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 * Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

 * Dalvik bytecode verifier.

#include "analysis/VerifySubs.h"
#include "analysis/VfyBasicBlock.h"

 * Enumeration for register type values.  The "hi" piece of a 64-bit value
 * MUST immediately follow the "lo" piece in the enumeration, so we can check
 * that hi==lo+1.
 * Assignment of constants:
 *   [-MAXINT,-32768)   : integer
 *   [-32768,-128)      : short
 *   [-128,0)           : byte
 *   0                  : zero
 *   1                  : one
 *   [2,128)            : posbyte
 *   [128,32768)        : posshort
 *   [32768,65536)      : char
 *   [65536,MAXINT]     : integer
 * Allowed "implicit" widening conversions:
 *   zero -> boolean, posbyte, byte, posshort, short, char, integer, ref (null)
 *   one -> boolean, posbyte, byte, posshort, short, char, integer
 *   boolean -> posbyte, byte, posshort, short, char, integer
 *   posbyte -> posshort, short, integer, char
 *   byte -> short, integer
 *   posshort -> integer, char
 *   short -> integer
 *   char -> integer
 * In addition, all of the above can convert to "float".
 * We're more careful with integer values than the spec requires.  The
 * motivation is to restrict byte/char/short to the correct range of values.
 * For example, if a method takes a byte argument, we don't want to allow
 * the code to load the constant "1024" and pass it in.
enum {
    kRegTypeUnknown = 0,    /* initial state; use value=0 so calloc works */
    kRegTypeUninit = 1,     /* MUST be odd to distinguish from pointer */
    kRegTypeConflict,       /* merge clash makes this reg's type unknowable */

     * Category-1nr types.  The order of these is chiseled into a couple
     * of tables, so don't add, remove, or reorder if you can avoid it.
#define kRegType1nrSTART    kRegTypeZero
    kRegTypeZero,           /* 32-bit 0, could be Boolean, Int, Float, or Ref */
    kRegTypeOne,            /* 32-bit 1, could be Boolean, Int, Float */
    kRegTypeBoolean,        /* must be 0 or 1 */
    kRegTypeConstPosByte,   /* const derived byte, known positive */
    kRegTypeConstByte,      /* const derived byte */
    kRegTypeConstPosShort,  /* const derived short, known positive */
    kRegTypeConstShort,     /* const derived short */
    kRegTypeConstChar,      /* const derived char */
    kRegTypeConstInteger,   /* const derived integer */
    kRegTypePosByte,        /* byte, known positive (can become char) */
    kRegTypePosShort,       /* short, known positive (can become char) */
#define kRegType1nrEND      kRegTypeFloat

    kRegTypeConstLo,        /* const derived wide, lower half */
    kRegTypeConstHi,        /* const derived wide, upper half */
    kRegTypeLongLo,         /* lower-numbered register; endian-independent */

     * Enumeration max; this is used with "full" (32-bit) RegType values.
     * Anything larger than this is a ClassObject or uninit ref.  Mask off
     * all but the low 8 bits; if you're left with kRegTypeUninit, pull
     * the uninit index out of the high 24.  Because kRegTypeUninit has an
     * odd value, there is no risk of a particular ClassObject pointer bit
     * pattern being confused for it (assuming our class object allocator
     * uses word alignment).
#define kRegTypeUninitMask  0xff
#define kRegTypeUninitShift 8

 * RegType holds information about the type of data held in a register.
 * For most types it's a simple enum.  For reference types it holds a
 * pointer to the ClassObject, and for uninitialized references it holds
 * an index into the UninitInstanceMap.
typedef u4 RegType;

 * A bit vector indicating which entries in the monitor stack are
 * associated with this register.  The low bit corresponds to the stack's
 * bottom-most entry.
typedef u4 MonitorEntries;
#define kMaxMonitorStackDepth   (sizeof(MonitorEntries) * 8)

 * During verification, we associate one of these with every "interesting"
 * instruction.  We track the status of all registers, and (if the method
 * has any monitor-enter instructions) maintain a stack of entered monitors
 * (identified by code unit offset).
 * If live-precise register maps are enabled, the "liveRegs" vector will
 * be populated.  Unlike the other lists of registers here, we do not
 * track the liveness of the method result register (which is not visible
 * to the GC).
struct RegisterLine {
    RegType*        regTypes;
    MonitorEntries* monitorEntries;
    u4*             monitorStack;
    unsigned int    monitorStackTop;
    BitVector*      liveRegs;

 * Table that maps uninitialized instances to classes, based on the
 * address of the new-instance instruction.  One per method.
struct UninitInstanceMap {
    int numEntries;
    struct {
        int             addr;   /* code offset, or -1 for method arg ("this") */
        ClassObject*    clazz;  /* class created at this address */
    } map[1];
#define kUninitThisArgAddr  (-1)
#define kUninitThisArgSlot  0

 * Various bits of data used by the verifier and register map generator.
struct VerifierData {
     * The method we're working on.
    const Method*   method;

     * Number of code units of instructions in the method.  A cache of the
     * value calculated by dvmGetMethodInsnsSize().
    u4              insnsSize;

     * Number of registers we track for each instruction.  This is equal
     * to the method's declared "registersSize".  (Does not include the
     * pending return value.)
    u4              insnRegCount;

     * Instruction widths and flags, one entry per code unit.
    InsnFlags*      insnFlags;

     * Uninitialized instance map, used for tracking the movement of
     * objects that have been allocated but not initialized.
    UninitInstanceMap* uninitMap;

     * Array of RegisterLine structs, one entry per code unit.  We only need
     * entries for code units that hold the start of an "interesting"
     * instruction.  For register map generation, we're only interested
     * in GC points.
    RegisterLine*   registerLines;

     * The number of occurrences of specific opcodes.
    size_t          newInstanceCount;
    size_t          monitorEnterCount;

     * Array of pointers to basic blocks, one entry per code unit.  Used
     * for liveness analysis.
    VfyBasicBlock** basicBlocks;

/* table with static merge logic for primitive types */
extern const char gDvmMergeTab[kRegTypeMAX][kRegTypeMAX];

 * Returns "true" if the flags indicate that this address holds the start
 * of an instruction.
INLINE bool dvmInsnIsOpcode(const InsnFlags* insnFlags, int addr) {
    return (insnFlags[addr] & kInsnFlagWidthMask) != 0;

 * Extract the unsigned 16-bit instruction width from "flags".
INLINE int dvmInsnGetWidth(const InsnFlags* insnFlags, int addr) {
    return insnFlags[addr] & kInsnFlagWidthMask;

 * Changed?
INLINE bool dvmInsnIsChanged(const InsnFlags* insnFlags, int addr) {
    return (insnFlags[addr] & kInsnFlagChanged) != 0;
INLINE void dvmInsnSetChanged(InsnFlags* insnFlags, int addr, bool changed)
    if (changed)
        insnFlags[addr] |= kInsnFlagChanged;
        insnFlags[addr] &= ~kInsnFlagChanged;

 * Visited?
INLINE bool dvmInsnIsVisited(const InsnFlags* insnFlags, int addr) {
    return (insnFlags[addr] & kInsnFlagVisited) != 0;
INLINE void dvmInsnSetVisited(InsnFlags* insnFlags, int addr, bool changed)
    if (changed)
        insnFlags[addr] |= kInsnFlagVisited;
        insnFlags[addr] &= ~kInsnFlagVisited;

 * Visited or changed?
INLINE bool dvmInsnIsVisitedOrChanged(const InsnFlags* insnFlags, int addr) {
    return (insnFlags[addr] & (kInsnFlagVisited|kInsnFlagChanged)) != 0;

 * In a "try" block?
INLINE bool dvmInsnIsInTry(const InsnFlags* insnFlags, int addr) {
    return (insnFlags[addr] & kInsnFlagInTry) != 0;
INLINE void dvmInsnSetInTry(InsnFlags* insnFlags, int addr, bool inTry)
    //if (inTry)
        insnFlags[addr] |= kInsnFlagInTry;
    //    insnFlags[addr] &= ~kInsnFlagInTry;

 * Instruction is a branch target or exception handler?
INLINE bool dvmInsnIsBranchTarget(const InsnFlags* insnFlags, int addr) {
    return (insnFlags[addr] & kInsnFlagBranchTarget) != 0;
INLINE void dvmInsnSetBranchTarget(InsnFlags* insnFlags, int addr,
    bool isBranch)
    //if (isBranch)
        insnFlags[addr] |= kInsnFlagBranchTarget;
    //    insnFlags[addr] &= ~kInsnFlagBranchTarget;

 * Instruction is a GC point?
INLINE bool dvmInsnIsGcPoint(const InsnFlags* insnFlags, int addr) {
    return (insnFlags[addr] & kInsnFlagGcPoint) != 0;
INLINE void dvmInsnSetGcPoint(InsnFlags* insnFlags, int addr,
    bool isGcPoint)
    //if (isGcPoint)
        insnFlags[addr] |= kInsnFlagGcPoint;
    //    insnFlags[addr] &= ~kInsnFlagGcPoint;

 * Create a new UninitInstanceMap.
UninitInstanceMap* dvmCreateUninitInstanceMap(const Method* meth,
    const InsnFlags* insnFlags, int newInstanceCount);

 * Release the storage associated with an UninitInstanceMap.
void dvmFreeUninitInstanceMap(UninitInstanceMap* uninitMap);

 * Verify bytecode in "meth".  "insnFlags" should be populated with
 * instruction widths and "in try" flags.
bool dvmVerifyCodeFlow(VerifierData* vdata);