<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!-- DO NOT MODIFY. This file is generated by third_party/libaddressinput/chromium/tools/update-strings.py from src/third_party/libaddressinput/src/cpp/res/messages.grdp. Submit modifications to the upstream library at https://libaddressinput.googlecode.com/. --> <!-- Copyright (C) 2013 Google Inc. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. --> <grit-part> <message name="IDS_LIBADDRESSINPUT_COUNTRY_OR_REGION_LABEL" desc="A country or a political region (Countries like the United States or regions like Hong Kong or Macao, or places like Taiwan, where whether it is a country or not is a politically sensitive question)."> Country / Region </message> <message name="IDS_LIBADDRESSINPUT_LOCALITY_LABEL" desc="E.g., New York City."> City </message> <message name="IDS_LIBADDRESSINPUT_ADDRESS_LINE_1_LABEL" desc="E.g., 18th Street, Unit 3."> Street address </message> <message name="IDS_LIBADDRESSINPUT_POSTAL_CODE_LABEL" desc="Postal Code. Values are frequently alphanumeric. Used in countries such as Switzerland."> Postal code </message> <message name="IDS_LIBADDRESSINPUT_ZIP_CODE_LABEL" desc="ZIP code. Values are frequently alphanumeric. Used in countries such as the US."> ZIP code </message> <message name="IDS_LIBADDRESSINPUT_AREA" desc="Administrative Area for Hong Kong (e.g., Kowloon)."> Area </message> <message name="IDS_LIBADDRESSINPUT_COUNTY" desc="Administrative Area for United Kingdoms (e.g. York) or for the United States (e.g. Orange County)."> County </message> <message name="IDS_LIBADDRESSINPUT_DEPARTMENT" desc="Administrative Area for Nicaragua (e.g., Boaco) or France."> Department </message> <message name="IDS_LIBADDRESSINPUT_DISTRICT" desc="Administrative Area for Nauru Central Pacific (e.g., Aiwo district), or area of a town (a neighbourhood/suburb) used for addresses in Korea and China."> District </message> <message name="IDS_LIBADDRESSINPUT_DO_SI" desc="Administrative Area for Korea (e.g., Gyeonggi-do or Busan-si)."> Do/Si </message> <message name="IDS_LIBADDRESSINPUT_EMIRATE" desc="Administrative Area for United Arab Emirates (e.g., Abu Dhabi)."> Emirate </message> <message name="IDS_LIBADDRESSINPUT_ISLAND" desc="Administrative Area for certain countries (e.g., Bahama's Cat Island)."> Island </message> <message name="IDS_LIBADDRESSINPUT_OBLAST" desc="Administrative Area for certain countries (e.g., Russia's Leningrad)."> Oblast </message> <message name="IDS_LIBADDRESSINPUT_PARISH" desc="Administrative Area for certain countries (e.g., Andorra's Canillo)."> Parish </message> <message name="IDS_LIBADDRESSINPUT_PREFECTURE" desc="Administrative Area for Japan (e.g., Hokkaido)."> Prefecture </message> <message name="IDS_LIBADDRESSINPUT_PROVINCE" desc="Administrative Area for certain countries (e.g., France's Champagne)."> Province </message> <message name="IDS_LIBADDRESSINPUT_STATE" desc="Administrative Area for certain countries (e.g., US' California)."> State </message> <message name="IDS_LIBADDRESSINPUT_ORGANIZATION_LABEL" desc="Label for the field of organization, firm, company, or institution in an address. Examples of values in this field: Google, Department of Transportation, University of Cambridge."> Organization </message> <message name="IDS_LIBADDRESSINPUT_RECIPIENT_LABEL" desc="Label for the field for a person's name in an address."> Name </message> <message name="IDS_LIBADDRESSINPUT_MISSING_REQUIRED_FIELD" desc="Error message shown with a UI field when it is a required field and the user has not filled it out."> You can't leave this empty. </message> <message name="IDS_LIBADDRESSINPUT_MISSING_REQUIRED_POSTAL_CODE_EXAMPLE_AND_URL" desc="Error message shown with the postal code field when it is a required field and the user has not filled it out, providing an example postal code and a link to this country's postal service that a user can use to look up their postal code."> You must provide a postal code, for example <ph name="EXAMPLE">$1<ex>90291</ex></ph>. Don't know your postal code? Find it out <ph name="BEGIN_LINK">$2</ph>here<ph name="END_LINK">$3</ph>. </message> <message name="IDS_LIBADDRESSINPUT_MISSING_REQUIRED_POSTAL_CODE_EXAMPLE" desc="Error message shown with the postal code field when it is a required field and the user has not filled it out, providing an example postal code."> You must provide a postal code, for example <ph name="EXAMPLE">$1<ex>90291</ex></ph>. </message> <message name="IDS_LIBADDRESSINPUT_MISSING_REQUIRED_ZIP_CODE_EXAMPLE_AND_URL" desc="Error message shown with the ZIP code field when it is a required field and the user has not filled it out, providing an example ZIP code and a link to this country's postal service that a user can use to look up their ZIP code. This is specifically for countries using ZIP codes instead of Postal codes, such as America."> You must provide a ZIP code, for example <ph name="EXAMPLE">$1<ex>90291</ex></ph>. Don't know your ZIP code? Find it out <ph name="BEGIN_LINK">$2</ph>here<ph name="END_LINK">$3</ph>. </message> <message name="IDS_LIBADDRESSINPUT_MISSING_REQUIRED_ZIP_CODE_EXAMPLE" desc="Error message shown with the ZIP code field when it is a required field and the user has not filled it out, providing an example ZIP code."> You must provide a ZIP code, for example <ph name="EXAMPLE">$1<ex>90291</ex></ph>. </message> <message name="IDS_LIBADDRESSINPUT_UNKNOWN_VALUE" desc="Occurs when the user fills out the wrong value for an address field. For example, this would be shown when putting 'Cupertino' in United States' State field."> <ph name="FIELD_VALUE">$1<ex>Cupertino</ex></ph> is not recognized as a known value for this field. </message> <message name="IDS_LIBADDRESSINPUT_UNRECOGNIZED_FORMAT_POSTAL_CODE_EXAMPLE_AND_URL" desc="Occurs when the user fills out a postal code that does not conform to the country's postal code format. For example, this would be shown when using '80' as a Swiss postal code, which is normally 4 digits long. Provides an example postal code and a link to this country's postal service that a user can use to look up their postal code."> This postal code format is not recognized. Example of a valid postal code: <ph name="EXAMPLE">$1<ex>90291</ex></ph>. Don't know your postal code? Find it out <ph name="BEGIN_LINK">$2</ph>here<ph name="END_LINK">$3</ph>. </message> <message name="IDS_LIBADDRESSINPUT_UNRECOGNIZED_FORMAT_POSTAL_CODE_EXAMPLE" desc="Occurs when the user fills out a postal code that does not conform to the country's postal code format. For example, this would be shown when using '80' as a Swiss postal code, which is normally 4 digits long. Provides an example postal code."> This postal code format is not recognized. Example of a valid postal code: <ph name="EXAMPLE">$1<ex>90291</ex></ph>. </message> <message name="IDS_LIBADDRESSINPUT_UNRECOGNIZED_FORMAT_POSTAL_CODE" desc="Occurs when the user fills out a postal code that does not conform to the country's postal code format. For example, this would be shown when using '80' as a Swiss postal code, which is normally 4 digits long."> This postal code format is not recognized. </message> <message name="IDS_LIBADDRESSINPUT_UNRECOGNIZED_FORMAT_ZIP_CODE_EXAMPLE_AND_URL" desc="Occurs when the user fills out a ZIP code that does not conform to the country's ZIP code format. For example, this would be shown when using '901' as a ZIP code for the United States. Provides an example ZIP code and a link to this country's postal service that a user can use to look up their ZIP code."> This ZIP code format is not recognized. Example of a valid ZIP code: <ph name="EXAMPLE">$1<ex>90291</ex></ph>. Don't know your ZIP code? Find it out <ph name="BEGIN_LINK">$2</ph>here<ph name="END_LINK">$3</ph>. </message> <message name="IDS_LIBADDRESSINPUT_UNRECOGNIZED_FORMAT_ZIP_CODE_EXAMPLE" desc="Occurs when the user fills out a ZIP code that does not conform to the country's ZIP code format. For example, this would be shown when using '901' as a ZIP code for the United States. Provides an example ZIP code."> This ZIP code format is not recognized. Example of a valid ZIP code: <ph name="EXAMPLE">$1<ex>90291</ex></ph>. </message> <message name="IDS_LIBADDRESSINPUT_UNRECOGNIZED_FORMAT_ZIP" desc="Occurs when the user fills out a ZIP code that does not conform to the country's ZIP code format. For example, this would be shown when using '901' as a ZIP code for the United States."> This ZIP code format is not recognized. </message> <message name="IDS_LIBADDRESSINPUT_MISMATCHING_VALUE_POSTAL_CODE_URL" desc="Occurs when the user fills out the wrong postal code for a certain location. For example, this would be shown when using Z3Z 2Y7 for Alberta, Canada. Provides a link to this country's postal service that a user can use to look up their postal code."> This postal code does not appear to match the rest of this address. Don't know your postal code? Find it out <ph name="BEGIN_LINK">$1</ph>here<ph name="END_LINK">$2</ph>. </message> <message name="IDS_LIBADDRESSINPUT_MISMATCHING_VALUE_POSTAL_CODE" desc="Occurs when the user fills out the wrong postal code for a certain location. For example, this would be shown when using Z3Z 2Y7 for Alberta, Canada."> This postal code does not appear to match the rest of this address. </message> <message name="IDS_LIBADDRESSINPUT_MISMATCHING_VALUE_ZIP_URL" desc="Occurs when the user fills out the wrong ZIP code for a certain location. For example, this would be shown when using 10001 for Arizona state. Provides a link to this country's postal service that a user can use to look up their ZIP code."> This ZIP code does not appear to match the rest of this address. Don't know your ZIP code? Find it out <ph name="BEGIN_LINK">$1</ph>here<ph name="END_LINK">$2</ph>. </message> <message name="IDS_LIBADDRESSINPUT_MISMATCHING_VALUE_ZIP" desc="Occurs when the user fills out the wrong ZIP code for a certain location. For example, this would be shown when using 10001 for Arizona state."> This ZIP code does not appear to match the rest of this address. </message> <message name="IDS_LIBADDRESSINPUT_PO_BOX_FORBIDDEN_VALUE" desc="Occurs when the user fills out a P.O. box as part of a physical address."> This address line appears to contain a post office box. Please use a street or building address. </message> </grit-part>