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// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include "ash/system/ime/ime_observer.h"
#include "ash/system/tray/system_tray_item.h"

namespace views {
class Label;

namespace ash {

struct IMEInfo;

namespace internal {

namespace tray {
class IMEDefaultView;
class IMEDetailedView;
class IMENotificationView;

class TrayItemView;

class TrayIME : public SystemTrayItem,
                public IMEObserver {
  explicit TrayIME(SystemTray* system_tray);
  virtual ~TrayIME();

  void UpdateTrayLabel(const IMEInfo& info, size_t count);

  // Update the content of the existing IME notification, or create a new one if
  // necessary. IME notification should be created only once in a session, i.e.
  // if an IME notification is created and removed already, it doesn't create a
  // new one.
  void UpdateOrCreateNotification();

  // Overridden from SystemTrayItem.
  virtual views::View* CreateTrayView(user::LoginStatus status) OVERRIDE;
  virtual views::View* CreateDefaultView(user::LoginStatus status) OVERRIDE;
  virtual views::View* CreateDetailedView(user::LoginStatus status) OVERRIDE;
  virtual void DestroyTrayView() OVERRIDE;
  virtual void DestroyDefaultView() OVERRIDE;
  virtual void DestroyDetailedView() OVERRIDE;
  virtual void UpdateAfterLoginStatusChange(user::LoginStatus status) OVERRIDE;
  virtual void UpdateAfterShelfAlignmentChange(
      ShelfAlignment alignment) OVERRIDE;

  // Overridden from IMEObserver.
  virtual void OnIMERefresh(bool show_message) OVERRIDE;

  TrayItemView* tray_label_;
  tray::IMEDefaultView* default_;
  tray::IMEDetailedView* detailed_;

  bool message_shown_;


}  // namespace internal
}  // namespace ash