// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
function focus(element) {
// Focus the target element in order to send keys to it.
// First, the currently active element is blurred, if it is different from
// the target element. We do not want to blur an element unnecessarily,
// because this may cause us to lose the current cursor position in the
// element.
// Secondly, we focus the target element.
// Thirdly, if the target element is newly focused and is a text input, we
// set the cursor position at the end.
// Fourthly, we check if the new active element is the target element. If not,
// we throw an error.
// Additional notes:
// - |document.activeElement| is the currently focused element, or body if
// no element is focused
// - Even if |document.hasFocus()| returns true and the active element is
// the body, sometimes we still need to focus the body element for send
// keys to work. Not sure why
// - You cannot focus a descendant of a content editable node
// - V8 throws a TypeError when calling setSelectionRange for a non-text
// input, which still have setSelectionRange defined. For chrome 29+, V8
// throws a DOMException with code InvalidStateError.
var doc = element.ownerDocument || element;
var prevActiveElement = doc.activeElement;
if (element != prevActiveElement && prevActiveElement)
if (element != prevActiveElement && element.value &&
element.value.length && element.setSelectionRange) {
try {
element.setSelectionRange(element.value.length, element.value.length);
} catch (error) {
if (!(error instanceof TypeError) && !(error instanceof DOMException &&
error.code == DOMException.INVALID_STATE_ERR))
throw error;
if (element != doc.activeElement)
throw new Error('cannot focus element');