# Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. import BaseHTTPServer import errno import json import optparse import os import re import socket import SocketServer import struct import sys import warnings # Ignore deprecation warnings, they make our output more cluttered. warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=DeprecationWarning) if sys.platform == 'win32': import msvcrt # Using debug() seems to cause hangs on XP: see http://crbug.com/64515. debug_output = sys.stderr def debug(string): debug_output.write(string + "\n") debug_output.flush() class Error(Exception): """Error class for this module.""" class OptionError(Error): """Error for bad command line options.""" class FileMultiplexer(object): def __init__(self, fd1, fd2) : self.__fd1 = fd1 self.__fd2 = fd2 def __del__(self) : if self.__fd1 != sys.stdout and self.__fd1 != sys.stderr: self.__fd1.close() if self.__fd2 != sys.stdout and self.__fd2 != sys.stderr: self.__fd2.close() def write(self, text) : self.__fd1.write(text) self.__fd2.write(text) def flush(self) : self.__fd1.flush() self.__fd2.flush() class ClientRestrictingServerMixIn: """Implements verify_request to limit connections to our configured IP address.""" def verify_request(self, _request, client_address): return client_address[0] == self.server_address[0] class BrokenPipeHandlerMixIn: """Allows the server to deal with "broken pipe" errors (which happen if the browser quits with outstanding requests, like for the favicon). This mix-in requires the class to derive from SocketServer.BaseServer and not override its handle_error() method. """ def handle_error(self, request, client_address): value = sys.exc_info()[1] if isinstance(value, socket.error): err = value.args[0] if sys.platform in ('win32', 'cygwin'): # "An established connection was aborted by the software in your host." pipe_err = 10053 else: pipe_err = errno.EPIPE if err == pipe_err: print "testserver.py: Broken pipe" return SocketServer.BaseServer.handle_error(self, request, client_address) class StoppableHTTPServer(BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer): """This is a specialization of BaseHTTPServer to allow it to be exited cleanly (by setting its "stop" member to True).""" def serve_forever(self): self.stop = False self.nonce_time = None while not self.stop: self.handle_request() self.socket.close() def MultiplexerHack(std_fd, log_fd): """Creates a FileMultiplexer that will write to both specified files. When running on Windows XP bots, stdout and stderr will be invalid file handles, so log_fd will be returned directly. (This does not occur if you run the test suite directly from a console, but only if the output of the test executable is redirected.) """ if std_fd.fileno() <= 0: return log_fd return FileMultiplexer(std_fd, log_fd) class BasePageHandler(BaseHTTPServer.BaseHTTPRequestHandler): def __init__(self, request, client_address, socket_server, connect_handlers, get_handlers, head_handlers, post_handlers, put_handlers): self._connect_handlers = connect_handlers self._get_handlers = get_handlers self._head_handlers = head_handlers self._post_handlers = post_handlers self._put_handlers = put_handlers BaseHTTPServer.BaseHTTPRequestHandler.__init__( self, request, client_address, socket_server) def log_request(self, *args, **kwargs): # Disable request logging to declutter test log output. pass def _ShouldHandleRequest(self, handler_name): """Determines if the path can be handled by the handler. We consider a handler valid if the path begins with the handler name. It can optionally be followed by "?*", "/*". """ pattern = re.compile('%s($|\?|/).*' % handler_name) return pattern.match(self.path) def do_CONNECT(self): for handler in self._connect_handlers: if handler(): return def do_GET(self): for handler in self._get_handlers: if handler(): return def do_HEAD(self): for handler in self._head_handlers: if handler(): return def do_POST(self): for handler in self._post_handlers: if handler(): return def do_PUT(self): for handler in self._put_handlers: if handler(): return class TestServerRunner(object): """Runs a test server and communicates with the controlling C++ test code. Subclasses should override the create_server method to create their server object, and the add_options method to add their own options. """ def __init__(self): self.option_parser = optparse.OptionParser() self.add_options() def main(self): self.options, self.args = self.option_parser.parse_args() logfile = open(self.options.log_file, 'w') sys.stderr = MultiplexerHack(sys.stderr, logfile) if self.options.log_to_console: sys.stdout = MultiplexerHack(sys.stdout, logfile) else: sys.stdout = logfile server_data = { 'host': self.options.host, } self.server = self.create_server(server_data) self._notify_startup_complete(server_data) self.run_server() def create_server(self, server_data): """Creates a server object and returns it. Must populate server_data['port'], and can set additional server_data elements if desired.""" raise NotImplementedError() def run_server(self): try: self.server.serve_forever() except KeyboardInterrupt: print 'shutting down server' self.server.stop = True def add_options(self): self.option_parser.add_option('--startup-pipe', type='int', dest='startup_pipe', help='File handle of pipe to parent process') self.option_parser.add_option('--log-to-console', action='store_const', const=True, default=False, dest='log_to_console', help='Enables or disables sys.stdout logging ' 'to the console.') self.option_parser.add_option('--log-file', default='testserver.log', dest='log_file', help='The name of the server log file.') self.option_parser.add_option('--port', default=0, type='int', help='Port used by the server. If ' 'unspecified, the server will listen on an ' 'ephemeral port.') self.option_parser.add_option('--host', default='', dest='host', help='Hostname or IP upon which the server ' 'will listen. Client connections will also ' 'only be allowed from this address.') self.option_parser.add_option('--data-dir', dest='data_dir', help='Directory from which to read the ' 'files.') def _notify_startup_complete(self, server_data): # Notify the parent that we've started. (BaseServer subclasses # bind their sockets on construction.) if self.options.startup_pipe is not None: server_data_json = json.dumps(server_data) server_data_len = len(server_data_json) print 'sending server_data: %s (%d bytes)' % ( server_data_json, server_data_len) if sys.platform == 'win32': fd = msvcrt.open_osfhandle(self.options.startup_pipe, 0) else: fd = self.options.startup_pipe startup_pipe = os.fdopen(fd, "w") # First write the data length as an unsigned 4-byte value. This # is _not_ using network byte ordering since the other end of the # pipe is on the same machine. startup_pipe.write(struct.pack('=L', server_data_len)) startup_pipe.write(server_data_json) startup_pipe.close()