# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
  'variables': {
    'libsctp_target_type%': 'static_library',
  'target_defaults': {
    'defines': [
      # 'SCTP_DEBUG', # Uncomment for SCTP debugging.
    'include_dirs': [
    'direct_dependent_settings': {
      'include_dirs': [
    'conditions': [
      ['use_openssl==1', {
        'defines': [
        'dependencies': [
      {  # else use_openssl==0, use NSS.
        'defines' : [
        'conditions': [
          ['os_posix == 1 and OS != "mac" and OS != "ios" and OS != "android"', {
            'dependencies': [  # The system.gyp:ssl dependency includes nss
          ['OS == "mac" or OS == "ios" or OS == "win"', {
            'dependencies': [
  'targets': [
      'target_name': 'usrsctplib',
      'type': 'static_library',
      'sources': [
      ],  # sources
      'conditions': [
        ['OS=="linux" or OS=="android"', {
          'defines': [
          'cflags!': [ '-Werror', '-Wall' ],
          'cflags': [ '-w' ],
        ['OS=="mac"', {
          'defines': [
          # usrsctp requires that __APPLE__ is undefined for compilation (for
          # historical reasons). There is a plan to change this, and when it
          # happens and we re-roll DEPS for usrsctp, we can remove the manual
          # undefining of __APPLE__.
          'xcode_settings': {
            'OTHER_CFLAGS!': [ '-Werror', '-Wall' ],
            'OTHER_CFLAGS': [ '-U__APPLE__', '-w' ],
        ['OS=="win"', {
          'defines': [
            # Manually setting WINVER and _WIN32_WINNT is needed because Chrome
            # sets WINVER to a newer version of  windows. But compiling usrsctp
            # this way would is incompatible  with windows XP.
          'cflags!': [ '/W3', '/WX' ],
          'cflags': [ '/w' ],
          # TODO(ldixon) : Remove this disabling of warnings by pushing a
          # fix upstream to usrsctp
          'msvs_disabled_warnings': [ 4700, 4013, 4018, 4133, 4267 ],
        }, {  # OS != "win",
          'defines': [
      ],  # conditions
    },  # target usrsctp
  ],  # targets