 * Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

 * Android's method call profiling goodies.

#ifndef NOT_VM      /* for utilities that sneakily include this file */

#include <stdio.h>

struct Thread;      // extern

/* boot init */
bool dvmProfilingStartup(void);
void dvmProfilingShutdown(void);

 * Method trace state.  This is currently global.  In theory we could make
 * most of this per-thread.
struct MethodTraceState {
    /* active state */
    pthread_mutex_t startStopLock;
    pthread_cond_t  threadExitCond;
    FILE*   traceFile;
    bool    directToDdms;
    int     bufferSize;
    int     flags;

    int     traceEnabled;
    u1*     buf;
    volatile int curOffset;
    u8      startWhen;
    int     overflow;

    int     traceVersion;
    size_t  recordSize;

    bool    samplingEnabled;
    pthread_t       samplingThreadHandle;

 * Memory allocation profiler state.  This is used both globally and
 * per-thread.
 * If you add a field here, zero it out in dvmStartAllocCounting().
struct AllocProfState {
    bool    enabled;            // is allocation tracking enabled?

    int     allocCount;         // #of objects allocated
    int     allocSize;          // cumulative size of objects

    int     failedAllocCount;   // #of times an allocation failed
    int     failedAllocSize;    // cumulative size of failed allocations

    int     freeCount;          // #of objects freed
    int     freeSize;           // cumulative size of freed objects

    int     gcCount;            // #of times an allocation triggered a GC

    int     classInitCount;     // #of initialized classes
    u8      classInitTime;      // cumulative time spent in class init (nsec)

 * Start/stop method tracing.
void dvmMethodTraceStart(const char* traceFileName, int traceFd, int bufferSize,
        int flags, bool directToDdms, bool samplingEnabled, int intervalUs);
void dvmMethodTraceStop(void);

 * Returns current method tracing mode.
enum TracingMode {
TracingMode dvmGetMethodTracingMode(void);

 * Start/stop emulator tracing.
void dvmEmulatorTraceStart(void);
void dvmEmulatorTraceStop(void);

 * Start/stop Dalvik instruction counting.
void dvmStartInstructionCounting();
void dvmStopInstructionCounting();

 * Bit flags for dvmMethodTraceStart "flags" argument.  These must match
 * the values in android.os.Debug.
enum {
    TRACE_ALLOC_COUNTS      = 0x01,

 * Call these when a method enters or exits.
#define TRACE_METHOD_ENTER(_self, _method)                                  \
    do {                                                                    \
        if (_self->interpBreak.ctl.subMode & kSubModeMethodTrace) {         \
            u4 cpuClockDiff = 0;                                            \
            u4 wallClockDiff = 0;                                           \
            dvmMethodTraceReadClocks(_self, &cpuClockDiff, &wallClockDiff); \
            dvmMethodTraceAdd(_self, _method, METHOD_TRACE_ENTER,           \
                              cpuClockDiff, wallClockDiff);                 \
        }                                                                   \
        if (_self->interpBreak.ctl.subMode & kSubModeEmulatorTrace)         \
            dvmEmitEmulatorTrace(_method, METHOD_TRACE_ENTER);              \
    } while(0);
#define TRACE_METHOD_EXIT(_self, _method)                                   \
    do {                                                                    \
        if (_self->interpBreak.ctl.subMode & kSubModeMethodTrace) {         \
            u4 cpuClockDiff = 0;                                            \
            u4 wallClockDiff = 0;                                           \
            dvmMethodTraceReadClocks(_self, &cpuClockDiff, &wallClockDiff); \
            dvmMethodTraceAdd(_self, _method, METHOD_TRACE_EXIT,            \
                              cpuClockDiff, wallClockDiff);                 \
        }                                                                   \
        if (_self->interpBreak.ctl.subMode & kSubModeEmulatorTrace)         \
            dvmEmitEmulatorTrace(_method, METHOD_TRACE_EXIT);               \
    } while(0);
#define TRACE_METHOD_UNROLL(_self, _method)                                 \
    do {                                                                    \
        if (_self->interpBreak.ctl.subMode & kSubModeMethodTrace) {         \
            u4 cpuClockDiff = 0;                                            \
            u4 wallClockDiff = 0;                                           \
            dvmMethodTraceReadClocks(_self, &cpuClockDiff, &wallClockDiff); \
            dvmMethodTraceAdd(_self, _method, METHOD_TRACE_UNROLL,          \
                              cpuClockDiff, wallClockDiff);                 \
        }                                                                   \
        if (_self->interpBreak.ctl.subMode & kSubModeEmulatorTrace)         \
            dvmEmitEmulatorTrace(_method, METHOD_TRACE_UNROLL);             \
    } while(0);

void dvmMethodTraceReadClocks(Thread* self, u4* cpuClockDiff,
                              u4* wallClockDiff);
void dvmMethodTraceAdd(struct Thread* self, const Method* method, int action,
                       u4 cpuClockDiff, u4 wallClockDiff);
void dvmEmitEmulatorTrace(const Method* method, int action);

void dvmMethodTraceGCBegin(void);
void dvmMethodTraceGCEnd(void);
void dvmMethodTraceClassPrepBegin(void);
void dvmMethodTraceClassPrepEnd(void);

extern "C" void dvmFastMethodTraceEnter(const Method* method, struct Thread* self);
extern "C" void dvmFastMethodTraceExit(struct Thread* self);
extern "C" void dvmFastNativeMethodTraceExit(const Method* method, struct Thread* self);

 * Start/stop alloc counting.
void dvmStartAllocCounting(void);
void dvmStopAllocCounting(void);


 * Enumeration for the two "action" bits.
enum {
    METHOD_TRACE_ENTER = 0x00,      // method entry
    METHOD_TRACE_EXIT = 0x01,       // method exit
    METHOD_TRACE_UNROLL = 0x02,     // method exited by exception unrolling
    // 0x03 currently unused

#define TOKEN_CHAR      '*'

 * Common definitions, shared with the dump tool.
#define METHOD_ACTION_MASK      0x03            /* two bits */
#define METHOD_ID(_method)      ((_method) & (~METHOD_ACTION_MASK))
#define METHOD_ACTION(_method)  (((unsigned int)(_method)) & METHOD_ACTION_MASK)
#define METHOD_COMBINE(_method, _action)    ((_method) | (_action))

#endif  // DALVIK_PROFILE_H_