// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "mojo/public/bindings/lib/bindings_serialization.h"
#include "mojo/public/bindings/lib/buffer.h"
#include "mojo/public/tests/simple_bindings_support.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
namespace mojo {
namespace test {
bool IsZero(void* p_buf, size_t size) {
char* buf = reinterpret_cast<char*>(p_buf);
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
if (buf[i] != 0)
return false;
return true;
// Tests small and large allocations in ScratchBuffer.
TEST(ScratchBufferTest, Basic) {
SimpleBindingsSupport bindings_support;
// Test that a small allocation is placed on the stack.
internal::ScratchBuffer buf;
void* small = buf.Allocate(10);
EXPECT_TRUE(small >= &buf && small < (&buf + sizeof(buf)));
EXPECT_TRUE(IsZero(small, 10));
// Large allocations won't be on the stack.
void* large = buf.Allocate(100*1024);
EXPECT_TRUE(IsZero(large, 100*1024));
EXPECT_FALSE(large >= &buf && large < (&buf + sizeof(buf)));
// But another small allocation should be back on the stack.
small = buf.Allocate(10);
EXPECT_TRUE(IsZero(small, 10));
EXPECT_TRUE(small >= &buf && small < (&buf + sizeof(buf)));
// Tests that Buffer::current() returns the correct value.
TEST(ScratchBufferTest, Stacked) {
SimpleBindingsSupport bindings_support;
internal::ScratchBuffer a;
EXPECT_EQ(&a, Buffer::current());
internal::ScratchBuffer b;
EXPECT_EQ(&b, Buffer::current());
// Tests that FixedBuffer allocates memory aligned to 8 byte boundaries.
TEST(FixedBufferTest, Alignment) {
SimpleBindingsSupport bindings_support;
internal::FixedBuffer buf(internal::Align(10) * 2);
ASSERT_EQ(buf.size(), 16u * 2);
void* a = buf.Allocate(10);
EXPECT_TRUE(IsZero(a, 10));
EXPECT_EQ(0, reinterpret_cast<ptrdiff_t>(a) % 8);
void* b = buf.Allocate(10);
EXPECT_TRUE(IsZero(b, 10));
EXPECT_EQ(0, reinterpret_cast<ptrdiff_t>(b) % 8);
// Any more allocations would result in an assert, but we can't test that.
// Tests that FixedBuffer::Leak passes ownership to the caller.
TEST(FixedBufferTest, Leak) {
SimpleBindingsSupport bindings_support;
void* ptr = NULL;
void* buf_ptr = NULL;
internal::FixedBuffer buf(8);
ASSERT_EQ(8u, buf.size());
ptr = buf.Allocate(8);
void* buf_ptr = buf.Leak();
// The buffer should point to the first element allocated.
// TODO(mpcomplete): Is this a reasonable expectation?
EXPECT_EQ(ptr, buf_ptr);
// The FixedBuffer should be empty now.
EXPECT_EQ(0u, buf.size());
// Since we called Leak, ptr is still writable after FixedBuffer went out of
// scope.
memset(ptr, 1, 8);
} // namespace test
} // namespace mojo