/* * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include <gtest/gtest.h> #include <binder/IMemory.h> #include <gui/ISurfaceComposer.h> #include <gui/Surface.h> #include <gui/SurfaceComposerClient.h> #include <gui/BufferItemConsumer.h> #include <utils/String8.h> #include <private/gui/ComposerService.h> #include <binder/ProcessState.h> namespace android { class SurfaceTest : public ::testing::Test { protected: SurfaceTest() { ProcessState::self()->startThreadPool(); } virtual void SetUp() { mComposerClient = new SurfaceComposerClient; ASSERT_EQ(NO_ERROR, mComposerClient->initCheck()); mSurfaceControl = mComposerClient->createSurface( String8("Test Surface"), 32, 32, PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBA_8888, 0); ASSERT_TRUE(mSurfaceControl != NULL); ASSERT_TRUE(mSurfaceControl->isValid()); SurfaceComposerClient::openGlobalTransaction(); ASSERT_EQ(NO_ERROR, mSurfaceControl->setLayer(0x7fffffff)); ASSERT_EQ(NO_ERROR, mSurfaceControl->show()); SurfaceComposerClient::closeGlobalTransaction(); mSurface = mSurfaceControl->getSurface(); ASSERT_TRUE(mSurface != NULL); } virtual void TearDown() { mComposerClient->dispose(); } sp<Surface> mSurface; sp<SurfaceComposerClient> mComposerClient; sp<SurfaceControl> mSurfaceControl; }; TEST_F(SurfaceTest, QueuesToWindowComposerIsTrueWhenVisible) { sp<ANativeWindow> anw(mSurface); int result = -123; int err = anw->query(anw.get(), NATIVE_WINDOW_QUEUES_TO_WINDOW_COMPOSER, &result); EXPECT_EQ(NO_ERROR, err); EXPECT_EQ(1, result); } TEST_F(SurfaceTest, QueuesToWindowComposerIsTrueWhenPurgatorized) { mSurfaceControl.clear(); sp<ANativeWindow> anw(mSurface); int result = -123; int err = anw->query(anw.get(), NATIVE_WINDOW_QUEUES_TO_WINDOW_COMPOSER, &result); EXPECT_EQ(NO_ERROR, err); EXPECT_EQ(1, result); } // This test probably doesn't belong here. TEST_F(SurfaceTest, ScreenshotsOfProtectedBuffersSucceed) { sp<ANativeWindow> anw(mSurface); // Verify the screenshot works with no protected buffers. sp<BufferQueue> bq = new BufferQueue(); sp<CpuConsumer> consumer = new CpuConsumer(bq, 1); sp<ISurfaceComposer> sf(ComposerService::getComposerService()); sp<IBinder> display(sf->getBuiltInDisplay(ISurfaceComposer::eDisplayIdMain)); ASSERT_EQ(NO_ERROR, sf->captureScreen(display, bq, 64, 64, 0, 0x7fffffff)); // Set the PROTECTED usage bit and verify that the screenshot fails. Note // that we need to dequeue a buffer in order for it to actually get // allocated in SurfaceFlinger. ASSERT_EQ(NO_ERROR, native_window_set_usage(anw.get(), GRALLOC_USAGE_PROTECTED)); ASSERT_EQ(NO_ERROR, native_window_set_buffer_count(anw.get(), 3)); ANativeWindowBuffer* buf = 0; status_t err = native_window_dequeue_buffer_and_wait(anw.get(), &buf); if (err) { // we could fail if GRALLOC_USAGE_PROTECTED is not supported. // that's okay as long as this is the reason for the failure. // try again without the GRALLOC_USAGE_PROTECTED bit. ASSERT_EQ(NO_ERROR, native_window_set_usage(anw.get(), 0)); ASSERT_EQ(NO_ERROR, native_window_dequeue_buffer_and_wait(anw.get(), &buf)); return; } ASSERT_EQ(NO_ERROR, anw->cancelBuffer(anw.get(), buf, -1)); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { // Loop to make sure SurfaceFlinger has retired a protected buffer. ASSERT_EQ(NO_ERROR, native_window_dequeue_buffer_and_wait(anw.get(), &buf)); ASSERT_EQ(NO_ERROR, anw->queueBuffer(anw.get(), buf, -1)); } ASSERT_EQ(NO_ERROR, sf->captureScreen(display, bq, 64, 64, 0, 0x7fffffff)); } TEST_F(SurfaceTest, ConcreteTypeIsSurface) { sp<ANativeWindow> anw(mSurface); int result = -123; int err = anw->query(anw.get(), NATIVE_WINDOW_CONCRETE_TYPE, &result); EXPECT_EQ(NO_ERROR, err); EXPECT_EQ(NATIVE_WINDOW_SURFACE, result); } TEST_F(SurfaceTest, QueryConsumerUsage) { const int TEST_USAGE_FLAGS = GRALLOC_USAGE_SW_READ_OFTEN | GRALLOC_USAGE_HW_RENDER; sp<BufferQueue> bq = new BufferQueue(); sp<BufferItemConsumer> c = new BufferItemConsumer(bq, TEST_USAGE_FLAGS); sp<Surface> s = new Surface(bq); sp<ANativeWindow> anw(s); int flags = -1; int err = anw->query(anw.get(), NATIVE_WINDOW_CONSUMER_USAGE_BITS, &flags); ASSERT_EQ(NO_ERROR, err); ASSERT_EQ(TEST_USAGE_FLAGS, flags); } }