/* * Copyright 2013 Google Inc. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #include "SkCanvasStateUtils.h" #include "SkBitmapDevice.h" #include "SkCanvas.h" #include "SkCanvasStack.h" #include "SkErrorInternals.h" #include "SkWriter32.h" #define CANVAS_STATE_VERSION 1 /* * WARNING: The structs below are part of a stable ABI and as such we explicitly * use unambigious primitives (e.g. int32_t instead of an enum). * * ANY CHANGES TO THE STRUCTS BELOW THAT IMPACT THE ABI SHOULD RESULT IN AN * UPDATE OF THE CANVAS_STATE_VERSION. SUCH CHANGES SHOULD ONLY BE MADE IF * ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY! */ enum RasterConfigs { kUnknown_RasterConfig = 0, kRGB_565_RasterConfig = 1, kARGB_8888_RasterConfig = 2 }; typedef int32_t RasterConfig; enum CanvasBackends { kUnknown_CanvasBackend = 0, kRaster_CanvasBackend = 1, kGPU_CanvasBackend = 2, kPDF_CanvasBackend = 3 }; typedef int32_t CanvasBackend; struct ClipRect { int32_t left, top, right, bottom; }; struct SkMCState { float matrix[9]; // NOTE: this only works for non-antialiased clips int32_t clipRectCount; ClipRect* clipRects; }; // NOTE: If you add more members, bump CanvasState::version. struct SkCanvasLayerState { CanvasBackend type; int32_t x, y; int32_t width; int32_t height; SkMCState mcState; union { struct { RasterConfig config; // pixel format: a value from RasterConfigs. size_t rowBytes; // Number of bytes from start of one line to next. void* pixels; // The pixels, all (height * rowBytes) of them. } raster; struct { int32_t textureID; } gpu; }; }; class SkCanvasState { public: SkCanvasState(SkCanvas* canvas) { SkASSERT(canvas); version = CANVAS_STATE_VERSION; width = canvas->getDeviceSize().width(); height = canvas->getDeviceSize().height(); layerCount = 0; layers = NULL; originalCanvas = SkRef(canvas); mcState.clipRectCount = 0; mcState.clipRects = NULL; } ~SkCanvasState() { // loop through the layers and free the data allocated to the clipRects for (int i = 0; i < layerCount; ++i) { sk_free(layers[i].mcState.clipRects); } sk_free(mcState.clipRects); sk_free(layers); // it is now safe to free the canvas since there should be no remaining // references to the content that is referenced by this canvas (e.g. pixels) originalCanvas->unref(); } /** * The version this struct was built with. This field must always appear * first in the struct so that when the versions don't match (and the * remaining contents and size are potentially different) we can still * compare the version numbers. */ int32_t version; int32_t width; int32_t height; SkMCState mcState; int32_t layerCount; SkCanvasLayerState* layers; private: SkCanvas* originalCanvas; }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class ClipValidator : public SkCanvas::ClipVisitor { public: ClipValidator() : fFailed(false) {} bool failed() { return fFailed; } // ClipVisitor virtual void clipRect(const SkRect& rect, SkRegion::Op op, bool antialias) SK_OVERRIDE { fFailed |= antialias; } virtual void clipPath(const SkPath&, SkRegion::Op, bool antialias) SK_OVERRIDE { fFailed |= antialias; } private: bool fFailed; }; static void setup_MC_state(SkMCState* state, const SkMatrix& matrix, const SkRegion& clip) { // initialize the struct state->clipRectCount = 0; // capture the matrix for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { state->matrix[i] = matrix.get(i); } /* * capture the clip * * storage is allocated on the stack for the first 4 rects. This value was * chosen somewhat arbitrarily, but does allow us to represent simple clips * and some more common complex clips (e.g. a clipRect with a sub-rect * clipped out of its interior) without needing to malloc any additional memory. */ const int clipBufferSize = 4 * sizeof(ClipRect); char clipBuffer[clipBufferSize]; SkWriter32 clipWriter(sizeof(ClipRect), clipBuffer, clipBufferSize); if (!clip.isEmpty()) { // only returns the b/w clip so aa clips fail SkRegion::Iterator clip_iterator(clip); for (; !clip_iterator.done(); clip_iterator.next()) { // this assumes the SkIRect is stored in l,t,r,b ordering which // matches the ordering of our ClipRect struct clipWriter.writeIRect(clip_iterator.rect()); state->clipRectCount++; } } // allocate memory for the clip then and copy them to the struct state->clipRects = (ClipRect*) sk_malloc_throw(clipWriter.bytesWritten()); clipWriter.flatten(state->clipRects); } SkCanvasState* SkCanvasStateUtils::CaptureCanvasState(SkCanvas* canvas) { SkASSERT(canvas); // Check the clip can be decomposed into rectangles (i.e. no soft clips). ClipValidator validator; canvas->replayClips(&validator); if (validator.failed()) { SkErrorInternals::SetError(kInvalidOperation_SkError, "CaptureCanvasState does not support canvases with antialiased clips.\n"); return NULL; } SkAutoTDelete<SkCanvasState> canvasState(SkNEW_ARGS(SkCanvasState, (canvas))); // decompose the total matrix and clip setup_MC_state(&canvasState->mcState, canvas->getTotalMatrix(), canvas->getTotalClip()); /* * decompose the layers * * storage is allocated on the stack for the first 3 layers. It is common in * some view systems (e.g. Android) that a few non-clipped layers are present * and we will not need to malloc any additional memory in those cases. */ const int layerBufferSize = 3 * sizeof(SkCanvasLayerState); char layerBuffer[layerBufferSize]; SkWriter32 layerWriter(sizeof(SkCanvasLayerState), layerBuffer, layerBufferSize); int layerCount = 0; for (SkCanvas::LayerIter layer(canvas, true/*skipEmptyClips*/); !layer.done(); layer.next()) { // we currently only work for bitmap backed devices const SkBitmap& bitmap = layer.device()->accessBitmap(true/*changePixels*/); if (bitmap.empty() || bitmap.isNull() || !bitmap.lockPixelsAreWritable()) { return NULL; } SkCanvasLayerState* layerState = (SkCanvasLayerState*) layerWriter.reserve(sizeof(SkCanvasLayerState)); layerState->type = kRaster_CanvasBackend; layerState->x = layer.x(); layerState->y = layer.y(); layerState->width = bitmap.width(); layerState->height = bitmap.height(); switch (bitmap.config()) { case SkBitmap::kARGB_8888_Config: layerState->raster.config = kARGB_8888_RasterConfig; break; case SkBitmap::kRGB_565_Config: layerState->raster.config = kRGB_565_RasterConfig; break; default: return NULL; } layerState->raster.rowBytes = bitmap.rowBytes(); layerState->raster.pixels = bitmap.getPixels(); setup_MC_state(&layerState->mcState, layer.matrix(), layer.clip()); layerCount++; } // allocate memory for the layers and then and copy them to the struct SkASSERT(layerWriter.bytesWritten() == layerCount * sizeof(SkCanvasLayerState)); canvasState->layerCount = layerCount; canvasState->layers = (SkCanvasLayerState*) sk_malloc_throw(layerWriter.bytesWritten()); layerWriter.flatten(canvasState->layers); // for now, just ignore any client supplied DrawFilter. if (canvas->getDrawFilter()) { // SkDEBUGF(("CaptureCanvasState will ignore the canvases draw filter.\n")); } return canvasState.detach(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static void setup_canvas_from_MC_state(const SkMCState& state, SkCanvas* canvas) { // reconstruct the matrix SkMatrix matrix; for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { matrix.set(i, state.matrix[i]); } // reconstruct the clip SkRegion clip; for (int i = 0; i < state.clipRectCount; ++i) { clip.op(SkIRect::MakeLTRB(state.clipRects[i].left, state.clipRects[i].top, state.clipRects[i].right, state.clipRects[i].bottom), SkRegion::kUnion_Op); } canvas->setMatrix(matrix); canvas->setClipRegion(clip); } static SkCanvas* create_canvas_from_canvas_layer(const SkCanvasLayerState& layerState) { SkASSERT(kRaster_CanvasBackend == layerState.type); SkBitmap bitmap; SkBitmap::Config config = layerState.raster.config == kARGB_8888_RasterConfig ? SkBitmap::kARGB_8888_Config : layerState.raster.config == kRGB_565_RasterConfig ? SkBitmap::kRGB_565_Config : SkBitmap::kNo_Config; if (config == SkBitmap::kNo_Config) { return NULL; } bitmap.setConfig(config, layerState.width, layerState.height, layerState.raster.rowBytes); bitmap.setPixels(layerState.raster.pixels); SkASSERT(!bitmap.empty()); SkASSERT(!bitmap.isNull()); // create a device & canvas SkAutoTUnref<SkBitmapDevice> device(SkNEW_ARGS(SkBitmapDevice, (bitmap))); SkAutoTUnref<SkCanvas> canvas(SkNEW_ARGS(SkCanvas, (device.get()))); // setup the matrix and clip setup_canvas_from_MC_state(layerState.mcState, canvas.get()); return canvas.detach(); } SkCanvas* SkCanvasStateUtils::CreateFromCanvasState(const SkCanvasState* state) { SkASSERT(state); // check that the versions match if (CANVAS_STATE_VERSION != state->version) { SkDebugf("CreateFromCanvasState version does not match the one use to create the input"); return NULL; } if (state->layerCount < 1) { return NULL; } SkAutoTUnref<SkCanvasStack> canvas(SkNEW_ARGS(SkCanvasStack, (state->width, state->height))); // setup the matrix and clip on the n-way canvas setup_canvas_from_MC_state(state->mcState, canvas); // Iterate over the layers and add them to the n-way canvas for (int i = state->layerCount - 1; i >= 0; --i) { SkAutoTUnref<SkCanvas> canvasLayer(create_canvas_from_canvas_layer(state->layers[i])); if (!canvasLayer.get()) { return NULL; } canvas->pushCanvas(canvasLayer.get(), SkIPoint::Make(state->layers[i].x, state->layers[i].y)); } return canvas.detach(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void SkCanvasStateUtils::ReleaseCanvasState(SkCanvasState* state) { SkDELETE(state); }