#!/bin/sh cp syntax.txt syntax.wiki sam -d syntax.wiki <<'!' ,s!`!`````!g ,s!== (([^()]|\([^()]*\))*)!≡ `\1`!g ,s!«!`!g ,s!»!`!g ,s! vim$! <font size="1">VIM</font>!g ,s! pcre$! <font size="1">PCRE</font>!g ,s! perl$! <font size="1">PERL</font>!g ,s!(^[^ ]+) (.*)\n!`\1` \2\n!g ,x g/NOT SUPPORTED/ s!^[^ ]+!<font color="#808080">&</font>! ,s!NOT SUPPORTED!<font size="1">(&)</font>!g ,s!(^[^ ]+) (.*)\n!<tr><td>\1</td><td>\2</td></tr>\n!g ,s!.*:$!<b>&</b>!g ,s!^$!<tr><td></td></tr>!g ,x v/<tr>/ s!.*!<tr><td colspan="2">&</td></tr>! 1,2c #summary I define UNIX as “30 definitions of regular expressions living under one roof.” —Don Knuth <wiki:comment> GENERATED BY mksyntaxwiki. DO NOT EDIT </wiki:comment> <table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2"> <tr><td colspan="2">This page lists the regular expression syntax accepted by RE2.</td></tr> <tr><td colspan="2">It also lists syntax accepted by PCRE, PERL, and VIM.</td></tr> <tr><td colspan="2">Grayed out expressions are not supported by RE2.</td></tr> . $a </table> . w q !