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// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

 * @fileoverview
 * Class handling saving and restoring of per-host options.

'use strict';

/** @suppress {duplicate} */
var remoting = remoting || {};

/** @type {Object} */
remoting.HostSettings = {};

 * Load the settings for the specified host. Settings are returned as a
 * dictionary of (name, value) pairs.
 * @param {string} hostId The host identifer for which to load options.
 * @param {function(Object):void} callback Callback to which the
 *     current settings for the host are passed. If there are no settings,
 *     then an empty dictionary is passed.
 * @return {void} Nothing.
remoting.HostSettings.load = function(hostId, callback) {
   * @param {Object} requestedHost
   * @param {Object} allHosts
   * @return {void} Nothing.
  var onDone = function(requestedHost, allHosts) {
  remoting.HostSettings.loadInternal_(hostId, onDone);

 * Save the settings for the specified hosts. Existing settings with the same
 * names will be overwritten; settings not currently saved will be created.
 * @param {string} hostId The host identifer for which to save options.
 * @param {Object} options The options to save, expressed as a dictionary of
 *     (name, value) pairs.
 * @param {function():void=} opt_callback Optional completion callback.
 * @return {void} Nothing.
 */ = function(hostId, options, opt_callback) {
   * @param {Object} requestedHost
   * @param {Object} allHosts
   * @return {void} Nothing.
  var onDone = function(requestedHost, allHosts) {
    for (var option in options) {
      requestedHost[option] = options[option];
    allHosts[hostId] = requestedHost;
    var newSettings = {};
    newSettings[remoting.HostSettings.KEY_] = JSON.stringify(allHosts);, opt_callback);
  remoting.HostSettings.loadInternal_(hostId, onDone);

 * Helper function for both load and save.
 * @param {string} hostId The host identifer for which to load options.
 * @param {function(Object, Object):void} callback Callback to which the
 *     current settings for the specified host and for all hosts are passed.
 * @return {void} Nothing.
remoting.HostSettings.loadInternal_ = function(hostId, callback) {
   * @param {Object.<string>} allHosts The current options for all hosts.
   * @return {void} Nothing.
  var onDone = function(allHosts) {
    var result = {};
    try {
      var hosts = allHosts[remoting.HostSettings.KEY_];
      if (hosts) {
        result = jsonParseSafe(hosts);
        if (typeof(result) != 'object') {
          console.error("Error loading host settings: Not an object");
          result = {};
        } else if (/** @type {Object} */ (result).hasOwnProperty(hostId) &&
                   typeof(result[hostId]) == 'object') {
          callback(result[hostId], result);
    } catch (err) {
      var typedErr = /** @type {*} */ (err);
      console.error('Error loading host settings:', typedErr);
    callback({}, /** @type {Object} */ (result));
  };, onDone);

/** @type {string} @private */
remoting.HostSettings.KEY_ = 'remoting-host-options';