// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef CC_OUTPUT_DIRECT_RENDERER_H_ #define CC_OUTPUT_DIRECT_RENDERER_H_ #include "base/basictypes.h" #include "base/callback.h" #include "base/containers/scoped_ptr_hash_map.h" #include "cc/base/cc_export.h" #include "cc/output/overlay_processor.h" #include "cc/output/renderer.h" #include "cc/resources/resource_provider.h" #include "cc/resources/scoped_resource.h" namespace cc { class ResourceProvider; // This is the base class for code shared between the GL and software // renderer implementations. "Direct" refers to the fact that it does not // delegate rendering to another compositor. class CC_EXPORT DirectRenderer : public Renderer { public: virtual ~DirectRenderer(); virtual void DecideRenderPassAllocationsForFrame( const RenderPassList& render_passes_in_draw_order) OVERRIDE; virtual bool HasAllocatedResourcesForTesting(RenderPassId id) const OVERRIDE; virtual void DrawFrame(RenderPassList* render_passes_in_draw_order, float device_scale_factor, const gfx::Rect& device_viewport_rect, const gfx::Rect& device_clip_rect, bool disable_picture_quad_image_filtering) OVERRIDE; struct CC_EXPORT DrawingFrame { DrawingFrame(); ~DrawingFrame(); const RenderPassList* render_passes_in_draw_order; const RenderPass* root_render_pass; const RenderPass* current_render_pass; const ScopedResource* current_texture; gfx::Rect root_damage_rect; gfx::Rect device_viewport_rect; gfx::Rect device_clip_rect; gfx::Transform projection_matrix; gfx::Transform window_matrix; bool disable_picture_quad_image_filtering; OverlayCandidateList overlay_list; }; void SetEnlargePassTextureAmountForTesting(const gfx::Vector2d& amount); protected: DirectRenderer(RendererClient* client, const LayerTreeSettings* settings, OutputSurface* output_surface, ResourceProvider* resource_provider); static gfx::RectF QuadVertexRect(); static void QuadRectTransform(gfx::Transform* quad_rect_transform, const gfx::Transform& quad_transform, const gfx::RectF& quad_rect); void InitializeViewport(DrawingFrame* frame, const gfx::Rect& draw_rect, const gfx::Rect& viewport_rect, const gfx::Size& surface_size); gfx::Rect MoveFromDrawToWindowSpace(const gfx::Rect& draw_rect) const; bool NeedDeviceClip(const DrawingFrame* frame) const; gfx::Rect DeviceClipRectInWindowSpace(const DrawingFrame* frame) const; static gfx::Rect ComputeScissorRectForRenderPass(const DrawingFrame* frame); void SetScissorStateForQuad(const DrawingFrame* frame, const DrawQuad& quad); void SetScissorStateForQuadWithRenderPassScissor( const DrawingFrame* frame, const DrawQuad& quad, const gfx::Rect& render_pass_scissor, bool* should_skip_quad); void SetScissorTestRectInDrawSpace(const DrawingFrame* frame, const gfx::Rect& draw_space_rect); static gfx::Size RenderPassTextureSize(const RenderPass* render_pass); void DrawRenderPass(DrawingFrame* frame, const RenderPass* render_pass); bool UseRenderPass(DrawingFrame* frame, const RenderPass* render_pass); virtual void BindFramebufferToOutputSurface(DrawingFrame* frame) = 0; virtual bool BindFramebufferToTexture(DrawingFrame* frame, const ScopedResource* resource, const gfx::Rect& target_rect) = 0; virtual void SetDrawViewport(const gfx::Rect& window_space_viewport) = 0; virtual void SetScissorTestRect(const gfx::Rect& scissor_rect) = 0; virtual void DiscardPixels(bool has_external_stencil_test, bool draw_rect_covers_full_surface) = 0; virtual void ClearFramebuffer(DrawingFrame* frame, bool has_external_stencil_test) = 0; virtual void DoDrawQuad(DrawingFrame* frame, const DrawQuad* quad) = 0; virtual void BeginDrawingFrame(DrawingFrame* frame) = 0; virtual void FinishDrawingFrame(DrawingFrame* frame) = 0; virtual void FinishDrawingQuadList(); virtual bool FlippedFramebuffer() const = 0; virtual void EnsureScissorTestEnabled() = 0; virtual void EnsureScissorTestDisabled() = 0; virtual void DiscardBackbuffer() {} virtual void EnsureBackbuffer() {} virtual void CopyCurrentRenderPassToBitmap( DrawingFrame* frame, scoped_ptr<CopyOutputRequest> request) = 0; base::ScopedPtrHashMap<RenderPassId, ScopedResource> render_pass_textures_; OutputSurface* output_surface_; ResourceProvider* resource_provider_; scoped_ptr<OverlayProcessor> overlay_processor_; // For use in coordinate conversion, this stores the output rect, viewport // rect (= unflipped version of glViewport rect), and the size of target // framebuffer. During a draw, this stores the values for the current render // pass; in between draws, they retain the values for the root render pass of // the last draw. gfx::Rect current_draw_rect_; gfx::Rect current_viewport_rect_; gfx::Size current_surface_size_; private: gfx::Vector2d enlarge_pass_texture_amount_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(DirectRenderer); }; } // namespace cc #endif // CC_OUTPUT_DIRECT_RENDERER_H_