# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.


if (!is_android) {

# TODO(GYP) for Windows need to the the reorder-imports step which probably
# means adding another target and renaming this to chrome_initial like in GYP.
executable("chrome") {
  # Because the sources list varies so significantly per-platform, generally
  # each platform lists its own files rather than relying on filtering or
  # removing unused files.
  sources = [
  deps = []
  datadeps = []

  # TODO(GYP) mac_bundle_resources, xcode_settings

  # TODO(GYP) order_profiling, order_text_section

  if (is_win) {
    sources += [
    deps += [ "//ui/gfx" ]
  } else if (use_aura) {
    # Non-Windows aura entrypoint.
    sources += [ "app/chrome_exe_main_aura.cc" ]

  if (is_linux) {
    # TODO(GYP) manpage action

    sources += [

    deps += [
      # On Linux, link the dependencies (libraries) that make up actual
      # Chromium functionality directly into the executable.

      # Needed to use the master_preferences functions

    # Needed for chrome_main.cc initialization of libraries.
    configs += [ "//build/config/linux:pangocairo" ]

    # TODO(GYP) ['profiling==0 and linux_disable_pie==0', {
    #   'ldflags': [
    #      '-pie',
    #   ],

    if (use_x11) {
      configs += [

  if (is_mac) {
    sources += [
    # TODO(GYP) lots more stuff in the is_mac block.
  } else {  # Non-Mac.
    deps += [

      # Copy Flash Player files to PRODUCT_DIR if applicable. Let the .gyp
      # file decide what to do on a per-OS basis; on Mac, internal plugins
      # go inside the framework, so this dependency is in chrome_dll.gypi.
      #'../third_party/adobe/flash/flash_player.gyp:flapper_binaries',  TODO(GYP)

      # Copy CDM files to PRODUCT_DIR if applicable. Let the .gyp
      # file decide what to do on a per-OS basis; on Mac, internal plugins
      # go inside the framework, so this dependency is in chrome_dll.gypi.
      #'../third_party/widevine/cdm/widevine_cdm.gyp:widevinecdmadapter',  TODO(GYP)

    # TODO(GYP) some stuff from GYP including chrome_multiple_dll.


  if (!is_mac) {
    # On Mac this is done in chrome_dll.gypi.
    datadeps += [ "//pdf" ]

    # TODO(GYP) pdf linux symbols

}  # !is_android

shared_library("main_dll") {
  configs += [ "//build/config/compiler:wexit_time_destructors" ]

  deps = [
  if (is_win) {
    output_name = "chrome"

    sources = [

    deps += [
      # On Windows, link the dependencies (libraries) that make up actual
      # Chromium functionality into this .dll.
      #'chrome_version_resources',  TODO(GYP)
      #'<(DEPTH)/chrome_elf/chrome_elf.gyp:chrome_elf' ]  TODO(GYP)
    if (enable_configuration_policy) {
      deps += [ "//components/policy" ]
    if (cpu_arch == "x86") {
      # Add a dependency to custom import library for user32 delay imports only
      # in x86 builds.
      #deps += [ 'chrome_user32_delay_imports' ]  TODO(GYP)

    # TODO(GYP) incremental linking flags in debug builds
    #'LinkIncremental': '<(msvs_large_module_debug_link_mode)',

    # TODO(GYP) Lots of VCLinkerTool stuff on Windows.

    # TODO(GYP) chrome_pgo_phase on Windows.

  if (use_aura) {
    deps += [ "//ui/compositor" ]

  #TODO(GYP) add chrome_multiple_dll support
  if (false) {  #chrome_multiple_dll) {
    deps += [
  } else {
    deps += [

  if (cld_version == 0 || cld_version == 2) {
    deps += [

  if (is_mac) {
    #['OS=="mac" and component!="shared_library"', {  TODO(GYP)
    #  'includes': [ 'chrome_dll_bundle.gypi' ],

    # TODO(GYP) Lots of other stuff in the OS=="mac" block.

# GYP version: chromium_browser_dependencies variable in chrome.gyp
group("browser_dependencies") {
  deps = [
  if (!is_ios) {
    deps += [

  if (printing_mode != 0) {
    deps += [ "//printing" ]
    if (printing_mode == 1) {
      deps += [ "//chrome/service" ]

# GYP version: chromium_child_dependencies variable in chrome.gyp
group("child_dependencies") {
  deps = [
  if (!is_ios) {
    deps += [

if (is_win) {
  # TODO(brettw) this duplicates "//chrome/common:version" which applies to
  # Linux.
  process_version("version_header") {
    # TODO(brettW) this should have more reduced visibility, but chrome/browser
    # currently depends on this.
    #visibility = [ ":*" ]
    source = "version.h.in"
    # TODO(brettw) this should move to $target_gen_dir/version.h and
    # source files including it should reference it via "chrome/version.h"
    output = "$root_gen_dir/version.h"

# GYP version: chrome/chrome_resources.gyp:chrome_resources
group("resources") {
  deps = [
    # Note: GYP lists some dependencies in addition to these actions. However,
    # these are just dependencies for the actions themselves, which our actions
    # list individually when needed.

  if (enable_extensions) {
    deps += [ "//chrome/common:extensions_api_resources" ]

# GYP version: chrome/chrome_resources.gyp:chrome_extra_resources
group("extra_resources") {
  deps = [
  if (!is_ios) {
    deps += [

  if (enable_chromevox_next) {
    deps += [
      #'browser/resources/chromeos/chromevox2/chromevox.gyp:chromevox2',  TODO(GYP)
  } else {
    deps += [
      #'browser/resources/chromeos/chromevox/chromevox.gyp:chromevox',  TODO(GYP)

  if (enable_extensions) {
    deps += [

group("packed_resources") {
  deps = [

  # TODO(GYP) if (is_chrome_branded) {
  # ... copy default_apps from default_apps_list

  if (enable_hidpi) {
    deps += [ ":repack_chrome_200_percent" ]

repack("packed_extra_resources") {
  visibility = [ ":*" ]
  sources = [
  deps = [

  if (!is_ios && !is_android) {
    # New paks should be added here by default.
    sources += [
    deps += [
  if (!is_ios) {
    sources += [
  if (is_chromeos) {
    sources += [ "$root_gen_dir/ui/file_manager/file_manager_resources.pak" ]
    deps += [ "//ui/file_manager:resources" ]
  if (enable_extensions) {
    sources += [
    deps += [ "//chrome/common:extensions_api_resources" ]

  # GYP outputs the file in the gen/repack directory. On non-Mac/iOS platforms
  # it them copies it. This skipes the copy step and writes it to the final
  # location.
  if (is_mac || is_ios) {
    output = "$root_gen_dir/repack/resources.pak"
  } else {
    output = "$root_out_dir/resources.pak"

# Collects per-locale grit files from many sources into global per-locale files.
chrome_repack_locales("repack_locales_pack") {
  visibility = [ ":*" ]

  input_locales = locales

  if (is_mac) {
    output_locales = locales_as_mac_outputs
  } else {
    output_locales = locales

chrome_repack_locales("repack_pseudo_locales_pack") {
  visibility = [ ":*" ]

  input_locales = [ "fake-bidi" ]

  if (is_mac) {
    output_locales = [ "fake_bidi" ]  # Mac uses underscores.
  } else {
    output_locales = [ "fake-bidi" ]

# Generates a rule to repack a set of resources, substituting a given string
# in for the percentage (e.g. "100", "200"). It generates the repacked files in
# the "gen" directory, and then introduces a copy rule to copy it to the root
# build directory.
# It's not clear why this two-step dance is necessary as opposed to just
# generating the file in the destination. However, this is what the GYP build
# does, and for maintenance purposes, this keeps the same files in the same
# place between the two builds when possible.
# Argument:
#   percent [required]
#      String to substitute for the percentage.
template("chrome_repack_percent") {
  percent = invoker.percent

  repack_name = "${target_name}_repack"
  repack_output_file = "$root_gen_dir/repack/chrome_${percent}_percent.pak"

  copy_name = target_name

  repack(repack_name) {
    visibility = [ ":$copy_name" ]
    # All sources should also have deps for completeness.
    sources = [

    deps = [

    if (!is_ios) {
      sources += [
      deps += [ "//content:resources" ]
    if (use_ash) {
      sources += [ "$root_gen_dir/ash/resources/ash_resources_${percent}_percent.pak" ]
      deps += [ "//ash/resources" ]
    if (use_athena) {
      sources += [
      deps += [ "//athena/resources" ]
    if (is_chromeos) {
      sources += [
      deps += [ "//ui/chromeos/resources" ]
    if (enable_extensions) {
      sources += [

    output = repack_output_file

  copy(copy_name) {
    visibility = [ ":*" ]
    deps = [ ":$repack_name" ]
    sources = [ repack_output_file ]
    outputs = [ "$root_build_dir/chrome_${percent}_percent.pak" ]

chrome_repack_percent("repack_chrome_100_percent") {
  percent = "100"

if (enable_hidpi) {
  chrome_repack_percent("repack_chrome_200_percent") {
    percent = "200"

# GYP version: chrome/chrome_resources.gyp:chrome_strings
group("strings") {
  deps = [