// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_vector.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "ui/aura/window_tracker.h"
#include "ui/events/event_handler.h"
#include "ui/gfx/rect.h"
namespace aura {
class Window;
namespace client {
class CursorClient;
} // namespace aura
namespace ui {
class LocatedEvent;
namespace views {
class Widget;
namespace ash {
class WindowSelector;
class WindowSelectorItem;
// The WindowOverview shows a grid of all of your windows and allows selecting
// a window by clicking or tapping on it. It also displays a selection widget
// used to indicate the current selection when alt-tabbing between windows.
class WindowOverview : public ui::EventHandler {
typedef ScopedVector<WindowSelectorItem> WindowSelectorItemList;
// Enters an overview mode displaying |windows| and dispatches methods
// on |window_selector| when a window is selected or selection is canceled.
// If |single_root_window| is not NULL, all windows will be positioned on the
// given root window.
WindowOverview(WindowSelector* window_selector,
WindowSelectorItemList* windows,
aura::Window* single_root_window);
virtual ~WindowOverview();
// Sets the selected window to be the window in position |index|.
void SetSelection(size_t index);
// Dispatched when the list of windows has changed.
void OnWindowsChanged();
// Moves the overview to only |root_window|.
void MoveToSingleRootWindow(aura::Window* root_window);
// ui::EventHandler:
virtual void OnKeyEvent(ui::KeyEvent* event) OVERRIDE;
virtual void OnMouseEvent(ui::MouseEvent* event) OVERRIDE;
virtual void OnScrollEvent(ui::ScrollEvent* event) OVERRIDE;
virtual void OnTouchEvent(ui::TouchEvent* event) OVERRIDE;
// Returns the target of |event| or NULL if the event is not targeted at
// any of the windows in the selector.
aura::Window* GetEventTarget(ui::LocatedEvent* event);
// Returns the top-level window selected by targeting |window| or NULL if
// no overview window was found for |window|.
aura::Window* GetTargetedWindow(aura::Window* window);
// Hide and track all hidden windows not in overview.
void HideAndTrackNonOverviewWindows();
// Position all of the windows based on the current selection mode.
void PositionWindows();
// Position all of the windows from |root_window| on |root_window|.
void PositionWindowsFromRoot(aura::Window* root_window);
// Position all of the |windows| to fit on the |root_window|.
void PositionWindowsOnRoot(aura::Window* root_window,
const std::vector<WindowSelectorItem*>& windows);
// Creates the selection widget.
void InitializeSelectionWidget();
// Returns the bounds for the selection widget for the windows_ at |index|.
gfx::Rect GetSelectionBounds(size_t index);
// Weak pointer to the window selector which owns this class.
WindowSelector* window_selector_;
// A weak pointer to the collection of windows in the overview wrapped by a
// helper class which restores their state and helps transform them to other
// root windows.
WindowSelectorItemList* windows_;
// Widget indicating which window is currently selected.
scoped_ptr<views::Widget> selection_widget_;
// Index of the currently selected window. This is used to determine when the
// selection changes rows and use a different animation.
size_t selection_index_;
// If NULL, each root window displays an overview of the windows in that
// display. Otherwise, all windows are in a single overview on
// |single_root_window_|.
aura::Window* single_root_window_;
// The time when overview was started.
base::Time overview_start_time_;
// The cursor client used to lock the current cursor during overview.
aura::client::CursorClient* cursor_client_;
// Tracks windows which were hidden because they were not part of the
// overview.
aura::WindowTracker hidden_windows_;
} // namespace ash