// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. /** * @fileoverview The menu that shows tabs from sessions on other devices. */ cr.define('ntp', function() { 'use strict'; /** @const */ var ContextMenuButton = cr.ui.ContextMenuButton; /** @const */ var Menu = cr.ui.Menu; /** @const */ var MenuItem = cr.ui.MenuItem; /** @const */ var MenuButton = cr.ui.MenuButton; /** @const */ var OtherSessionsMenuButton = cr.ui.define('button'); // Histogram buckets for UMA tracking of menu usage. /** @const */ var HISTOGRAM_EVENT = { INITIALIZED: 0, SHOW_MENU: 1, LINK_CLICKED: 2, LINK_RIGHT_CLICKED: 3, SESSION_NAME_RIGHT_CLICKED: 4, SHOW_SESSION_MENU: 5, COLLAPSE_SESSION: 6, EXPAND_SESSION: 7, OPEN_ALL: 8 }; /** @const */ var HISTOGRAM_EVENT_LIMIT = HISTOGRAM_EVENT.OPEN_ALL + 1; /** * Record an event in the UMA histogram. * @param {number} eventId The id of the event to be recorded. * @private */ function recordUmaEvent_(eventId) { chrome.send('metricsHandler:recordInHistogram', ['NewTabPage.OtherSessionsMenu', eventId, HISTOGRAM_EVENT_LIMIT]); } OtherSessionsMenuButton.prototype = { __proto__: MenuButton.prototype, decorate: function() { MenuButton.prototype.decorate.call(this); this.menu = new Menu; cr.ui.decorate(this.menu, Menu); this.menu.menuItemSelector = '[role=menuitem]'; this.menu.classList.add('footer-menu'); this.menu.addEventListener('contextmenu', this.onContextMenu_.bind(this), true); document.body.appendChild(this.menu); // Create the context menu that appears when the user right clicks // on a device name. this.deviceContextMenu_ = DeviceContextMenuController.getInstance().menu; document.body.appendChild(this.deviceContextMenu_); this.promoMessage_ = $('other-sessions-promo-template').cloneNode(true); this.promoMessage_.removeAttribute('id'); // Prevent a duplicate id. this.sessions_ = []; this.anchorType = cr.ui.AnchorType.ABOVE; this.invertLeftRight = true; // Initialize the images for the drop-down buttons that appear beside the // session names. MenuButton.createDropDownArrows(); recordUmaEvent_(HISTOGRAM_EVENT.INITIALIZED); }, /** * Initialize this element. * @param {boolean} signedIn Is the current user signed in? */ initialize: function(signedIn) { this.updateSignInState(signedIn); }, /** * Handle a context menu event for an object in the menu's DOM subtree. */ onContextMenu_: function(e) { // Only record the action if it occurred in one of the menu items or // on one of the session headings. if (findAncestorByClass(e.target, 'footer-menu-item')) { recordUmaEvent_(HISTOGRAM_EVENT.LINK_RIGHT_CLICKED); } else { var heading = findAncestorByClass(e.target, 'session-heading'); if (heading) { recordUmaEvent_(HISTOGRAM_EVENT.SESSION_NAME_RIGHT_CLICKED); // Let the context menu know which session it was invoked on, // since they all share the same instance of the menu. DeviceContextMenuController.getInstance().setSession( heading.sessionData_); } } }, /** * Hides the menu. * @override */ hideMenu: function() { // Don't hide if the device context menu is currently showing. if (this.deviceContextMenu_.hidden) MenuButton.prototype.hideMenu.call(this); }, /** * Shows the menu, first rebuilding it if necessary. * TODO(estade): the right of the menu should align with the right of the * button. * @override */ showMenu: function(shouldSetFocus) { if (this.sessions_.length == 0) chrome.send('getForeignSessions'); recordUmaEvent_(HISTOGRAM_EVENT.SHOW_MENU); MenuButton.prototype.showMenu.apply(this, arguments); // Work around https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=85884. this.menu.scrollTop = 0; }, /** * Reset the menu contents to the default state. * @private */ resetMenuContents_: function() { this.menu.innerHTML = ''; this.menu.appendChild(this.promoMessage_); }, /** * Create a custom click handler for a link, so that clicking on a link * restores the session (including back stack) rather than just opening * the URL. */ makeClickHandler_: function(sessionTag, windowId, tabId) { var self = this; return function(e) { recordUmaEvent_(HISTOGRAM_EVENT.LINK_CLICKED); chrome.send('openForeignSession', [sessionTag, windowId, tabId, e.button, e.altKey, e.ctrlKey, e.metaKey, e.shiftKey]); e.preventDefault(); }; }, /** * Add the UI for a foreign session to the menu. * @param {Object} session Object describing the foreign session. */ addSession_: function(session) { var doc = this.ownerDocument; var section = doc.createElement('section'); this.menu.appendChild(section); var heading = doc.createElement('h3'); heading.className = 'session-heading'; heading.textContent = session.name; heading.sessionData_ = session; section.appendChild(heading); var dropDownButton = new ContextMenuButton; dropDownButton.classList.add('drop-down'); // Keep track of the drop down that triggered the menu, so we know // which element to apply the command to. function handleDropDownFocus(e) { DeviceContextMenuController.getInstance().setSession(session); } dropDownButton.addEventListener('mousedown', handleDropDownFocus); dropDownButton.addEventListener('focus', handleDropDownFocus); heading.appendChild(dropDownButton); var timeSpan = doc.createElement('span'); timeSpan.className = 'details'; timeSpan.textContent = session.modifiedTime; heading.appendChild(timeSpan); cr.ui.contextMenuHandler.setContextMenu(heading, this.deviceContextMenu_); if (!session.collapsed) section.appendChild(this.createSessionContents_(session)); }, /** * Create the DOM tree representing the tabs and windows in a session. * @param {Object} session The session model object. * @return {Element} A single div containing the list of tabs & windows. * @private */ createSessionContents_: function(session) { var doc = this.ownerDocument; var contents = doc.createElement('div'); for (var i = 0; i < session.windows.length; i++) { var window = session.windows[i]; // Show a separator between multiple windows in the same session. if (i > 0) contents.appendChild(doc.createElement('hr')); for (var j = 0; j < window.tabs.length; j++) { var tab = window.tabs[j]; var a = doc.createElement('a'); a.className = 'footer-menu-item'; a.textContent = tab.title; a.href = tab.url; a.style.backgroundImage = getFaviconImageSet(tab.url); var clickHandler = this.makeClickHandler_( session.tag, String(window.sessionId), String(tab.sessionId)); a.addEventListener('click', clickHandler); contents.appendChild(a); cr.ui.decorate(a, MenuItem); } } return contents; }, /** * Sets the menu model data. An empty list means that either there are no * foreign sessions, or tab sync is disabled for this profile. * |isTabSyncEnabled| makes it possible to distinguish between the cases. * * @param {Array} sessionList Array of objects describing the sessions * from other devices. * @param {boolean} isTabSyncEnabled Is tab sync enabled for this profile? */ setForeignSessions: function(sessionList, isTabSyncEnabled) { this.sessions_ = sessionList; this.resetMenuContents_(); if (sessionList.length > 0) { // Rebuild the menu with the new data. for (var i = 0; i < sessionList.length; i++) { this.addSession_(sessionList[i]); } } // The menu button is shown iff tab sync is enabled. this.hidden = !isTabSyncEnabled; }, /** * Called when this element is initialized, and from the new tab page when * the user's signed in state changes, * @param {boolean} signedIn Is the user currently signed in? */ updateSignInState: function(signedIn) { if (signedIn) chrome.send('getForeignSessions'); else this.hidden = true; }, }; /** * Controller for the context menu for device names in the list of sessions. * This class is designed to be used as a singleton. * * @constructor */ function DeviceContextMenuController() { this.__proto__ = DeviceContextMenuController.prototype; this.initialize(); } cr.addSingletonGetter(DeviceContextMenuController); DeviceContextMenuController.prototype = { initialize: function() { var menu = new cr.ui.Menu; cr.ui.decorate(menu, cr.ui.Menu); menu.classList.add('device-context-menu'); menu.classList.add('footer-menu-context-menu'); this.menu = menu; this.collapseItem_ = this.appendMenuItem_('collapseSessionMenuItemText'); this.collapseItem_.addEventListener('activate', this.onCollapseOrExpand_.bind(this)); this.expandItem_ = this.appendMenuItem_('expandSessionMenuItemText'); this.expandItem_.addEventListener('activate', this.onCollapseOrExpand_.bind(this)); this.openAllItem_ = this.appendMenuItem_('restoreSessionMenuItemText'); this.openAllItem_.addEventListener('activate', this.onOpenAll_.bind(this)); }, /** * Appends a menu item to |this.menu|. * @param {string} textId The ID for the localized string that acts as * the item's label. */ appendMenuItem_: function(textId) { var button = cr.doc.createElement('button'); this.menu.appendChild(button); cr.ui.decorate(button, cr.ui.MenuItem); button.textContent = loadTimeData.getString(textId); return button; }, /** * Handler for the 'Collapse' and 'Expand' menu items. * @param {Event} e The activation event. * @private */ onCollapseOrExpand_: function(e) { this.session_.collapsed = !this.session_.collapsed; this.updateMenuItems_(); chrome.send('setForeignSessionCollapsed', [this.session_.tag, this.session_.collapsed]); chrome.send('getForeignSessions'); // Refresh the list. var eventId = this.session_.collapsed ? HISTOGRAM_EVENT.COLLAPSE_SESSION : HISTOGRAM_EVENT.EXPAND_SESSION; recordUmaEvent_(eventId); }, /** * Handler for the 'Open all' menu item. * @param {Event} e The activation event. * @private */ onOpenAll_: function(e) { chrome.send('openForeignSession', [this.session_.tag]); recordUmaEvent_(HISTOGRAM_EVENT.OPEN_ALL); }, /** * Set the session data for the session the context menu was invoked on. * This should never be called when the menu is visible. * @param {Object} session The model object for the session. */ setSession: function(session) { this.session_ = session; this.updateMenuItems_(); }, /** * Set the visibility of the Expand/Collapse menu items based on the state * of the session that this menu is currently associated with. * @private */ updateMenuItems_: function() { this.collapseItem_.hidden = this.session_.collapsed; this.expandItem_.hidden = !this.session_.collapsed; } }; return { OtherSessionsMenuButton: OtherSessionsMenuButton, }; });