/* ** Copyright 2008, Google Inc. ** Copyright (c) 2009-2012,2015, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved. ** ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. ** You may obtain a copy of the License at ** ** http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ** ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and ** limitations under the License. */ #ifndef ANDROID_HARDWARE_QCAMERA_STREAM_H #define ANDROID_HARDWARE_QCAMERA_STREAM_H #include <utils/threads.h> #include <binder/MemoryBase.h> #include <binder/MemoryHeapBase.h> #include <utils/threads.h> #include "QCameraHWI.h" #include "QCameraHWI_Mem.h" #include "QCamera_Intf.h" extern "C" { #include <mm_camera_interface2.h> #define DEFAULT_STREAM_WIDTH 320 #define DEFAULT_STREAM_HEIGHT 240 #define DEFAULT_LIVESHOT_WIDTH 2592 #define DEFAULT_LIVESHOT_HEIGHT 1944 #define MM_CAMERA_CH_PREVIEW_MASK (0x01 << MM_CAMERA_CH_PREVIEW) #define MM_CAMERA_CH_VIDEO_MASK (0x01 << MM_CAMERA_CH_VIDEO) #define MM_CAMERA_CH_SNAPSHOT_MASK (0x01 << MM_CAMERA_CH_SNAPSHOT) } /* extern C*/ typedef struct snap_hdr_record_t_ { bool hdr_on; int num_frame; int num_raw_received; /*in terms of 2^(n/6), e.g -6 means (1/2)x, while 12 is 4x*/ int exp[MAX_HDR_EXP_FRAME_NUM]; mm_camera_ch_data_buf_t *recvd_frame[MAX_HDR_EXP_FRAME_NUM]; } snap_hdr_record_t; namespace android { class QCameraHardwareInterface; class StreamQueue { private: Mutex mQueueLock; Condition mQueueWait; bool mInitialized; //Vector<struct msm_frame *> mContainer; Vector<void *> mContainer; public: StreamQueue(); virtual ~StreamQueue(); bool enqueue(void *element); void flush(); void* dequeue(); void init(); void deinit(); bool isInitialized(); bool isEmpty(); }; class QCameraStream { //: public virtual RefBase{ public: bool mInit; bool mActive; virtual status_t init(); virtual status_t start(); virtual void stop(); virtual void release(); status_t setFormat(uint8_t ch_type_mask, cam_format_t previewFmt); status_t setMode(int enable); virtual void setHALCameraControl(QCameraHardwareInterface* ctrl); //static status_t openChannel(mm_camera_t *, mm_camera_channel_type_t ch_type); virtual status_t initChannel(int cameraId, uint32_t ch_type_mask); virtual status_t deinitChannel(int cameraId, mm_camera_channel_type_t ch_type); virtual void releaseRecordingFrame(const void *opaque) { ; } #if 0 // mzhu virtual status_t getBufferInfo(sp<IMemory>& Frame, size_t *alignedSize) { return NO_ERROR; } #endif // mzhu virtual void prepareHardware() { ; } virtual sp<IMemoryHeap> getHeap() const{return NULL;} virtual status_t initDisplayBuffers(){return NO_ERROR;} virtual status_t initPreviewOnlyBuffers(){return NO_ERROR;} virtual sp<IMemoryHeap> getRawHeap() const {return NULL;} virtual void *getLastQueuedFrame(void){return NULL;} virtual status_t takePictureZSL(void){return NO_ERROR;} virtual status_t takeLiveSnapshot(){return NO_ERROR;} virtual status_t takePictureLiveshot(mm_camera_ch_data_buf_t* recvd_frame){return NO_ERROR;} virtual void setModeLiveSnapshot(bool){;} virtual status_t initSnapshotBuffers(cam_ctrl_dimension_t *dim, int num_of_buf){return NO_ERROR;} virtual void setFullSizeLiveshot(bool){}; /* Set the ANativeWindow */ virtual int setPreviewWindow(preview_stream_ops_t* window) {return NO_ERROR;} virtual void notifyROIEvent(fd_roi_t roi) {;} virtual void notifyWDenoiseEvent(cam_ctrl_status_t status, void * cookie) {}; virtual void resetSnapshotCounters(void ){}; virtual void InitHdrInfoForSnapshot(bool HDR_on, int number_frames, int *exp ) {}; virtual void notifyHdrEvent(cam_ctrl_status_t status, void * cookie) {}; QCameraStream(); QCameraStream(int, camera_mode_t); virtual ~QCameraStream(); QCameraHardwareInterface* mHalCamCtrl; mm_camera_ch_crop_t mCrop; int mCameraId; camera_mode_t myMode; mutable Mutex mStopCallbackLock; mutable Mutex mPreviewFrameLock; int mSnapshotDataCallingBack; int mFreeSnapshotBufAfterDataCb; private: StreamQueue mBusyQueue; StreamQueue mFreeQueue; public: friend void liveshot_callback(mm_camera_ch_data_buf_t *frame,void *user_data); }; /* * Record Class */ class QCameraStream_record : public QCameraStream { public: status_t init(); status_t start() ; void stop() ; void release() ; static QCameraStream* createInstance(int cameraId, camera_mode_t); static void deleteInstance(QCameraStream *p); QCameraStream_record() {}; virtual ~QCameraStream_record(); status_t processRecordFrame(void *data); status_t initEncodeBuffers(); status_t getBufferInfo(sp<IMemory>& Frame, size_t *alignedSize); //sp<IMemoryHeap> getHeap() const; void releaseRecordingFrame(const void *opaque); void debugShowVideoFPS() const; status_t takeLiveSnapshot(); private: QCameraStream_record(int, camera_mode_t); void releaseEncodeBuffer(); cam_ctrl_dimension_t dim; bool mDebugFps; mm_camera_reg_buf_t mRecordBuf; //int record_frame_len; //static const int maxFrameCnt = 16; //camera_memory_t *mCameraMemoryPtr[maxFrameCnt]; //int mNumRecordFrames; //sp<PmemPool> mRecordHeap[maxFrameCnt]; struct msm_frame *recordframes; //uint32_t record_offset[VIDEO_BUFFER_COUNT]; mm_camera_ch_data_buf_t mRecordedFrames[MM_CAMERA_MAX_NUM_FRAMES]; //Mutex mRecordFreeQueueLock; //Vector<mm_camera_ch_data_buf_t> mRecordFreeQueue; int mJpegMaxSize; QCameraStream *mStreamSnap; }; class QCameraStream_preview : public QCameraStream { public: status_t init(); status_t start() ; void stop() ; void release() ; static QCameraStream* createInstance(int, camera_mode_t); static void deleteInstance(QCameraStream *p); QCameraStream_preview() {}; virtual ~QCameraStream_preview(); void *getLastQueuedFrame(void); /*init preview buffers with display case*/ status_t initDisplayBuffers(); status_t processPreviewFrame(mm_camera_ch_data_buf_t *frame); /*init preview buffers with display case*/ status_t processPreviewFrameWithDisplay(mm_camera_ch_data_buf_t *frame); int setPreviewWindow(preview_stream_ops_t* window); void notifyROIEvent(fd_roi_t roi); friend class QCameraHardwareInterface; private: QCameraStream_preview(int cameraId, camera_mode_t); /*allocate and free buffers with display case*/ status_t getBufferFromSurface(); status_t putBufferToSurface(); void dumpFrameToFile(struct msm_frame* newFrame); bool mFirstFrameRcvd; int8_t my_id; mm_camera_op_mode_type_t op_mode; cam_ctrl_dimension_t dim; struct msm_frame *mLastQueuedFrame; mm_camera_reg_buf_t mDisplayBuf; mm_cameara_stream_buf_t mDisplayStreamBuf; Mutex mDisplayLock; preview_stream_ops_t *mPreviewWindow; static const int kPreviewBufferCount = PREVIEW_BUFFER_COUNT; int8_t mNumFDRcvd; int mVFEOutputs; int mHFRFrameCnt; int mHFRFrameSkip; }; /* Snapshot Class - handle data flow*/ class QCameraStream_Snapshot : public QCameraStream { public: status_t init(); status_t start(); void stop(); void release(); void prepareHardware(); static QCameraStream* createInstance(int cameraId, camera_mode_t); static void deleteInstance(QCameraStream *p); status_t takePictureZSL(void); status_t takePictureLiveshot(mm_camera_ch_data_buf_t* recvd_frame); status_t receiveRawPicture(mm_camera_ch_data_buf_t* recvd_frame); void receiveCompleteJpegPicture(jpeg_event_t event); void jpegErrorHandler(jpeg_event_t event); void receiveJpegFragment(uint8_t *ptr, uint32_t size); void deInitBuffer(void); sp<IMemoryHeap> getRawHeap() const; int getSnapshotState(); /*Temp: to be removed once event handling is enabled in mm-camera*/ void runSnapshotThread(void *data); bool isZSLMode(); void setFullSizeLiveshot(bool); void notifyWDenoiseEvent(cam_ctrl_status_t status, void * cookie); friend void liveshot_callback(mm_camera_ch_data_buf_t *frame,void *user_data); void resetSnapshotCounters(void ); void InitHdrInfoForSnapshot(bool HDR_on, int number_frames, int *exp ); void notifyHdrEvent(cam_ctrl_status_t status, void * cookie); bool getSnapJpegCbState(void); void setSnapJpegCbState(bool state); private: QCameraStream_Snapshot(int, camera_mode_t); virtual ~QCameraStream_Snapshot(); /* snapshot related private members */ status_t initJPEGSnapshot(int num_of_snapshots); status_t initRawSnapshot(int num_of_snapshots); status_t initZSLSnapshot(void); status_t initFullLiveshot(void); status_t cancelPicture(); void notifyShutter(common_crop_t *crop, bool play_shutter_sound); status_t initSnapshotBuffers(cam_ctrl_dimension_t *dim, int num_of_buf); status_t initRawSnapshotBuffers(cam_ctrl_dimension_t *dim, int num_of_buf); status_t deinitRawSnapshotBuffers(void); status_t deinitSnapshotBuffers(void); status_t initRawSnapshotChannel(cam_ctrl_dimension_t* dim, int num_snapshots); status_t initSnapshotFormat(cam_ctrl_dimension_t *dim); status_t takePictureRaw(void); status_t takePictureJPEG(void); status_t startStreamZSL(void); void deinitSnapshotChannel(mm_camera_channel_type_t); status_t configSnapshotDimension(cam_ctrl_dimension_t* dim); status_t encodeData(mm_camera_ch_data_buf_t* recvd_frame, common_crop_t *crop_info, int frame_len, bool enqueued); status_t encodeDisplayAndSave(mm_camera_ch_data_buf_t* recvd_frame, bool enqueued); status_t setZSLChannelAttribute(void); void handleError(); void setSnapshotState(int state); void setModeLiveSnapshot(bool); bool isLiveSnapshot(void); void stopPolling(void); bool isFullSizeLiveshot(void); status_t doWaveletDenoise(mm_camera_ch_data_buf_t* frame); status_t sendWDenoiseStartMsg(mm_camera_ch_data_buf_t * frame); void lauchNextWDenoiseFromQueue(); status_t doHdrProcessing( ); /* Member variables */ int mSnapshotFormat; int mPictureWidth; int mPictureHeight; cam_format_t mPictureFormat; int mPostviewWidth; int mPostviewHeight; int mThumbnailWidth; int mThumbnailHeight; cam_format_t mThumbnailFormat; int mJpegOffset; int mSnapshotState; int mNumOfSnapshot; int mNumOfRecievedJPEG; bool mModeLiveSnapshot; bool mBurstModeFlag; int mActualPictureWidth; int mActualPictureHeight; bool mJpegDownscaling; sp<AshmemPool> mJpegHeap; /*TBD:Bikas: This is defined in HWI too.*/ #ifdef USE_ION sp<IonPool> mDisplayHeap; sp<IonPool> mPostviewHeap; #else sp<PmemPool> mDisplayHeap; sp<PmemPool> mPostviewHeap; #endif mm_camera_ch_data_buf_t *mCurrentFrameEncoded; mm_cameara_stream_buf_t mSnapshotStreamBuf; mm_cameara_stream_buf_t mPostviewStreamBuf; StreamQueue mSnapshotQueue; static const int mMaxSnapshotBufferCount = 16; int mSnapshotBufferNum; int mMainfd[mMaxSnapshotBufferCount]; int mThumbfd[mMaxSnapshotBufferCount]; int mMainSize; int mThumbSize; camera_memory_t *mCameraMemoryPtrMain[mMaxSnapshotBufferCount]; camera_memory_t *mCameraMemoryPtrThumb[mMaxSnapshotBufferCount]; int mJpegSessionId; int dump_fd; bool mFullLiveshot; StreamQueue mWDNQueue; // queue to hold frames while one frame is sent out for WDN bool mIsDoingWDN; // flag to indicate if WDN is going on (one frame is sent out for WDN) bool mDropThumbnail; int mJpegQuality; snap_hdr_record_t mHdrInfo; int hdrRawCount; int hdrJpegCount; }; // QCameraStream_Snapshot }; // namespace android #endif