // result in being called back. Unlock it here to prevent any potential // double-acquisitions. error_count_mutex_.Release(); if (!IsServerReachable()) { LOG(WARNING) << "Too many connection failures, server is not reachable. " << "Resetting connections."; ResetConnection(); } else { LOG(WARNING) << "Multiple connection failures while server is reachable."; } return false; } error_count_mutex_.Release(); return true; } void ServerConnectionManager::SetServerParameters(const string& server_url, int port, bool use_ssl) { { base::AutoLock lock(server_parameters_mutex_); sync_server_ = server_url; sync_server_port_ = port; use_ssl_ = use_ssl; } } // Returns the current server parameters in server_url and port. void ServerConnectionManager::GetServerParameters(string* server_url, int* port, bool* use_ssl) const { base::AutoLock lock(server_parameters_mutex_); if (server_url != NULL) *server_url = sync_server_; if (port != NULL) *port = sync_server_port_; if (use_ssl != NULL) *use_ssl = use_ssl_; } std::string ServerConnectionManager::GetServerHost() const { string server_url; int port; bool use_ssl; GetServerParameters(&server_url, &port, &use_ssl); // For unit tests. if (server_url.empty()) return std::string(); // We just want the hostname, so we don't need to switch on use_ssl. server_url = "http://" + server_url; GURL gurl(server_url); DCHECK(gurl.is_valid()) << gurl; return gurl.host(); } void ServerConnectionManager::AddListener( ServerConnectionEventListener* listener) { listeners_->AddObserver(listener); } void ServerConnectionManager::RemoveListener( ServerConnectionEventListener* listener) { listeners_->RemoveObserver(listener); } ServerConnectionManager::Post* ServerConnectionManager::MakePost() { return NULL; // For testing. } bool FillMessageWithShareDetails(sync_pb::ClientToServerMessage* csm, syncable::DirectoryManager* manager, const std::string& share) { syncable::ScopedDirLookup dir(manager, share); if (!dir.good()) { VLOG(1) << "Dir lookup failed"; return false; } string birthday = dir->store_birthday(); if (!birthday.empty()) csm->set_store_birthday(birthday); csm->set_share(share); return true; } std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& s, const struct HttpResponse& hr) { s << " Response Code (bogus on error): " << hr.response_code; s << " Content-Length (bogus on error): " << hr.content_length; s << " Server Status: " << hr.server_status; return s; } } // namespace browser_sync