/* ** ** Copyright 2014, The Android Open Source Project ** ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. ** You may obtain a copy of the License at ** ** http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ** ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and ** limitations under the License. */ #define LOG_TAG "AudioHAL:alsa_utils" #include "alsa_utils.h" #ifndef ALSA_UTILS_PRINT_FORMATS #define ALSA_UTILS_PRINT_FORMATS 1 #endif int find_alsa_card_by_name(const char* name) { int card_id = 0; int ret = -1; int fd; do { int fd; int amt; char tmp[256]; snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "/proc/asound/card%d/id", card_id); tmp[sizeof(tmp) - 1] = 0; fd = open(tmp, O_RDONLY); if (fd < 0) break; amt = read(fd, tmp, sizeof(tmp) - 1); if (amt > 0) { // replace the '\n' at the end of the proc file with '\0' tmp[amt - 1] = 0; if (!strcmp(name, tmp)) ret = card_id; } close(fd); card_id++; } while (ret < 0); ALOGI("%s: returning card %d for name %s", __func__, ret, name); return ret; } #ifdef __cplusplus #include <tinyalsa/asoundlib.h> #include <utils/misc.h> namespace android { static const char *kCtrlNames[] = { "Basic Audio Supported", "Speaker Allocation", "Audio Mode Count", "Audio Mode To Query", "Query Mode : Format", "Query Mode : Max Ch Count", "Query Mode : Sample Rate Mask", "Query Mode : PCM Bits/Sample Mask", "Query Mode : Max Compressed Bitrate" }; static const size_t kCtrlCount = sizeof(kCtrlNames)/sizeof(*kCtrlNames); static const size_t kBasicAudNdx = 0; static const size_t kSpeakerAlloc = 1; static const size_t kModeCntNdx = 2; static const size_t kModeSelNdx = 3; static const size_t kFmtNdx = 4; static const size_t kMaxChCntNdx = 5; static const size_t kSampRateNdx = 6; static const size_t kBPSNdx = 7; static const size_t kMaxCompBRNdx = 8; HDMIAudioCaps::HDMIAudioCaps() { // Its unlikely we will need storage for more than 16 modes, but if we do, // the vector will resize for us. mModes.setCapacity(16); reset(); } bool HDMIAudioCaps::loadCaps(int ALSADeviceID) { bool ret = false; struct mixer* mixer = NULL; struct mixer_ctl* ctrls[kCtrlCount] = {NULL}; int tmp, mode_cnt; Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock); ALOGE("%s: start", __func__); reset_l(); // Open the mixer for the chosen ALSA device if (NULL == (mixer = mixer_open(ALSADeviceID))) { ALOGE("%s: mixer_open(%d) failed", __func__, ALSADeviceID); goto bailout; } // Gather handles to all of the controls we will need in order to enumerate // the audio capabilities of this HDMI link. No need to free/release these // later, they are just pointers into the tinyalsa mixer structure itself. for (size_t i = 0; i < kCtrlCount; ++i) { ctrls[i] = mixer_get_ctl_by_name(mixer, kCtrlNames[i]); if (NULL == ctrls[i]) { ALOGE("%s: mixer_get_ctrl_by_name(%s) failed", __func__, kCtrlNames[i]); goto bailout; } } // Start by checking to see if this HDMI connection supports even basic // audio. If it does not, there is no point in proceeding. if ((tmp = mixer_ctl_get_value(ctrls[kBasicAudNdx], 0)) <= 0) { ALOGI("%s: Basic audio not supported by attached device", __func__); goto bailout; } // Looks like we support basic audio. Get a count of the available // non-basic modes. mBasicAudioSupported = true; if ((mode_cnt = mixer_ctl_get_value(ctrls[kModeCntNdx], 0)) < 0) goto bailout; // Fetch the speaker allocation data block, if available. if ((tmp = mixer_ctl_get_value(ctrls[kSpeakerAlloc], 0)) < 0) goto bailout; mSpeakerAlloc = static_cast<uint16_t>(tmp); ALOGI("%s: Speaker Allocation Map for attached device is: 0x%hx", __func__, mSpeakerAlloc); // If there are no non-basic modes available, then we are done. Be sure to // flag this as a successful operation. if (!mode_cnt) { ret = true; goto bailout; } // Now enumerate the non-basic modes. Any errors at this point in time // should indicate that the HDMI cable was unplugged and we should just // abort with an empty set of audio capabilities. for (int i = 0; i < mode_cnt; ++i) { Mode m; // Pick the mode we want to fetch info for. if (mixer_ctl_set_value(ctrls[kModeSelNdx], 0, i) < 0) goto bailout; // Now fetch the common fields. if ((tmp = mixer_ctl_get_value(ctrls[kFmtNdx], 0)) < 0) goto bailout; m.fmt = static_cast<AudFormat>(tmp); ALOGI("Got mode %d from ALSA driver.", m.fmt); if ((tmp = mixer_ctl_get_value(ctrls[kMaxChCntNdx], 0)) < 0) goto bailout; m.max_ch = static_cast<uint32_t>(tmp); if ((tmp = mixer_ctl_get_value(ctrls[kSampRateNdx], 0)) < 0) goto bailout; m.sr_bitmask = static_cast<uint32_t>(tmp); // Now for the mode dependent fields. Only LPCM has the bits-per-sample // mask. Only AC3 through ATRAC have the compressed bitrate field. m.bps_bitmask = 0; m.comp_bitrate = 0; if (m.fmt == kFmtLPCM) { if ((tmp = mixer_ctl_get_value(ctrls[kBPSNdx], 0)) < 0) goto bailout; m.bps_bitmask = static_cast<uint32_t>(tmp); } else if ((m.fmt >= kFmtAC3) && (m.fmt <= kFmtATRAC)) { // FIXME ATRAC is not last format!? if ((tmp = mixer_ctl_get_value(ctrls[kMaxCompBRNdx], 0)) < 0) goto bailout; m.comp_bitrate = static_cast<uint32_t>(tmp); } // Finally, sanity check the info. If it passes, add it to the vector // of available modes. if (sanityCheckMode(m)) { ALOGI("Passed sanity check for mode %d from ALSA driver.", m.fmt); mModes.add(m); } } // Looks like we managed to enumerate all of the modes before someone // unplugged the HDMI cable. Signal success and get out. ret = true; bailout: if (NULL != mixer) mixer_close(mixer); if (!ret) reset_l(); return ret; } void HDMIAudioCaps::reset() { Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock); reset_l(); } void HDMIAudioCaps::reset_l() { mBasicAudioSupported = false; mSpeakerAlloc = 0; mModes.clear(); } void HDMIAudioCaps::getRatesForAF(String8& rates) { Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock); rates.clear(); // If the sink does not support basic audio, then it supports no audio. if (!mBasicAudioSupported) return; // Basic audio always supports from 32k through 38k. uint32_t tmp = kSR_32000 | kSR_44100 | kSR_48000; // To keep things simple, only report mode information for the PCM mode // which supports the maximum number of channels. ssize_t ndx = getMaxChModeNdx_l(); if (ndx >= 0) tmp |= mModes[ndx].sr_bitmask; bool first = true; for (uint32_t i = 1; tmp; i <<= 1) { if (i & tmp) { rates.appendFormat(first ? "%d" : "|%d", srMaskToSR(i)); first = false; tmp &= ~i; } } } void HDMIAudioCaps::getFmtsForAF(String8& fmts) { Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock); fmts.clear(); // If the sink does not support basic audio, then it supports no audio. if (!mBasicAudioSupported) { ALOGI("ALSAFORMATS: basic audio not supported"); return; } fmts.append("AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_16_BIT"); // TODO: when we can start to expect 20 and 24 bit audio modes coming from // AF, we need to implement support to enumerate those modes. // These names must match formats in android.media.AudioFormat for (size_t i = 0; i < mModes.size(); ++i) { switch (mModes[i].fmt) { case kFmtAC3: fmts.append("|AUDIO_FORMAT_AC3"); break; case kFmtEAC3: fmts.append("|AUDIO_FORMAT_E_AC3"); break; default: break; } } #if ALSA_UTILS_PRINT_FORMATS ALOGI("ALSAFORMATS: formats = %s", fmts.string()); for (size_t i = 0; i < mModes.size(); ++i) { ALOGI("ALSAFORMATS: ------- fmt[%d] = 0x%08X = %s", i, mModes[i].fmt, fmtToString(mModes[i].fmt)); ALOGI("ALSAFORMATS: comp_bitrate[%d] = 0x%08X = %d", i, mModes[i].comp_bitrate, mModes[i].comp_bitrate); ALOGI("ALSAFORMATS: max_ch[%d] = 0x%08X = %d", i, mModes[i].max_ch, mModes[i].max_ch); ALOGI("ALSAFORMATS: bps_bitmask[%d] = 0x%08X", i, mModes[i].bps_bitmask); uint32_t bpsm = mModes[i].bps_bitmask; while(bpsm) { uint32_t bpsm_next = bpsm & (bpsm - 1); uint32_t bpsm_single = bpsm ^ bpsm_next; if (bpsm_single) { ALOGI("ALSAFORMATS: bits = %d", bpsMaskToBPS(bpsm_single)); } bpsm = bpsm_next; } ALOGI("ALSAFORMATS: sr_bitmask[%d] = 0x%08X", i, mModes[i].sr_bitmask); uint32_t srs = mModes[i].sr_bitmask; while(srs) { uint32_t srs_next = srs & (srs - 1); uint32_t srs_single = srs ^ srs_next; if (srs_single) { ALOGI("ALSAFORMATS: srate = %d", srMaskToSR(srs_single)); } srs = srs_next; } } #endif /* ALSA_UTILS_PRINT_FORMATS */ } void HDMIAudioCaps::getChannelMasksForAF(String8& masks) { Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock); masks.clear(); // If the sink does not support basic audio, then it supports no audio. if (!mBasicAudioSupported) return; masks.append("AUDIO_CHANNEL_OUT_STEREO"); // To keep things simple, only report mode information for the mode // which supports the maximum number of channels. ssize_t ndx = getMaxChModeNdx_l(); if (ndx < 0) return; if (mModes[ndx].max_ch >= 6) { if (masks.length()) masks.append("|"); masks.append((mModes[ndx].max_ch >= 8) ? "AUDIO_CHANNEL_OUT_5POINT1|AUDIO_CHANNEL_OUT_7POINT1" : "AUDIO_CHANNEL_OUT_5POINT1"); } } ssize_t HDMIAudioCaps::getMaxChModeNdx_l() { ssize_t max_ch_ndx = -1; uint32_t max_ch = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < mModes.size(); ++i) { if (max_ch < mModes[i].max_ch) { max_ch = mModes[i].max_ch; max_ch_ndx = i; } } return max_ch_ndx; } bool HDMIAudioCaps::supportsFormat(audio_format_t format, uint32_t sampleRate, uint32_t channelCount) { Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock); // If the sink does not support basic audio, then it supports no audio. if (!mBasicAudioSupported) return false; AudFormat alsaFormat; switch (format & AUDIO_FORMAT_MAIN_MASK) { case AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM: alsaFormat = kFmtLPCM; break; case AUDIO_FORMAT_AC3: alsaFormat = kFmtAC3; break; case AUDIO_FORMAT_E_AC3: alsaFormat = kFmtAC3; break; default: return false; } SRMask srMask; switch (sampleRate) { case 32000: srMask = kSR_32000; break; case 44100: srMask = kSR_44100; break; case 48000: srMask = kSR_48000; break; case 88200: srMask = kSR_88200; break; case 96000: srMask = kSR_96000; break; case 176400: srMask = kSR_176400; break; case 192000: srMask = kSR_192000; break; default: return false; } // if PCM then determine actual bits per sample. if (alsaFormat == kFmtLPCM) { uint32_t subFormat = format & AUDIO_FORMAT_SUB_MASK; BPSMask bpsMask; switch (subFormat) { case AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_SUB_16_BIT: bpsMask = kBPS_16bit; break; default: return false; } // Is the caller requesting basic audio? If so, we should be good to go. // Otherwise, we need to check the mode table. if ((2 == channelCount) && (sampleRate <= 48000)) return true; // Check the modes in the table to see if there is one which // supports the caller's format. for (size_t i = 0; i < mModes.size(); ++i) { const Mode& m = mModes[i]; if ((m.fmt == kFmtLPCM) && (m.max_ch >= channelCount) && (m.sr_bitmask & srMask) && (m.bps_bitmask & bpsMask)) return true; } } else { // Check the modes in the table to see if there is one which // supports the caller's format. for (size_t i = 0; i < mModes.size(); ++i) { const Mode& m = mModes[i]; // ignore bps_bitmask if ((m.fmt == alsaFormat) && (m.max_ch >= channelCount) && (m.sr_bitmask & srMask)) return true; } } // Looks like no compatible modes were found. return false; } bool HDMIAudioCaps::sanityCheckMode(const Mode& m) { if ((m.fmt < kFmtLPCM) || (m.fmt > kFmtMPGSUR)) return false; if (m.max_ch > 8) return false; if (m.sr_bitmask & ~(kSR_32000 | kSR_44100 | kSR_48000 | kSR_88200 | kSR_96000 | kSR_176400 | kSR_192000)) return false; if (m.bps_bitmask & ~(kBPS_16bit | kBPS_20bit | kBPS_24bit)) return false; return true; } const char* HDMIAudioCaps::fmtToString(AudFormat fmt) { static const char* fmts[] = { "invalid", "LPCM", "AC-3", "MPEG-1", "MPEG-1 Layer 3", "MPEG-2", "AAC-LC", "DTS", "ATRAC", "DSD", "E-AC3", "DTS-HD", "MLP", "DST", "WMA Pro", "Extended" }; if (fmt >= NELEM(fmts)) return "invalid"; return fmts[fmt]; } uint32_t HDMIAudioCaps::srMaskToSR(uint32_t mask) { switch (mask) { case kSR_32000: return 32000; case kSR_44100: return 44100; case kSR_48000: return 48000; case kSR_88200: return 88200; case kSR_96000: return 96000; case kSR_176400: return 176400; case kSR_192000: return 192000; default: return 0; } } uint32_t HDMIAudioCaps::bpsMaskToBPS(uint32_t mask) { switch (mask) { case kBPS_16bit: return 16; case kBPS_20bit: return 20; case kBPS_24bit: return 24; default: return 0; } } const char* HDMIAudioCaps::saMaskToString(uint32_t mask) { switch (mask) { case kSA_FLFR: return "Front Left/Right"; case kSA_LFE: return "LFE"; case kSA_FC: return "Front Center"; case kSA_RLRR: return "Rear Left/Right"; case kSA_RC: return "Rear Center"; case kSA_FLCFRC: return "Front Left/Right Center"; case kSA_RLCRRC: return "Rear Left/Right Center"; case kSA_FLWFRW: return "Front Left/Right Wide"; case kSA_FLHFRH: return "Front Left/Right High"; case kSA_TC: return "Top Center (overhead)"; case kSA_FCH: return "Front Center High"; default: return "unknown"; } } } // namespace android #endif // __cplusplus