* Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <utils/RefBase.h>
#include <utils/String8.h>
#include <utils/String16.h>
#include <utils/Vector.h>
#include <utils/Timers.h>
#include "hardware/camera2.h"
#include "camera/CameraMetadata.h"
namespace android {
* Base interface for version >= 2 camera device classes, which interface to
* camera HAL device versions >= 2.
class CameraDeviceBase : public virtual RefBase {
virtual ~CameraDeviceBase();
* The device's camera ID
virtual int getId() const = 0;
virtual status_t initialize(camera_module_t *module) = 0;
virtual status_t disconnect() = 0;
virtual status_t dump(int fd, const Vector<String16>& args) = 0;
* The device's static characteristics metadata buffer
virtual const CameraMetadata& info() const = 0;
* Submit request for capture. The CameraDevice takes ownership of the
* passed-in buffer.
virtual status_t capture(CameraMetadata &request) = 0;
* Submit request for streaming. The CameraDevice makes a copy of the
* passed-in buffer and the caller retains ownership.
virtual status_t setStreamingRequest(const CameraMetadata &request) = 0;
* Clear the streaming request slot.
virtual status_t clearStreamingRequest() = 0;
* Wait until a request with the given ID has been dequeued by the
* HAL. Returns TIMED_OUT if the timeout duration is reached. Returns
* immediately if the latest request received by the HAL has this id.
virtual status_t waitUntilRequestReceived(int32_t requestId,
nsecs_t timeout) = 0;
* Create an output stream of the requested size and format.
* If format is CAMERA2_HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_OPAQUE, then the HAL device selects
* an appropriate format; it can be queried with getStreamInfo.
* If format is HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_COMPRESSED, the size parameter must be
* equal to the size in bytes of the buffers to allocate for the stream. For
* other formats, the size parameter is ignored.
virtual status_t createStream(sp<ANativeWindow> consumer,
uint32_t width, uint32_t height, int format, size_t size,
int *id) = 0;
* Create an input reprocess stream that uses buffers from an existing
* output stream.
virtual status_t createReprocessStreamFromStream(int outputId, int *id) = 0;
* Get information about a given stream.
virtual status_t getStreamInfo(int id,
uint32_t *width, uint32_t *height, uint32_t *format) = 0;
* Set stream gralloc buffer transform
virtual status_t setStreamTransform(int id, int transform) = 0;
* Delete stream. Must not be called if there are requests in flight which
* reference that stream.
virtual status_t deleteStream(int id) = 0;
* Delete reprocess stream. Must not be called if there are requests in
* flight which reference that stream.
virtual status_t deleteReprocessStream(int id) = 0;
* Create a metadata buffer with fields that the HAL device believes are
* best for the given use case
virtual status_t createDefaultRequest(int templateId,
CameraMetadata *request) = 0;
* Wait until all requests have been processed. Returns INVALID_OPERATION if
* the streaming slot is not empty, or TIMED_OUT if the requests haven't
* finished processing in 10 seconds.
virtual status_t waitUntilDrained() = 0;
* Abstract class for HAL notification listeners
class NotificationListener {
// The set of notifications is a merge of the notifications required for
// API1 and API2.
// Required for API 1 and 2
virtual void notifyError(int errorCode, int arg1, int arg2) = 0;
// Required only for API2
virtual void notifyIdle() = 0;
virtual void notifyShutter(int requestId,
nsecs_t timestamp) = 0;
// Required only for API1
virtual void notifyAutoFocus(uint8_t newState, int triggerId) = 0;
virtual void notifyAutoExposure(uint8_t newState, int triggerId) = 0;
virtual void notifyAutoWhitebalance(uint8_t newState,
int triggerId) = 0;
virtual ~NotificationListener();
* Connect HAL notifications to a listener. Overwrites previous
* listener. Set to NULL to stop receiving notifications.
virtual status_t setNotifyCallback(NotificationListener *listener) = 0;
* Whether the device supports calling notifyAutofocus, notifyAutoExposure,
* and notifyAutoWhitebalance; if this returns false, the client must
* synthesize these notifications from received frame metadata.
virtual bool willNotify3A() = 0;
* Wait for a new frame to be produced, with timeout in nanoseconds.
* Returns TIMED_OUT when no frame produced within the specified duration
* May be called concurrently to most methods, except for getNextFrame
virtual status_t waitForNextFrame(nsecs_t timeout) = 0;
* Get next metadata frame from the frame queue. Returns NULL if the queue
* is empty; caller takes ownership of the metadata buffer.
* May be called concurrently to most methods, except for waitForNextFrame
virtual status_t getNextFrame(CameraMetadata *frame) = 0;
* Trigger auto-focus. The latest ID used in a trigger autofocus or cancel
* autofocus call will be returned by the HAL in all subsequent AF
* notifications.
virtual status_t triggerAutofocus(uint32_t id) = 0;
* Cancel auto-focus. The latest ID used in a trigger autofocus/cancel
* autofocus call will be returned by the HAL in all subsequent AF
* notifications.
virtual status_t triggerCancelAutofocus(uint32_t id) = 0;
* Trigger pre-capture metering. The latest ID used in a trigger pre-capture
* call will be returned by the HAL in all subsequent AE and AWB
* notifications.
virtual status_t triggerPrecaptureMetering(uint32_t id) = 0;
* Abstract interface for clients that want to listen to reprocess buffer
* release events
struct BufferReleasedListener : public virtual RefBase {
virtual void onBufferReleased(buffer_handle_t *handle) = 0;
* Push a buffer to be reprocessed into a reprocessing stream, and
* provide a listener to call once the buffer is returned by the HAL
virtual status_t pushReprocessBuffer(int reprocessStreamId,
buffer_handle_t *buffer, wp<BufferReleasedListener> listener) = 0;
* Flush all pending and in-flight requests. Blocks until flush is
* complete.
virtual status_t flush() = 0;
}; // namespace android