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// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


// Defines all the command-line switches used by ui/gl.

#include "ui/gl/gl_export.h"

namespace gfx {

// The GL implementation names that can be passed to --use-gl.
GL_EXPORT extern const char kGLImplementationDesktopName[];
GL_EXPORT extern const char kGLImplementationOSMesaName[];
GL_EXPORT extern const char kGLImplementationAppleName[];
GL_EXPORT extern const char kGLImplementationEGLName[];
GL_EXPORT extern const char kGLImplementationSwiftShaderName[];
extern const char kGLImplementationMockName[];

}  // namespace gfx

namespace switches {

GL_EXPORT extern const char kEnableD3D11[];
GL_EXPORT extern const char kDisableD3D11[];
GL_EXPORT extern const char kDisableGpuVsync[];
GL_EXPORT extern const char kEnableGPUServiceLogging[];
GL_EXPORT extern const char kEnableGPUClientLogging[];
GL_EXPORT extern const char kEnableGPUServiceTracing[];
GL_EXPORT extern const char kGpuNoContextLost[];
GL_EXPORT extern const char kGpuSwapDelay[];

GL_EXPORT extern const char kSupportsDualGpus[];
GL_EXPORT extern const char kGpuSwitching[];

// The GPU switching names that can be passed to --gpu-switching.
GL_EXPORT extern const char kGpuSwitchingOptionNameForceIntegrated[];
GL_EXPORT extern const char kGpuSwitchingOptionNameForceDiscrete[];
// The last one (automatic) is not used as commandline switch option.
GL_EXPORT extern const char kGpuSwitchingOptionNameAutomatic[];

GL_EXPORT extern const char kUseGL[];
GL_EXPORT extern const char kSwiftShaderPath[];
GL_EXPORT extern const char kTestGLLib[];

GL_EXPORT extern const char* kGLSwitchesCopiedFromGpuProcessHost[];
GL_EXPORT extern const int kGLSwitchesCopiedFromGpuProcessHostNumSwitches;

}  // namespace switches

#endif  // UI_GL_GL_SWITCHES_H_