// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Swig Interface for PyAuto.
// PyAuto makes the Automation Proxy interface available in Python
// Running swig as:
//   swig -python -c++ chrome/test/pyautolib/pyautolib.i
// would generate pyautolib.py, pyautolib_wrap.cxx

// When adding a new class or method, make sure you specify the doc string using
// %feature("docstring", "doc string goes here") NODENAME;
// and attach it to your node (class or method). This doc string will be
// copied over in the generated python classes/methods.

%module(docstring="Python interface to Automation Proxy.") pyautolib
%feature("autodoc", "1");

%include <cpointer.i>
%include <std_string.i>
%include <std_wstring.i>

%include "chrome/test/pyautolib/argc_argv.i"

// NOTE: All files included in this file should also be listed under
//       pyautolib_sources in chrome_tests.gypi.

// Headers that can be swigged directly.
%include "chrome/app/chrome_command_ids.h"
%include "chrome/app/chrome_dll_resource.h"
%include "chrome/common/automation_constants.h"
%include "chrome/common/pref_names.h"
%include "content/public/common/page_type.h"
%include "content/public/common/security_style.h"
// Must come before cert_status_flags.h
%include "net/base/net_export.h"
%ignore net::MapNetErrorToCertStatus(int);
%include "net/cert/cert_status_flags.h"

#include "chrome/common/automation_constants.h"
#include "chrome/common/pref_names.h"
#include "chrome/test/automation/browser_proxy.h"
#include "chrome/test/automation/tab_proxy.h"
#include "chrome/test/pyautolib/pyautolib.h"
#include "content/public/common/security_style.h"
#include "net/test/spawned_test_server/spawned_test_server.h"

// Handle type uint32 conversions as int
%apply int { uint32 };

// scoped_refptr
template <class T>
class scoped_refptr {
  scoped_refptr(T* p);

  T* get() const;
  T* operator->() const;

%feature("docstring", "Represent a URL. Call spec() to get the string.") GURL;
class GURL {
  explicit GURL(const std::string& url_string);
  %feature("docstring", "Get the string representation.") spec;
  const std::string& spec() const;

// FilePath
namespace base {
         "Represent a file path. Call value() to get the string.") FilePath;
class FilePath {
  %feature("docstring", "Get the string representation.") value;
#ifdef SWIGWIN
  typedef std::wstring StringType;
  typedef std::string StringType;
#endif  // SWIGWIN
  const StringType& value() const;
  %feature("docstring", "Construct an empty FilePath from a string.")
  explicit FilePath(const StringType& path);
}  // namespace base

class PyUITestSuiteBase {
  %feature("docstring", "Create the suite.") PyUITestSuiteBase;
  PyUITestSuiteBase(int argc, char** argv);
  virtual ~PyUITestSuiteBase();

  %feature("docstring", "Initialize from the path to browser dir.")
  void InitializeWithPath(const base::FilePath& browser_dir);
  %feature("docstring", "Set chrome source root path, used in some tests")
  void SetCrSourceRoot(const base::FilePath& path);

class PyUITestBase {
  PyUITestBase(bool clear_profile, std::wstring homepage);

  %feature("docstring", "Initialize the entire setup. Should be called "
           "before launching the browser. For internal use.") Initialize;
  void Initialize(const base::FilePath& browser_dir);

  %feature("docstring", "Appends a command-line switch (with associated value "
           "if given) to the list of switches to be passed to the browser "
           "upon launch. Should be called before launching the browser. "
           "For internal use only.")
  void AppendBrowserLaunchSwitch(const char* name);
  void AppendBrowserLaunchSwitch(const char* name, const char* value);

  %feature("docstring", "Begins tracing with the given category_patterns "
  bool BeginTracing(const std::string& category_patterns);

  %feature("docstring", "Ends tracing and returns the collected events.")
  std::string EndTracing();

  void UseNamedChannelID(const std::string& named_channel_id);

           "Fires up the browser and opens a window.") SetUp;
  virtual void SetUp();
           "Closes all windows and destroys the browser.") TearDown;
  virtual void TearDown();

  %feature("docstring", "Launches the browser and IPC testing server.")
  void LaunchBrowserAndServer();
  %feature("docstring", "Closes the browser and IPC testing server.")
  void CloseBrowserAndServer();

  %feature("docstring", "Determine if the profile is set to be cleared on "
                        "next startup.") get_clear_profile;
  bool get_clear_profile() const;
  %feature("docstring", "If False, sets the flag so that the profile is "
           "not cleared on next startup. Useful for persisting profile "
           "across restarts. By default the state is True, to clear profile.")
  void set_clear_profile(bool clear_profile);

  %feature("docstring", "Get the path to profile directory.") user_data_dir;
  base::FilePath user_data_dir() const;

  // Meta-method
  %feature("docstring", "Send a sync JSON request to Chrome.  "
                        "Returns a JSON dict as a response.  "
                        "Given timeout in milliseconds."
                        "Internal method.")
  std::string _SendJSONRequest(int window_index,
                               const std::string& request,
                               int timeout);

           "Returns empty string if there were no unexpected Chrome asserts or "
           "crashes, a string describing the failures otherwise. As a side "
           "effect, it will fail with EXPECT_EQ macros if this code runs "
           "within a gtest harness.") GetErrorsAndCrashes;
  std::string CheckErrorsAndCrashes() const;

namespace net {
// SpawnedTestServer
         "SpawnedTestServer. Serves files in data dir over a local http server")
class SpawnedTestServer {
  enum Type {

  // Initialize a SpawnedTestServer listening on the specified host
  // (IP or hostname).
  SpawnedTestServer(Type type, const std::string& host,
                    const base::FilePath& document_root);
  // Initialize a SpawnedTestServer with a specific set of SSLOptions.
  SpawnedTestServer(Type type,
                    const SSLOptions& ssl_options,
                    const base::FilePath& document_root);

  %feature("docstring", "Start SpawnedTestServer over an ephemeral port") Start;
  bool Start();

  %feature("docstring", "Stop SpawnedTestServer") Stop;
  bool Stop();

  %feature("docstring", "Get FilePath to the document root") document_root;
  const base::FilePath& document_root() const;

  std::string GetScheme() const;

  %feature("docstring", "Get URL for a file path") GetURL;
  GURL GetURL(const std::string& path) const;

%extend SpawnedTestServer {
  %feature("docstring", "Get port number.") GetPort;
  int GetPort() const {
    int val = 0;
    $self->server_data().GetInteger("port", &val);
    return val;

// SSLOptions
         "SSLOptions. Sets one of three types of a cert")
struct SSLOptions {
  enum ServerCertificate {

  // Initialize a new SSLOptions that will use the specified certificate.
  explicit SSLOptions(ServerCertificate cert);

typedef net::SpawnedTestServer::SSLOptions SSLOptions;

%pointer_class(int, int_ptr);
%pointer_class(uint32, uint32_ptr);