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// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <string>

#include "remoting/protocol/errors.h"
#include "remoting/protocol/session_config.h"

namespace net {
class IPEndPoint;
}  // namespace net

namespace remoting {
namespace protocol {

class ChannelFactory;
struct TransportRoute;

// Generic interface for Chromotocol connection used by both client and host.
// Provides access to the connection channels, but doesn't depend on the
// protocol used for each channel.
class Session {
  enum State {
    // Created, but not connecting yet.

    // Sent session-initiate, but haven't received session-accept.

    // Received session-initiate, but haven't sent session-accept.

    // Session has been accepted and is pending authentication.

    // Session has started authenticating.

    // Session has been connected and authenticated.

    // Session has been closed.

    // Connection has failed.

  class EventHandler {
    EventHandler() {}
    virtual ~EventHandler() {}

    // Called after session state has changed. It is safe to destroy
    // the session from within the handler if |state| is AUTHENTICATING
    // or CLOSED or FAILED.
    virtual void OnSessionStateChange(State state) = 0;

    // Called whenever route for the channel specified with
    // |channel_name| changes. Session must not be destroyed by the
    // handler of this event.
    virtual void OnSessionRouteChange(const std::string& channel_name,
                                      const TransportRoute& route) = 0;

  Session() {}
  virtual ~Session() {}

  // Set event handler for this session. |event_handler| must outlive
  // this object.
  virtual void SetEventHandler(EventHandler* event_handler) = 0;

  // Returns error code for a failed session.
  virtual ErrorCode error() = 0;

  // JID of the other side.
  virtual const std::string& jid() = 0;

  // Configuration of the protocol that was sent or received in the
  // session-initiate jingle message. Returned pointer is valid until
  // connection is closed.
  virtual const CandidateSessionConfig* candidate_config() = 0;

  // Protocol configuration. Can be called only after session has been accepted.
  // Returned pointer is valid until connection is closed.
  virtual const SessionConfig& config() = 0;

  // Set protocol configuration for an incoming session. Must be
  // called on the host before the connection is accepted, from
  // ChromotocolServer::IncomingConnectionCallback.
  virtual void set_config(const SessionConfig& config) = 0;

  // GetTransportChannelFactory() returns a factory that creates a new transport
  // channel for each logical channel. GetMultiplexedChannelFactory() channels
  // share a single underlying transport channel
  virtual ChannelFactory* GetTransportChannelFactory() = 0;
  virtual ChannelFactory* GetMultiplexedChannelFactory() = 0;

  // Closes connection. Callbacks are guaranteed not to be called
  // after this method returns. Must be called before the object is
  // destroyed, unless the state is set to FAILED or CLOSED.
  virtual void Close() = 0;


}  // namespace protocol
}  // namespace remoting