// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "ash/system/tray/tray_details_view.h" #include "ash/system/tray/fixed_sized_scroll_view.h" #include "ash/system/tray/system_tray.h" #include "ash/system/tray/system_tray_item.h" #include "ash/system/tray/tray_constants.h" #include "ui/gfx/canvas.h" #include "ui/views/background.h" #include "ui/views/border.h" #include "ui/views/controls/scroll_view.h" #include "ui/views/layout/box_layout.h" namespace ash { namespace internal { class ScrollSeparator : public views::View { public: ScrollSeparator() {} virtual ~ScrollSeparator() {} private: // Overriden from views::View. virtual void OnPaint(gfx::Canvas* canvas) OVERRIDE { canvas->FillRect(gfx::Rect(0, height() / 2, width(), 1), kBorderLightColor); } virtual gfx::Size GetPreferredSize() OVERRIDE { return gfx::Size(1, kTrayPopupScrollSeparatorHeight); } DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ScrollSeparator); }; class ScrollBorder : public views::Border { public: ScrollBorder() {} virtual ~ScrollBorder() {} void set_visible(bool visible) { visible_ = visible; } private: // Overridden from views::Border. virtual void Paint(const views::View& view, gfx::Canvas* canvas) OVERRIDE { if (!visible_) return; canvas->FillRect(gfx::Rect(0, view.height() - 1, view.width(), 1), kBorderLightColor); } virtual gfx::Insets GetInsets() const OVERRIDE { return gfx::Insets(0, 0, 1, 0); } virtual gfx::Size GetMinimumSize() const OVERRIDE { return gfx::Size(0, 1); } bool visible_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ScrollBorder); }; TrayDetailsView::TrayDetailsView(SystemTrayItem* owner) : owner_(owner), footer_(NULL), scroller_(NULL), scroll_content_(NULL), scroll_border_(NULL) { SetLayoutManager(new views::BoxLayout(views::BoxLayout::kVertical, 0, 0, 0)); set_background(views::Background::CreateSolidBackground(kBackgroundColor)); } TrayDetailsView::~TrayDetailsView() { } void TrayDetailsView::CreateSpecialRow(int string_id, ViewClickListener* listener) { DCHECK(!footer_); footer_ = new SpecialPopupRow(); footer_->SetTextLabel(string_id, listener); AddChildViewAt(footer_, child_count()); } void TrayDetailsView::CreateScrollableList() { DCHECK(!scroller_); scroll_content_ = new views::View; scroll_content_->SetLayoutManager(new views::BoxLayout( views::BoxLayout::kVertical, 0, 0, 1)); scroller_ = new FixedSizedScrollView; scroller_->SetContentsView(scroll_content_); // Note: |scroller_| takes ownership of |scroll_border_|. scroll_border_ = new ScrollBorder; scroller_->set_border(scroll_border_); AddChildView(scroller_); } void TrayDetailsView::AddScrollSeparator() { DCHECK(scroll_content_); // Do not draw the separator if it is the very first item // in the scrollable list. if (scroll_content_->has_children()) scroll_content_->AddChildView(new ScrollSeparator); } void TrayDetailsView::Reset() { RemoveAllChildViews(true); footer_ = NULL; scroller_ = NULL; scroll_content_ = NULL; } void TrayDetailsView::TransitionToDefaultView() { // Cache pointer to owner in this function scope. TrayDetailsView will be // deleted after called ShowDefaultView. SystemTrayItem* owner = owner_; if (footer_ && footer_->content() && footer_->content()->HasFocus()) owner->set_restore_focus(true); owner->system_tray()->ShowDefaultView(BUBBLE_USE_EXISTING); owner->set_restore_focus(false); } void TrayDetailsView::Layout() { if (!scroller_ || !footer_ || bounds().IsEmpty()) { views::View::Layout(); return; } scroller_->set_fixed_size(gfx::Size()); gfx::Size size = GetPreferredSize(); // Set the scroller to fill the space above the bottom row, so that the // bottom row of the detailed view will always stay just above the footer. gfx::Size scroller_size = scroll_content_->GetPreferredSize(); scroller_->set_fixed_size(gfx::Size( width() + scroller_->GetScrollBarWidth(), scroller_size.height() - (size.height() - height()))); views::View::Layout(); // Always make sure the footer element is bottom aligned. gfx::Rect fbounds = footer_->bounds(); fbounds.set_y(height() - footer_->height()); footer_->SetBoundsRect(fbounds); } void TrayDetailsView::OnPaintBorder(gfx::Canvas* canvas) { if (scroll_border_) { int index = GetIndexOf(scroller_); if (index < child_count() - 1 && child_at(index + 1) != footer_) scroll_border_->set_visible(true); else scroll_border_->set_visible(false); } views::View::OnPaintBorder(canvas); } } // namespace internal } // namespace ash