/* * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "RenderThread.h" #include "RenderControl.h" #include "ThreadInfo.h" #include "ReadBuffer.h" #include "TimeUtils.h" #include "GLDispatch.h" #include "GL2Dispatch.h" #include "EGLDispatch.h" #include "FrameBuffer.h" #define STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE 4*1024*1024 RenderThread::RenderThread() : osUtils::Thread(), m_stream(NULL), m_finished(false) { } RenderThread::~RenderThread() { delete m_stream; } RenderThread *RenderThread::create(IOStream *p_stream) { RenderThread *rt = new RenderThread(); if (!rt) { return NULL; } rt->m_stream = p_stream; return rt; } int RenderThread::Main() { RenderThreadInfo tInfo; // // initialize decoders // tInfo.m_glDec.initGL( gl_dispatch_get_proc_func, NULL ); tInfo.m_gl2Dec.initGL( gl2_dispatch_get_proc_func, NULL ); initRenderControlContext( &m_rcDec ); ReadBuffer readBuf(m_stream, STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE); int stats_totalBytes = 0; long long stats_t0 = GetCurrentTimeMS(); // // open dump file if RENDER_DUMP_DIR is defined // const char *dump_dir = getenv("RENDERER_DUMP_DIR"); FILE *dumpFP = NULL; if (dump_dir) { size_t bsize = strlen(dump_dir) + 32; char *fname = new char[bsize]; snprintf(fname,bsize,"%s/stream_%p", dump_dir, this); dumpFP = fopen(fname, "wb"); if (!dumpFP) { fprintf(stderr,"Warning: stream dump failed to open file %s\n",fname); } delete [] fname; } while (1) { int stat = readBuf.getData(); if (stat <= 0) { break; } // // log received bandwidth statistics // stats_totalBytes += readBuf.validData(); long long dt = GetCurrentTimeMS() - stats_t0; if (dt > 1000) { float dts = (float)dt / 1000.0f; //printf("Used Bandwidth %5.3f MB/s\n", ((float)stats_totalBytes / dts) / (1024.0f*1024.0f)); stats_totalBytes = 0; stats_t0 = GetCurrentTimeMS(); } // // dump stream to file if needed // if (dumpFP) { int skip = readBuf.validData() - stat; fwrite(readBuf.buf()+skip, 1, readBuf.validData()-skip, dumpFP); fflush(dumpFP); } bool progress; do { progress = false; // // try to process some of the command buffer using the GLESv1 decoder // size_t last = tInfo.m_glDec.decode(readBuf.buf(), readBuf.validData(), m_stream); if (last > 0) { progress = true; readBuf.consume(last); } // // try to process some of the command buffer using the GLESv2 decoder // last = tInfo.m_gl2Dec.decode(readBuf.buf(), readBuf.validData(), m_stream); if (last > 0) { progress = true; readBuf.consume(last); } // // try to process some of the command buffer using the // renderControl decoder // last = m_rcDec.decode(readBuf.buf(), readBuf.validData(), m_stream); if (last > 0) { readBuf.consume(last); progress = true; } } while( progress ); } if (dumpFP) { fclose(dumpFP); } // // Release references to the current thread's context/surfaces if any // FrameBuffer::getFB()->bindContext(0, 0, 0); if (tInfo.currContext || tInfo.currDrawSurf || tInfo.currReadSurf) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: RenderThread exiting with current context/surfaces\n"); } // // flag that this thread has finished execution m_finished = true; return 0; }