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// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// This class gathers state related to a single user profile.


#include <string>

#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/containers/hash_tables.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "components/domain_reliability/clear_mode.h"
#include "content/public/browser/browser_context.h"
#include "content/public/browser/content_browser_client.h"

class ChromeAppCacheService;
class DevToolsNetworkController;
class ExtensionService;
class ExtensionSpecialStoragePolicy;
class FaviconService;
class HostContentSettingsMap;
class PrefProxyConfigTracker;
class PrefService;
class PromoCounter;
class ProtocolHandlerRegistry;
class TestingProfile;
class WebDataService;

namespace android {
class TabContentsProvider;

namespace base {
class SequencedTaskRunner;
class Time;

namespace chrome_browser_net {
class Predictor;

namespace chromeos {
class LibCrosServiceLibraryImpl;
class ResetDefaultProxyConfigServiceTask;

namespace content {
class WebUI;

namespace fileapi {
class FileSystemContext;

namespace history {
class TopSites;

namespace net {
class SSLConfigService;

namespace user_prefs {
class PrefRegistrySyncable;

// Instead of adding more members to Profile, consider creating a
// KeyedService. See
// http://dev.chromium.org/developers/design-documents/profile-architecture
class Profile : public content::BrowserContext {
  // Profile services are accessed with the following parameter. This parameter
  // defines what the caller plans to do with the service.
  // The caller is responsible for not performing any operation that would
  // result in persistent implicit records while using an OffTheRecord profile.
  // This flag allows the profile to perform an additional check.
  // It also gives us an opportunity to perform further checks in the future. We
  // could, for example, return an history service that only allow some specific
  // methods.
  enum ServiceAccessType {
    // The caller plans to perform a read or write that takes place as a result
    // of the user input. Use this flag when the operation you are doing can be
    // performed while incognito. (ex: creating a bookmark)
    // Since EXPLICIT_ACCESS means "as a result of a user action", this request
    // always succeeds.

    // The caller plans to call a method that will permanently change some data
    // in the profile, as part of Chrome's implicit data logging. Use this flag
    // when you are about to perform an operation which is incompatible with the
    // incognito mode.

  enum CreateStatus {
    // Profile services were not created due to a local error (e.g., disk full).
    // Profile services were not created due to a remote error (e.g., network
    // down during limited-user registration).
    // Profile created but before initializing extensions and promo resources.
    // Profile is created, extensions and promo resources are initialized.
    // Profile creation (managed-user registration, generally) was canceled
    // by the user.
    MAX_CREATE_STATUS  // For histogram display.

  enum CreateMode {

  enum ExitType {
    // A normal shutdown. The user clicked exit/closed last window of the
    // profile.

    // The exit was the result of the system shutting down.


  enum ProfileType {
    REGULAR_PROFILE,  // Login user's normal profile
    INCOGNITO_PROFILE,  // Login user's off-the-record profile
    GUEST_PROFILE,  // Guest session's profile

  class Delegate {
    virtual ~Delegate();

    // Called when creation of the profile is finished.
    virtual void OnProfileCreated(Profile* profile,
                                  bool success,
                                  bool is_new_profile) = 0;

  // Key used to bind profile to the widget with which it is associated.
  static const char kProfileKey[];

  virtual ~Profile();

  // Profile prefs are registered as soon as the prefs are loaded for the first
  // time.
  static void RegisterProfilePrefs(user_prefs::PrefRegistrySyncable* registry);

  // Create a new profile given a path. If |create_mode| is
  // CREATE_MODE_ASYNCHRONOUS then the profile is initialized asynchronously.
  static Profile* CreateProfile(const base::FilePath& path,
                                Delegate* delegate,
                                CreateMode create_mode);

  // Returns the profile corresponding to the given browser context.
  static Profile* FromBrowserContext(content::BrowserContext* browser_context);

  // Returns the profile corresponding to the given WebUI.
  static Profile* FromWebUI(content::WebUI* web_ui);

  // content::BrowserContext implementation ------------------------------------

  // Typesafe upcast.
  virtual TestingProfile* AsTestingProfile();

  // Returns sequenced task runner where browser context dependent I/O
  // operations should be performed.
  virtual scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner> GetIOTaskRunner() = 0;

  // Returns the name associated with this profile. This name is displayed in
  // the browser frame.
  virtual std::string GetProfileName() = 0;

  // Returns the profile type.
  virtual ProfileType GetProfileType() const = 0;

  // Return the incognito version of this profile. The returned pointer
  // is owned by the receiving profile. If the receiving profile is off the
  // record, the same profile is returned.
  // WARNING: This will create the OffTheRecord profile if it doesn't already
  // exist. If this isn't what you want, you need to check
  // HasOffTheRecordProfile() first.
  virtual Profile* GetOffTheRecordProfile() = 0;

  // Destroys the incognito profile.
  virtual void DestroyOffTheRecordProfile() = 0;

  // True if an incognito profile exists.
  virtual bool HasOffTheRecordProfile() = 0;

  // Return the original "recording" profile. This method returns this if the
  // profile is not incognito.
  virtual Profile* GetOriginalProfile() = 0;

  // Returns whether the profile is supervised (see ManagedUserService).
  virtual bool IsSupervised() = 0;

  // Returns a pointer to the TopSites (thumbnail manager) instance
  // for this profile.
  virtual history::TopSites* GetTopSites() = 0;

  // Variant of GetTopSites that doesn't force creation.
  virtual history::TopSites* GetTopSitesWithoutCreating() = 0;

  // DEPRECATED. Instead, use ExtensionSystem::extension_service().
  // Retrieves a pointer to the ExtensionService associated with this
  // profile. The ExtensionService is created at startup.
  // TODO(yoz): remove this accessor (bug 104095).
  virtual ExtensionService* GetExtensionService() = 0;

  // Accessor. The instance is created upon first access.
  virtual ExtensionSpecialStoragePolicy*
      GetExtensionSpecialStoragePolicy() = 0;

  // Retrieves a pointer to the PrefService that manages the
  // preferences for this user profile.
  virtual PrefService* GetPrefs() = 0;

  // Retrieves a pointer to the PrefService that manages the preferences
  // for OffTheRecord Profiles.  This PrefService is lazily created the first
  // time that this method is called.
  virtual PrefService* GetOffTheRecordPrefs() = 0;

  // Returns the main request context.
  virtual net::URLRequestContextGetter* GetRequestContext() = 0;

  // Returns the request context used for extension-related requests.  This
  // is only used for a separate cookie store currently.
  virtual net::URLRequestContextGetter* GetRequestContextForExtensions() = 0;

  // Returns the SSLConfigService for this profile.
  virtual net::SSLConfigService* GetSSLConfigService() = 0;

  // Returns the Hostname <-> Content settings map for this profile.
  virtual HostContentSettingsMap* GetHostContentSettingsMap() = 0;

  // Return whether 2 profiles are the same. 2 profiles are the same if they
  // represent the same profile. This can happen if there is pointer equality
  // or if one profile is the incognito version of another profile (or vice
  // versa).
  virtual bool IsSameProfile(Profile* profile) = 0;

  // Returns the time the profile was started. This is not the time the profile
  // was created, rather it is the time the user started chrome and logged into
  // this profile. For the single profile case, this corresponds to the time
  // the user started chrome.
  virtual base::Time GetStartTime() const = 0;

  // Creates the main net::URLRequestContextGetter that will be returned by
  // GetRequestContext(). Should only be called once per ContentBrowserClient
  // object. This function is exposed because of the circular dependency where
  // GetStoragePartition() is used to retrieve the request context, but creation
  // still has to happen in the Profile so the StoragePartition calls
  // ContextBrowserClient to call this function.
  // TODO(ajwong): Remove once http://crbug.com/159193 is resolved.
  virtual net::URLRequestContextGetter* CreateRequestContext(
      content::ProtocolHandlerMap* protocol_handlers,
      content::URLRequestInterceptorScopedVector request_interceptors) = 0;

  // Creates the net::URLRequestContextGetter for a StoragePartition. Should
  // only be called once per partition_path per ContentBrowserClient object.
  // This function is exposed because the request context is retrieved from the
  // StoragePartition, but creation still has to happen in the Profile so the
  // StoragePartition calls ContextBrowserClient to call this function.
  // TODO(ajwong): Remove once http://crbug.com/159193 is resolved.
  virtual net::URLRequestContextGetter* CreateRequestContextForStoragePartition(
      const base::FilePath& partition_path,
      bool in_memory,
      content::ProtocolHandlerMap* protocol_handlers,
      content::URLRequestInterceptorScopedVector request_interceptors) = 0;

  // Returns the last directory that was chosen for uploading or opening a file.
  virtual base::FilePath last_selected_directory() = 0;
  virtual void set_last_selected_directory(const base::FilePath& path) = 0;

#if defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
  enum AppLocaleChangedVia {
    // Caused by chrome://settings change.
    // Locale has been reverted via LocaleChangeGuard.
    // From login screen.
    // Source unknown.

  // Changes application locale for a profile.
  virtual void ChangeAppLocale(
      const std::string& locale, AppLocaleChangedVia via) = 0;

  // Called after login.
  virtual void OnLogin() = 0;

  // Initializes Chrome OS's preferences.
  virtual void InitChromeOSPreferences() = 0;
#endif  // defined(OS_CHROMEOS)

  // Returns the helper object that provides the proxy configuration service
  // access to the the proxy configuration possibly defined by preferences.
  virtual PrefProxyConfigTracker* GetProxyConfigTracker() = 0;

  // Returns the Predictor object used for dns prefetch.
  virtual chrome_browser_net::Predictor* GetNetworkPredictor() = 0;

  // Returns the DevToolsNetworkController for this profile.
  virtual DevToolsNetworkController* GetDevToolsNetworkController() = 0;

  // Deletes all network related data since |time|. It deletes transport
  // security state since |time| and it also deletes HttpServerProperties data.
  // Works asynchronously, however if the |completion| callback is non-null, it
  // will be posted on the UI thread once the removal process completes.
  // Be aware that theoretically it is possible that |completion| will be
  // invoked after the Profile instance has been destroyed.
  virtual void ClearNetworkingHistorySince(base::Time time,
                                           const base::Closure& completion) = 0;

  // Clears browsing data stored in the Domain Reliability Monitor. (See
  // profile_impl_io_data.h for details.)
  virtual void ClearDomainReliabilityMonitor(
      domain_reliability::DomainReliabilityClearMode mode,
      const base::Closure& competion) = 0;

  // Returns the home page for this profile.
  virtual GURL GetHomePage() = 0;

  // Returns whether or not the profile was created by a version of Chrome
  // more recent (or equal to) the one specified.
  virtual bool WasCreatedByVersionOrLater(const std::string& version) = 0;

  std::string GetDebugName();

  // Returns whether it is a guest session.
  virtual bool IsGuestSession() const;

  // Did the user restore the last session? This is set by SessionRestore.
  void set_restored_last_session(bool restored_last_session) {
    restored_last_session_ = restored_last_session;
  bool restored_last_session() const {
    return restored_last_session_;

  // Sets the ExitType for the profile. This may be invoked multiple times
  // during shutdown; only the first such change (the transition from
  // EXIT_CRASHED to one of the other values) is written to prefs, any
  // later calls are ignored.
  // NOTE: this is invoked internally on a normal shutdown, but is public so
  // that it can be invoked when the user logs out/powers down (WM_ENDSESSION),
  // or to handle backgrounding/foregrounding on mobile.
  virtual void SetExitType(ExitType exit_type) = 0;

  // Returns how the last session was shutdown.
  virtual ExitType GetLastSessionExitType() = 0;

  // Stop sending accessibility events until ResumeAccessibilityEvents().
  // Calls to Pause nest; no events will be sent until the number of
  // Resume calls matches the number of Pause calls received.
  void PauseAccessibilityEvents() {

  void ResumeAccessibilityEvents() {
    DCHECK_GT(accessibility_pause_level_, 0);

  bool ShouldSendAccessibilityEvents() {
    return 0 == accessibility_pause_level_;

  // Returns whether the profile is new.  A profile is new if the browser has
  // not been shut down since the profile was created.
  bool IsNewProfile();

  // Checks whether sync is configurable by the user. Returns false if sync is
  // disabled or controlled by configuration management.
  bool IsSyncAccessible();

  // Send NOTIFICATION_PROFILE_DESTROYED for this Profile, if it has not
  // already been sent. It is necessary because most Profiles are destroyed by
  // ProfileDestroyer, but in tests, some are not.
  void MaybeSendDestroyedNotification();

  // Creates an OffTheRecordProfile which points to this Profile.
  Profile* CreateOffTheRecordProfile();

  bool restored_last_session_;

  // Used to prevent the notification that this Profile is destroyed from
  // being sent twice.
  bool sent_destroyed_notification_;

  // Accessibility events will only be propagated when the pause
  // level is zero.  PauseAccessibilityEvents and ResumeAccessibilityEvents
  // increment and decrement the level, respectively, rather than set it to
  // true or false, so that calls can be nested.
  int accessibility_pause_level_;


// The comparator for profile pointers as key in a map.
struct ProfileCompare {
  bool operator()(Profile* a, Profile* b) const;

#if defined(COMPILER_GCC)

struct hash<Profile*> {
  std::size_t operator()(Profile* const& p) const {
    return reinterpret_cast<std::size_t>(p);

}  // namespace BASE_HASH_NAMESPACE