/* This demonstrates a stack overrun bug that exp-ptrcheck found while running Valgrind itself (self hosting). As at 12 Sept 08 this bug is still in Valgrind. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <assert.h> #include <stdarg.h> typedef unsigned long long int ULong; typedef signed long long int Long; typedef unsigned int UInt; typedef signed int Int; typedef signed char Char; typedef char HChar; typedef unsigned long UWord; typedef signed long Word; typedef unsigned char Bool; #define True ((Bool)1) #define False ((Bool)0) #define VG_(_str) VG_##_str /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- vg_sprintf, copied from m_libcprint.c ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ UInt VG_(debugLog_vprintf) ( void(*send)(HChar,void*), void* send_arg2, const HChar* format, va_list vargs ); /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- printf() and friends ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ typedef struct { Int fd; Bool is_socket; } OutputSink; OutputSink VG_(log_output_sink) = { 2, False }; /* 2 = stderr */ /* Do the low-level send of a message to the logging sink. */ static void send_bytes_to_logging_sink ( OutputSink* sink, HChar* msg, Int nbytes ) { fwrite(msg, 1, nbytes, stdout); fflush(stdout); } /* --------- printf --------- */ typedef struct { HChar buf[512]; Int buf_used; OutputSink* sink; } printf_buf_t; // Adds a single char to the buffer. When the buffer gets sufficiently // full, we write its contents to the logging sink. static void add_to__printf_buf ( HChar c, void *p ) { printf_buf_t *b = (printf_buf_t *)p; if (b->buf_used > sizeof(b->buf) - 2 ) { send_bytes_to_logging_sink( b->sink, b->buf, b->buf_used ); b->buf_used = 0; } b->buf[b->buf_used++] = c; b->buf[b->buf_used] = 0; assert(b->buf_used < sizeof(b->buf)); } __attribute__((noinline)) static UInt vprintf_to_buf ( printf_buf_t* b, const HChar *format, va_list vargs ) { UInt ret = 0; if (b->sink->fd >= 0 || b->sink->fd == -2) { ret = VG_(debugLog_vprintf) ( add_to__printf_buf, b, format, vargs ); } return ret; } __attribute__((noinline)) static UInt vprintf_WRK ( OutputSink* sink, const HChar *format, va_list vargs ) { printf_buf_t myprintf_buf = { "", 0, sink }; UInt ret; ret = vprintf_to_buf(&myprintf_buf, format, vargs); // Write out any chars left in the buffer. if (myprintf_buf.buf_used > 0) { send_bytes_to_logging_sink( myprintf_buf.sink, myprintf_buf.buf, myprintf_buf.buf_used ); } return ret; } __attribute__((noinline)) UInt VG_(vprintf) ( const HChar *format, va_list vargs ) { return vprintf_WRK( &VG_(log_output_sink), format, vargs ); } __attribute__((noinline)) UInt VG_(printf) ( const HChar *format, ... ) { UInt ret; va_list vargs; va_start(vargs, format); ret = VG_(vprintf)(format, vargs); va_end(vargs); return ret; } static Bool toBool ( Int x ) { Int r = (x == 0) ? False : True; return (Bool)r; } __attribute__((noinline)) static Int local_strlen ( const HChar* str ) { Int i = 0; while (str[i] != 0) i++; return i; } __attribute__((noinline)) static HChar local_toupper ( HChar c ) { if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') return c + ('A' - 'a'); else return c; } /*------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*--- A simple, generic, vprintf implementation. ---*/ /*------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* ----------------------------------------------- Distantly derived from: vprintf replacement for Checker. Copyright 1993, 1994, 1995 Tristan Gingold Written September 1993 Tristan Gingold Tristan Gingold, 8 rue Parmentier, F-91120 PALAISEAU, FRANCE (Checker itself was GPL'd.) ----------------------------------------------- */ /* Some flags. */ #define VG_MSG_SIGNED 1 /* The value is signed. */ #define VG_MSG_ZJUSTIFY 2 /* Must justify with '0'. */ #define VG_MSG_LJUSTIFY 4 /* Must justify on the left. */ #define VG_MSG_PAREN 8 /* Parenthesize if present (for %y) */ #define VG_MSG_COMMA 16 /* Add commas to numbers (for %d, %u) */ #define VG_MSG_ALTFORMAT 32 /* Convert the value to alternate format */ /* Copy a string into the buffer. */ static __attribute__((noinline)) UInt myvprintf_str ( void(*send)(HChar,void*), void* send_arg2, Int flags, Int width, HChar* str, Bool capitalise ) { # define MAYBE_TOUPPER(ch) (capitalise ? local_toupper(ch) : (ch)) UInt ret = 0; Int i, extra; Int len = local_strlen(str); if (width == 0) { ret += len; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) send(MAYBE_TOUPPER(str[i]), send_arg2); return ret; } if (len > width) { ret += width; for (i = 0; i < width; i++) send(MAYBE_TOUPPER(str[i]), send_arg2); return ret; } extra = width - len; if (flags & VG_MSG_LJUSTIFY) { ret += extra; for (i = 0; i < extra; i++) send(' ', send_arg2); } ret += len; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) send(MAYBE_TOUPPER(str[i]), send_arg2); if (!(flags & VG_MSG_LJUSTIFY)) { ret += extra; for (i = 0; i < extra; i++) send(' ', send_arg2); } # undef MAYBE_TOUPPER return ret; } /* Copy a string into the buffer, escaping bad XML chars. */ static UInt myvprintf_str_XML_simplistic ( void(*send)(HChar,void*), void* send_arg2, HChar* str ) { UInt ret = 0; Int i; Int len = local_strlen(str); HChar* alt; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { switch (str[i]) { case '&': alt = "&"; break; case '<': alt = "<"; break; case '>': alt = ">"; break; default: alt = NULL; } if (alt) { while (*alt) { send(*alt, send_arg2); ret++; alt++; } } else { send(str[i], send_arg2); ret++; } } return ret; } /* Write P into the buffer according to these args: * If SIGN is true, p is a signed. * BASE is the base. * If WITH_ZERO is true, '0' must be added. * WIDTH is the width of the field. */ static UInt myvprintf_int64 ( void(*send)(HChar,void*), void* send_arg2, Int flags, Int base, Int width, Bool capitalised, ULong p ) { HChar buf[40]; Int ind = 0; Int i, nc = 0; Bool neg = False; HChar* digits = capitalised ? "0123456789ABCDEF" : "0123456789abcdef"; UInt ret = 0; if (base < 2 || base > 16) return ret; if ((flags & VG_MSG_SIGNED) && (Long)p < 0) { p = - (Long)p; neg = True; } if (p == 0) buf[ind++] = '0'; else { while (p > 0) { if (flags & VG_MSG_COMMA && 10 == base && 0 == (ind-nc) % 3 && 0 != ind) { buf[ind++] = ','; nc++; } buf[ind++] = digits[p % base]; p /= base; } } if (neg) buf[ind++] = '-'; if (width > 0 && !(flags & VG_MSG_LJUSTIFY)) { for(; ind < width; ind++) { /* assert(ind < 39); */ if (ind > 39) { buf[39] = 0; break; } buf[ind] = (flags & VG_MSG_ZJUSTIFY) ? '0': ' '; } } /* Reverse copy to buffer. */ ret += ind; for (i = ind -1; i >= 0; i--) { send(buf[i], send_arg2); } if (width > 0 && (flags & VG_MSG_LJUSTIFY)) { for(; ind < width; ind++) { ret++; /* Never pad with zeroes on RHS -- changes the value! */ send(' ', send_arg2); } } return ret; } /* A simple vprintf(). */ /* EXPORTED */ __attribute__((noinline)) UInt VG_(debugLog_vprintf) ( void(*send)(HChar,void*), void* send_arg2, const HChar* format, va_list vargs ) { UInt ret = 0; Int i; Int flags; Int width; Int n_ls = 0; Bool is_long, caps; /* We assume that vargs has already been initialised by the caller, using va_start, and that the caller will similarly clean up with va_end. */ for (i = 0; format[i] != 0; i++) { if (format[i] != '%') { send(format[i], send_arg2); ret++; continue; } i++; /* A '%' has been found. Ignore a trailing %. */ if (format[i] == 0) break; if (format[i] == '%') { /* '%%' is replaced by '%'. */ send('%', send_arg2); ret++; continue; } flags = 0; n_ls = 0; width = 0; /* length of the field. */ while (1) { switch (format[i]) { case '(': flags |= VG_MSG_PAREN; break; case ',': case '\'': /* If ',' or '\'' follows '%', commas will be inserted. */ flags |= VG_MSG_COMMA; break; case '-': /* If '-' follows '%', justify on the left. */ flags |= VG_MSG_LJUSTIFY; break; case '0': /* If '0' follows '%', pads will be inserted. */ flags |= VG_MSG_ZJUSTIFY; break; case '#': /* If '#' follows '%', alternative format will be used. */ flags |= VG_MSG_ALTFORMAT; break; default: goto parse_fieldwidth; } i++; } parse_fieldwidth: /* Compute the field length. */ while (format[i] >= '0' && format[i] <= '9') { width *= 10; width += format[i++] - '0'; } while (format[i] == 'l') { i++; n_ls++; } // %d means print a 32-bit integer. // %ld means print a word-size integer. // %lld means print a 64-bit integer. if (0 == n_ls) { is_long = False; } else if (1 == n_ls) { is_long = ( sizeof(void*) == sizeof(Long) ); } else { is_long = True; } switch (format[i]) { case 'o': /* %o */ if (flags & VG_MSG_ALTFORMAT) { ret += 2; send('0',send_arg2); } if (is_long) ret += myvprintf_int64(send, send_arg2, flags, 8, width, False, (ULong)(va_arg (vargs, ULong))); else ret += myvprintf_int64(send, send_arg2, flags, 8, width, False, (ULong)(va_arg (vargs, UInt))); break; case 'd': /* %d */ flags |= VG_MSG_SIGNED; if (is_long) ret += myvprintf_int64(send, send_arg2, flags, 10, width, False, (ULong)(va_arg (vargs, Long))); else ret += myvprintf_int64(send, send_arg2, flags, 10, width, False, (ULong)(va_arg (vargs, Int))); break; case 'u': /* %u */ if (is_long) ret += myvprintf_int64(send, send_arg2, flags, 10, width, False, (ULong)(va_arg (vargs, ULong))); else ret += myvprintf_int64(send, send_arg2, flags, 10, width, False, (ULong)(va_arg (vargs, UInt))); break; case 'p': if (format[i+1] == 'S') { i++; /* %pS, like %s but escaping chars for XML safety */ /* Note: simplistic; ignores field width and flags */ char *str = va_arg (vargs, char *); if (str == (char*) 0) str = "(null)"; ret += myvprintf_str_XML_simplistic(send, send_arg2, str); } else { /* %p */ ret += 2; send('0',send_arg2); send('x',send_arg2); ret += myvprintf_int64(send, send_arg2, flags, 16, width, True, (ULong)((UWord)va_arg (vargs, void *))); } break; case 'x': /* %x */ case 'X': /* %X */ caps = toBool(format[i] == 'X'); if (flags & VG_MSG_ALTFORMAT) { ret += 2; send('0',send_arg2); send('x',send_arg2); } if (is_long) ret += myvprintf_int64(send, send_arg2, flags, 16, width, caps, (ULong)(va_arg (vargs, ULong))); else ret += myvprintf_int64(send, send_arg2, flags, 16, width, caps, (ULong)(va_arg (vargs, UInt))); break; case 'c': /* %c */ ret++; send(va_arg (vargs, int), send_arg2); break; case 's': case 'S': { /* %s */ char *str = va_arg (vargs, char *); if (str == (char*) 0) str = "(null)"; ret += myvprintf_str(send, send_arg2, flags, width, str, format[i]=='S'); break; } // case 'y': { /* %y - print symbol */ // Char buf[100]; // Char *cp = buf; // Addr a = va_arg(vargs, Addr); // // if (flags & VG_MSG_PAREN) // *cp++ = '('; // if (VG_(get_fnname_w_offset)(a, cp, sizeof(buf)-4)) { // if (flags & VG_MSG_PAREN) { // cp += local_strlen(cp); // *cp++ = ')'; // *cp = '\0'; // } // ret += myvprintf_str(send, send_arg2, flags, width, buf, 0); // } // break; // } default: break; } } return ret; } static void add_to__sprintf_buf ( HChar c, void *p ) { HChar** b = p; *(*b)++ = c; } UInt VG_(vsprintf) ( HChar* buf, const HChar *format, va_list vargs ) { Int ret; HChar* sprintf_ptr = buf; ret = VG_(debugLog_vprintf) ( add_to__sprintf_buf, &sprintf_ptr, format, vargs ); add_to__sprintf_buf('\0', &sprintf_ptr); assert(local_strlen(buf) == ret); return ret; } UInt VG_(sprintf) ( HChar* buf, const HChar *format, ... ) { UInt ret; va_list vargs; va_start(vargs,format); ret = VG_(vsprintf)(buf, format, vargs); va_end(vargs); return ret; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- percentify() ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* This part excerpted from coregrind/m_libcbase.c */ // Percentify n/m with d decimal places. Includes the '%' symbol at the end. // Right justifies in 'buf'. __attribute__((noinline)) void VG_percentify(ULong n, ULong m, UInt d, Int n_buf, HChar buf[]) { Int i, len, space; ULong p1; HChar fmt[32]; if (m == 0) { // Have to generate the format string in order to be flexible about // the width of the field. VG_(sprintf)(fmt, "%%-%ds", n_buf); // fmt is now "%<n_buf>s" where <d> is 1,2,3... VG_(sprintf)(buf, fmt, "--%"); return; } p1 = (100*n) / m; if (d == 0) { VG_(sprintf)(buf, "%lld%%", p1); } else { ULong p2; UInt ex; switch (d) { case 1: ex = 10; break; case 2: ex = 100; break; case 3: ex = 1000; break; default: assert(0); /* was: VG_(tool_panic)("Currently can only handle 3 decimal places"); */ } p2 = ((100*n*ex) / m) % ex; // Have to generate the format string in order to be flexible about // the width of the post-decimal-point part. VG_(sprintf)(fmt, "%%lld.%%0%dlld%%%%", d); // fmt is now "%lld.%0<d>lld%%" where <d> is 1,2,3... VG_(sprintf)(buf, fmt, p1, p2); } len = local_strlen(buf); space = n_buf - len; if (space < 0) space = 0; /* Allow for v. small field_width */ i = len; /* Right justify in field */ for ( ; i >= 0; i--) buf[i + space] = buf[i]; for (i = 0; i < space; i++) buf[i] = ' '; } /*------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*--- Stats ---*/ /*------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* This part excerpted from coregrind/m_translate.c */ static UInt n_SP_updates_fast = 0; static UInt n_SP_updates_generic_known = 0; static UInt n_SP_updates_generic_unknown = 0; __attribute__((noinline)) void VG_print_translation_stats ( void ) { HChar buf[6]; UInt n_SP_updates = n_SP_updates_fast + n_SP_updates_generic_known + n_SP_updates_generic_unknown; VG_percentify(n_SP_updates_fast, n_SP_updates, 1, 6, buf); VG_(printf)( "translate: fast SP updates identified: %'u (%s)\n", n_SP_updates_fast, buf ); VG_percentify(n_SP_updates_generic_known, n_SP_updates, 1, 6, buf); VG_(printf)( "translate: generic_known SP updates identified: %'u (%s)\n", n_SP_updates_generic_known, buf ); VG_percentify(n_SP_updates_generic_unknown, n_SP_updates, 1, 6, buf); VG_(printf)( "translate: generic_unknown SP updates identified: %'u (%s)\n", n_SP_updates_generic_unknown, buf ); } int main ( void ) { VG_print_translation_stats(); return 0; }