// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "mojo/public/utility/run_loop.h" #include <assert.h> #include <algorithm> #include <vector> #include "mojo/public/utility/run_loop_handler.h" #include "mojo/public/utility/thread_local.h" namespace mojo { namespace utility { namespace { ThreadLocalPointer<RunLoop>* tls_run_loop = NULL; const MojoTimeTicks kInvalidTimeTicks = static_cast<MojoTimeTicks>(0); } // namespace // State needed for one iteration of WaitMany(). struct RunLoop::WaitState { WaitState() : deadline(MOJO_DEADLINE_INDEFINITE) {} std::vector<Handle> handles; std::vector<MojoWaitFlags> wait_flags; MojoDeadline deadline; }; struct RunLoop::RunState { RunState() : should_quit(false) {} bool should_quit; }; RunLoop::RunLoop() : run_state_(NULL), next_handler_id_(0) { assert(tls_run_loop); assert(!tls_run_loop->Get()); tls_run_loop->Set(this); } RunLoop::~RunLoop() { assert(tls_run_loop->Get() == this); tls_run_loop->Set(NULL); } // static void RunLoop::SetUp() { assert(!tls_run_loop); tls_run_loop = new ThreadLocalPointer<RunLoop>; } // static void RunLoop::TearDown() { assert(!current()); assert(tls_run_loop); delete tls_run_loop; tls_run_loop = NULL; } // static RunLoop* RunLoop::current() { assert(tls_run_loop); return tls_run_loop->Get(); } void RunLoop::AddHandler(RunLoopHandler* handler, const Handle& handle, MojoWaitFlags wait_flags, MojoDeadline deadline) { assert(current() == this); assert(handler); assert(handle.is_valid()); // Assume it's an error if someone tries to reregister an existing handle. assert(0u == handler_data_.count(handle)); HandlerData handler_data; handler_data.handler = handler; handler_data.wait_flags = wait_flags; handler_data.deadline = (deadline == MOJO_DEADLINE_INDEFINITE) ? kInvalidTimeTicks : GetTimeTicksNow() + static_cast<MojoTimeTicks>(deadline); handler_data.id = next_handler_id_++; handler_data_[handle] = handler_data; } void RunLoop::RemoveHandler(const Handle& handle) { assert(current() == this); handler_data_.erase(handle); } void RunLoop::Run() { assert(current() == this); // We don't currently support nesting. assert(!run_state_); RunState* old_state = run_state_; RunState run_state; run_state_ = &run_state; while (!run_state.should_quit) Wait(); run_state_ = old_state; } void RunLoop::Quit() { assert(current() == this); if (run_state_) run_state_->should_quit = true; } void RunLoop::Wait() { const WaitState wait_state = GetWaitState(); if (wait_state.handles.empty()) { Quit(); return; } const MojoResult result = WaitMany(wait_state.handles, wait_state.wait_flags, wait_state.deadline); if (result >= 0) { const size_t index = static_cast<size_t>(result); assert(handler_data_.find(wait_state.handles[index]) != handler_data_.end()); handler_data_[wait_state.handles[index]].handler->OnHandleReady( wait_state.handles[index]); } else { switch (result) { case MOJO_RESULT_INVALID_ARGUMENT: case MOJO_RESULT_FAILED_PRECONDITION: RemoveFirstInvalidHandle(wait_state); break; case MOJO_RESULT_DEADLINE_EXCEEDED: break; default: assert(false); } } NotifyDeadlineExceeded(); } void RunLoop::NotifyDeadlineExceeded() { // Make a copy in case someone tries to add/remove new handlers as part of // notifying. const HandleToHandlerData cloned_handlers(handler_data_); const MojoTimeTicks now(GetTimeTicksNow()); for (HandleToHandlerData::const_iterator i = cloned_handlers.begin(); i != cloned_handlers.end(); ++i) { // Since we're iterating over a clone of the handlers, verify the handler is // still valid before notifying. if (i->second.deadline != kInvalidTimeTicks && i->second.deadline < now && handler_data_.find(i->first) != handler_data_.end() && handler_data_[i->first].id == i->second.id) { i->second.handler->OnHandleError(i->first, MOJO_RESULT_DEADLINE_EXCEEDED); } } } void RunLoop::RemoveFirstInvalidHandle(const WaitState& wait_state) { for (size_t i = 0; i < wait_state.handles.size(); ++i) { const MojoResult result = mojo::Wait(wait_state.handles[i], wait_state.wait_flags[i], static_cast<MojoDeadline>(0)); if (result == MOJO_RESULT_INVALID_ARGUMENT || result == MOJO_RESULT_FAILED_PRECONDITION) { // Remove the handle first, this way if OnHandleError() tries to remove // the handle our iterator isn't invalidated. assert(handler_data_.find(wait_state.handles[i]) != handler_data_.end()); RunLoopHandler* handler = handler_data_[wait_state.handles[i]].handler; handler_data_.erase(wait_state.handles[i]); handler->OnHandleError(wait_state.handles[i], result); return; } else { assert(MOJO_RESULT_DEADLINE_EXCEEDED == result); } } } RunLoop::WaitState RunLoop::GetWaitState() const { WaitState wait_state; MojoTimeTicks min_time = kInvalidTimeTicks; for (HandleToHandlerData::const_iterator i = handler_data_.begin(); i != handler_data_.end(); ++i) { wait_state.handles.push_back(i->first); wait_state.wait_flags.push_back(i->second.wait_flags); if (i->second.deadline != kInvalidTimeTicks && (min_time == kInvalidTimeTicks || i->second.deadline < min_time)) { min_time = i->second.deadline; } } if (min_time != kInvalidTimeTicks) { const MojoTimeTicks now = GetTimeTicksNow(); if (min_time < now) wait_state.deadline = static_cast<MojoDeadline>(0); else wait_state.deadline = static_cast<MojoDeadline>(min_time - now); } return wait_state; } } // namespace utility } // namespace mojo