// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. cr.define('ntp', function() { 'use strict'; var TilePage = ntp.TilePage; /** * A counter for generating unique tile IDs. */ var tileID = 0; /** * Creates a new Suggestions page object for tiling. * @constructor * @extends {HTMLAnchorElement} */ function Suggestion() { var el = cr.doc.createElement('a'); el.__proto__ = Suggestion.prototype; el.initialize(); return el; } Suggestion.prototype = { __proto__: HTMLAnchorElement.prototype, initialize: function() { this.reset(); this.addEventListener('click', this.handleClick_); this.addEventListener('keydown', this.handleKeyDown_); }, get index() { assert(this.tile); return this.tile.index; }, get data() { return this.data_; }, /** * Clears the DOM hierarchy for this node, setting it back to the default * for a blank thumbnail. TODO(georgey) make it a template. */ reset: function() { this.className = 'suggestions filler real'; this.innerHTML = '<span class="thumbnail-wrapper fills-parent">' + '<div class="close-button"></div>' + '<span class="thumbnail fills-parent">' + // thumbnail-shield provides a gradient fade effect. '<div class="thumbnail-shield fills-parent"></div>' + '</span>' + '<span class="favicon"></span>' + '</span>' + '<div class="color-stripe"></div>' + '<span class="title"></span>' + '<span class="score"></span>'; this.querySelector('.close-button').title = loadTimeData.getString('removethumbnailtooltip'); this.tabIndex = -1; this.data_ = null; this.removeAttribute('id'); this.title = ''; }, /** * Update the appearance of this tile according to |data|. * @param {Object} data A dictionary of relevant data for the page. */ updateForData: function(data) { if (this.classList.contains('blacklisted') && data) { // Animate appearance of new tile. this.classList.add('new-tile-contents'); } this.classList.remove('blacklisted'); if (!data || data.filler) { if (this.data_) this.reset(); return; } var id = tileID++; this.id = 'suggestions-tile-' + id; this.data_ = data; this.classList.add('focusable'); var faviconDiv = this.querySelector('.favicon'); var faviconUrl = 'chrome://favicon/size/16@1x/' + data.url; faviconDiv.style.backgroundImage = url(faviconUrl); chrome.send('getFaviconDominantColor', [faviconUrl, this.id]); var title = this.querySelector('.title'); title.textContent = data.title; title.dir = data.direction; var score = this.querySelector('.score'); score.textContent = data.score; // Sets the tooltip. this.title = data.title; var thumbnailUrl; thumbnailUrl = data.urlImage ? data.urlImage : 'chrome://thumb/' + data.url; this.querySelector('.thumbnail').style.backgroundImage = url(thumbnailUrl); this.href = data.url; this.classList.remove('filler'); }, /** * Sets the color of the favicon dominant color bar. * @param {string} color The css-parsable value for the color. */ set stripeColor(color) { this.querySelector('.color-stripe').style.backgroundColor = color; }, /** * Handles a click on the tile. * @param {Event} e The click event. */ handleClick_: function(e) { if (e.target.classList.contains('close-button')) { this.blacklist_(); e.preventDefault(); } else { // Records the index of this tile. chrome.send('metricsHandler:recordInHistogram', ['NewTabPage.SuggestedSite', this.index, 8]); chrome.send('suggestedSitesAction', [ntp.NtpFollowAction.CLICKED_TILE]); } }, /** * Allow blacklisting suggestions site using the keyboard. * @param {Event} e The keydown event. */ handleKeyDown_: function(e) { if (!cr.isMac && e.keyCode == 46 || // Del cr.isMac && e.metaKey && e.keyCode == 8) { // Cmd + Backspace this.blacklist_(); } }, /** * Permanently removes a page from Suggestions. */ blacklist_: function() { this.showUndoNotification_(); chrome.send('blacklistURLFromSuggestions', [this.data_.url]); this.reset(); chrome.send('getSuggestions'); this.classList.add('blacklisted'); }, /** * Shows notification that you can undo blacklisting. */ showUndoNotification_: function() { var data = this.data_; var self = this; var doUndo = function() { chrome.send('removeURLsFromSuggestionsBlacklist', [data.url]); self.updateForData(data); }; var undo = { action: doUndo, text: loadTimeData.getString('undothumbnailremove'), }; var undoAll = { action: function() { chrome.send('clearSuggestionsURLsBlacklist'); }, text: loadTimeData.getString('restoreThumbnailsShort'), }; ntp.showNotification( loadTimeData.getString('thumbnailremovednotification'), [undo, undoAll]); }, /** * Set the size and position of the suggestions tile. * @param {number} size The total size of |this|. * @param {number} x The x-position. * @param {number} y The y-position. */ setBounds: function(size, x, y) { this.style.width = size + 'px'; this.style.height = heightForWidth(size) + 'px'; this.style.left = x + 'px'; this.style.right = x + 'px'; this.style.top = y + 'px'; }, /** * Returns whether this element can be 'removed' from chrome (i.e. whether * the user can drag it onto the trash and expect something to happen). * @return {boolean} True, since suggestions pages can always be * blacklisted. */ canBeRemoved: function() { return true; }, /** * Removes this element from chrome, i.e. blacklists it. */ removeFromChrome: function() { this.blacklist_(); this.parentNode.classList.add('finishing-drag'); }, /** * Called when a drag of this tile has ended (after all animations have * finished). */ finalizeDrag: function() { this.parentNode.classList.remove('finishing-drag'); }, /** * Called when a drag is starting on the tile. Updates dataTransfer with * data for this tile (for dragging outside of the NTP). * @param {Event.DataTransfer} dataTransfer The drag event data store. */ setDragData: function(dataTransfer) { dataTransfer.setData('Text', this.data_.title); dataTransfer.setData('URL', this.data_.url); }, }; var suggestionsPageGridValues = { // The fewest tiles we will show in a row. minColCount: 2, // The suggestions we will show in a row. maxColCount: 4, // The smallest a tile can be. minTileWidth: 122, // The biggest a tile can be. 212 (max thumbnail width) + 2. maxTileWidth: 214, // The padding between tiles, as a fraction of the tile width. tileSpacingFraction: 1 / 8, }; TilePage.initGridValues(suggestionsPageGridValues); /** * Calculates the height for a Suggestion tile for a given width. The size * is based on the thumbnail, which should have a 212:132 ratio. * @return {number} The height. */ function heightForWidth(width) { // The 2s are for borders, the 36 is for the title and score. return (width - 2) * 132 / 212 + 2 + 36; } var THUMBNAIL_COUNT = 8; /** * Creates a new SuggestionsPage object. * @constructor * @extends {TilePage} */ function SuggestionsPage() { var el = new TilePage(suggestionsPageGridValues); el.__proto__ = SuggestionsPage.prototype; el.initialize(); return el; } SuggestionsPage.prototype = { __proto__: TilePage.prototype, initialize: function() { this.classList.add('suggestions-page'); this.data_ = null; this.suggestionsTiles_ = this.getElementsByClassName('suggestions real'); this.addEventListener('carddeselected', this.handleCardDeselected_); this.addEventListener('cardselected', this.handleCardSelected_); }, /** * Create blank (filler) tiles. * @private */ createTiles_: function() { for (var i = 0; i < THUMBNAIL_COUNT; i++) { this.appendTile(new Suggestion()); } }, /** * Update the tiles after a change to |this.data_|. */ updateTiles_: function() { for (var i = 0; i < THUMBNAIL_COUNT; i++) { var page = this.data_[i]; var tile = this.suggestionsTiles_[i]; if (i >= this.data_.length) tile.reset(); else tile.updateForData(page); } }, /** * Handles the 'card deselected' event (i.e. the user clicked to another * pane). * @param {Event} e The CardChanged event. */ handleCardDeselected_: function(e) { if (!document.documentElement.classList.contains('starting-up')) { chrome.send('suggestedSitesAction', [ntp.NtpFollowAction.CLICKED_OTHER_NTP_PANE]); } }, /** * Handles the 'card selected' event (i.e. the user clicked to select the * Suggested pane). * @param {Event} e The CardChanged event. */ handleCardSelected_: function(e) { if (!document.documentElement.classList.contains('starting-up')) chrome.send('suggestedSitesSelected'); }, /** * Array of suggestions data objects. * @type {Array} */ get data() { return this.data_; }, set data(data) { var startTime = Date.now(); // The first time data is set, create the tiles. if (!this.data_) { this.createTiles_(); this.data_ = data.slice(0, THUMBNAIL_COUNT); } else { this.data_ = refreshData(this.data_, data); } this.updateTiles_(); this.updateFocusableElement(); logEvent('suggestions.layout: ' + (Date.now() - startTime)); }, /** @override */ shouldAcceptDrag: function(e) { return false; }, /** @override */ heightForWidth: heightForWidth, }; /** * Executed once the NTP has loaded. Checks if the Suggested pane is * shown or not. If it is shown, the 'suggestedSitesSelected' message is sent * to the C++ code, to record the fact that the user has seen this pane. */ SuggestionsPage.onLoaded = function() { if (ntp.getCardSlider() && ntp.getCardSlider().currentCardValue && ntp.getCardSlider().currentCardValue.classList .contains('suggestions-page')) { chrome.send('suggestedSitesSelected'); } } /** * We've gotten additional data for Suggestions page. Update our old data with * the new data. The ordering of the new data is not important, except when a * page is pinned. Thus we try to minimize re-ordering. * @param {Array} oldData The current Suggestions page list. * @param {Array} newData The new Suggestions page list. * @return {Array} The merged page list that should replace the current page * list. */ function refreshData(oldData, newData) { oldData = oldData.slice(0, THUMBNAIL_COUNT); newData = newData.slice(0, THUMBNAIL_COUNT); // Copy over pinned sites directly. for (var i = 0; i < newData.length; i++) { if (newData[i].pinned) { oldData[i] = newData[i]; // Mark the entry as 'updated' so we don't try to update again. oldData[i].updated = true; // Mark the newData page as 'used' so we don't try to re-use it. newData[i].used = true; } } // Look through old pages; if they exist in the newData list, keep them // where they are. for (var i = 0; i < oldData.length; i++) { if (!oldData[i] || oldData[i].updated) continue; for (var j = 0; j < newData.length; j++) { if (newData[j].used) continue; if (newData[j].url == oldData[i].url) { // The background image and other data may have changed. oldData[i] = newData[j]; oldData[i].updated = true; newData[j].used = true; break; } } } // Look through old pages that haven't been updated yet; replace them. for (var i = 0; i < oldData.length; i++) { if (oldData[i] && oldData[i].updated) continue; for (var j = 0; j < newData.length; j++) { if (newData[j].used) continue; oldData[i] = newData[j]; oldData[i].updated = true; newData[j].used = true; break; } if (oldData[i] && !oldData[i].updated) oldData[i] = null; } // Clear 'updated' flags so this function will work next time it's called. for (var i = 0; i < THUMBNAIL_COUNT; i++) { if (oldData[i]) oldData[i].updated = false; } return oldData; } return { SuggestionsPage: SuggestionsPage, refreshData: refreshData, }; }); document.addEventListener('ntpLoaded', ntp.SuggestionsPage.onLoaded);