// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. var exceptionHandler = require('uncaught_exception_handler'); var eventNatives = requireNative('event_natives'); var logging = requireNative('logging'); var schemaRegistry = requireNative('schema_registry'); var sendRequest = require('sendRequest').sendRequest; var utils = require('utils'); var validate = require('schemaUtils').validate; var unloadEvent = require('unload_event'); // Schemas for the rule-style functions on the events API that // only need to be generated occasionally, so populate them lazily. var ruleFunctionSchemas = { // These values are set lazily: // addRules: {}, // getRules: {}, // removeRules: {} }; // This function ensures that |ruleFunctionSchemas| is populated. function ensureRuleSchemasLoaded() { if (ruleFunctionSchemas.addRules) return; var eventsSchema = schemaRegistry.GetSchema("events"); var eventType = utils.lookup(eventsSchema.types, 'id', 'events.Event'); ruleFunctionSchemas.addRules = utils.lookup(eventType.functions, 'name', 'addRules'); ruleFunctionSchemas.getRules = utils.lookup(eventType.functions, 'name', 'getRules'); ruleFunctionSchemas.removeRules = utils.lookup(eventType.functions, 'name', 'removeRules'); } // A map of event names to the event object that is registered to that name. var attachedNamedEvents = {}; // An array of all attached event objects, used for detaching on unload. var allAttachedEvents = []; // A map of functions that massage event arguments before they are dispatched. // Key is event name, value is function. var eventArgumentMassagers = {}; // An attachment strategy for events that aren't attached to the browser. // This applies to events with the "unmanaged" option and events without // names. var NullAttachmentStrategy = function(event) { this.event_ = event; }; NullAttachmentStrategy.prototype.onAddedListener = function(listener) { }; NullAttachmentStrategy.prototype.onRemovedListener = function(listener) { }; NullAttachmentStrategy.prototype.detach = function(manual) { }; NullAttachmentStrategy.prototype.getListenersByIDs = function(ids) { // |ids| is for filtered events only. return this.event_.listeners; }; // Handles adding/removing/dispatching listeners for unfiltered events. var UnfilteredAttachmentStrategy = function(event) { this.event_ = event; }; UnfilteredAttachmentStrategy.prototype.onAddedListener = function(listener) { // Only attach / detach on the first / last listener removed. if (this.event_.listeners.length == 0) eventNatives.AttachEvent(this.event_.eventName); }; UnfilteredAttachmentStrategy.prototype.onRemovedListener = function(listener) { if (this.event_.listeners.length == 0) this.detach(true); }; UnfilteredAttachmentStrategy.prototype.detach = function(manual) { eventNatives.DetachEvent(this.event_.eventName, manual); }; UnfilteredAttachmentStrategy.prototype.getListenersByIDs = function(ids) { // |ids| is for filtered events only. return this.event_.listeners; }; var FilteredAttachmentStrategy = function(event) { this.event_ = event; this.listenerMap_ = {}; }; FilteredAttachmentStrategy.idToEventMap = {}; FilteredAttachmentStrategy.prototype.onAddedListener = function(listener) { var id = eventNatives.AttachFilteredEvent(this.event_.eventName, listener.filters || {}); if (id == -1) throw new Error("Can't add listener"); listener.id = id; this.listenerMap_[id] = listener; FilteredAttachmentStrategy.idToEventMap[id] = this.event_; }; FilteredAttachmentStrategy.prototype.onRemovedListener = function(listener) { this.detachListener(listener, true); }; FilteredAttachmentStrategy.prototype.detachListener = function(listener, manual) { if (listener.id == undefined) throw new Error("listener.id undefined - '" + listener + "'"); var id = listener.id; delete this.listenerMap_[id]; delete FilteredAttachmentStrategy.idToEventMap[id]; eventNatives.DetachFilteredEvent(id, manual); }; FilteredAttachmentStrategy.prototype.detach = function(manual) { for (var i in this.listenerMap_) this.detachListener(this.listenerMap_[i], manual); }; FilteredAttachmentStrategy.prototype.getListenersByIDs = function(ids) { var result = []; for (var i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) $Array.push(result, this.listenerMap_[ids[i]]); return result; }; function parseEventOptions(opt_eventOptions) { function merge(dest, src) { for (var k in src) { if (!$Object.hasOwnProperty(dest, k)) { dest[k] = src[k]; } } } var options = opt_eventOptions || {}; merge(options, { // Event supports adding listeners with filters ("filtered events"), for // example as used in the webNavigation API. // // event.addListener(listener, [filter1, filter2]); supportsFilters: false, // Events supports vanilla events. Most APIs use these. // // event.addListener(listener); supportsListeners: true, // Event supports adding rules ("declarative events") rather than // listeners, for example as used in the declarativeWebRequest API. // // event.addRules([rule1, rule2]); supportsRules: false, // Event is unmanaged in that the browser has no knowledge of its // existence; it's never invoked, doesn't keep the renderer alive, and // the bindings system has no knowledge of it. // // Both events created by user code (new chrome.Event()) and messaging // events are unmanaged, though in the latter case the browser *does* // interact indirectly with them via IPCs written by hand. unmanaged: false, }); return options; }; // Event object. If opt_eventName is provided, this object represents // the unique instance of that named event, and dispatching an event // with that name will route through this object's listeners. Note that // opt_eventName is required for events that support rules. // // Example: // var Event = require('event_bindings').Event; // chrome.tabs.onChanged = new Event("tab-changed"); // chrome.tabs.onChanged.addListener(function(data) { alert(data); }); // Event.dispatch("tab-changed", "hi"); // will result in an alert dialog that says 'hi'. // // If opt_eventOptions exists, it is a dictionary that contains the boolean // entries "supportsListeners" and "supportsRules". // If opt_webViewInstanceId exists, it is an integer uniquely identifying a // <webview> tag within the embedder. If it does not exist, then this is an // extension event rather than a <webview> event. var EventImpl = function(opt_eventName, opt_argSchemas, opt_eventOptions, opt_webViewInstanceId) { this.eventName = opt_eventName; this.argSchemas = opt_argSchemas; this.listeners = []; this.eventOptions = parseEventOptions(opt_eventOptions); this.webViewInstanceId = opt_webViewInstanceId || 0; if (!this.eventName) { if (this.eventOptions.supportsRules) throw new Error("Events that support rules require an event name."); // Events without names cannot be managed by the browser by definition // (the browser has no way of identifying them). this.eventOptions.unmanaged = true; } // Track whether the event has been destroyed to help track down the cause // of http://crbug.com/258526. // This variable will eventually hold the stack trace of the destroy call. // TODO(kalman): Delete this and replace with more sound logic that catches // when events are used without being *attached*. this.destroyed = null; if (this.eventOptions.unmanaged) this.attachmentStrategy = new NullAttachmentStrategy(this); else if (this.eventOptions.supportsFilters) this.attachmentStrategy = new FilteredAttachmentStrategy(this); else this.attachmentStrategy = new UnfilteredAttachmentStrategy(this); }; // callback is a function(args, dispatch). args are the args we receive from // dispatchEvent(), and dispatch is a function(args) that dispatches args to // its listeners. function registerArgumentMassager(name, callback) { if (eventArgumentMassagers[name]) throw new Error("Massager already registered for event: " + name); eventArgumentMassagers[name] = callback; } // Dispatches a named event with the given argument array. The args array is // the list of arguments that will be sent to the event callback. function dispatchEvent(name, args, filteringInfo) { var listenerIDs = []; if (filteringInfo) listenerIDs = eventNatives.MatchAgainstEventFilter(name, filteringInfo); var event = attachedNamedEvents[name]; if (!event) return; var dispatchArgs = function(args) { var result = event.dispatch_(args, listenerIDs); if (result) logging.DCHECK(!result.validationErrors, result.validationErrors); return result; }; if (eventArgumentMassagers[name]) eventArgumentMassagers[name](args, dispatchArgs); else dispatchArgs(args); } // Registers a callback to be called when this event is dispatched. EventImpl.prototype.addListener = function(cb, filters) { if (!this.eventOptions.supportsListeners) throw new Error("This event does not support listeners."); if (this.eventOptions.maxListeners && this.getListenerCount_() >= this.eventOptions.maxListeners) { throw new Error("Too many listeners for " + this.eventName); } if (filters) { if (!this.eventOptions.supportsFilters) throw new Error("This event does not support filters."); if (filters.url && !(filters.url instanceof Array)) throw new Error("filters.url should be an array."); if (filters.serviceType && !(typeof filters.serviceType === 'string')) { throw new Error("filters.serviceType should be a string.") } } var listener = {callback: cb, filters: filters}; this.attach_(listener); $Array.push(this.listeners, listener); }; EventImpl.prototype.attach_ = function(listener) { this.attachmentStrategy.onAddedListener(listener); if (this.listeners.length == 0) { allAttachedEvents[allAttachedEvents.length] = this; if (this.eventName) { if (attachedNamedEvents[this.eventName]) { throw new Error("Event '" + this.eventName + "' is already attached."); } attachedNamedEvents[this.eventName] = this; } } }; // Unregisters a callback. EventImpl.prototype.removeListener = function(cb) { if (!this.eventOptions.supportsListeners) throw new Error("This event does not support listeners."); var idx = this.findListener_(cb); if (idx == -1) return; var removedListener = $Array.splice(this.listeners, idx, 1)[0]; this.attachmentStrategy.onRemovedListener(removedListener); if (this.listeners.length == 0) { var i = $Array.indexOf(allAttachedEvents, this); if (i >= 0) delete allAttachedEvents[i]; if (this.eventName) { if (!attachedNamedEvents[this.eventName]) { throw new Error( "Event '" + this.eventName + "' is not attached."); } delete attachedNamedEvents[this.eventName]; } } }; // Test if the given callback is registered for this event. EventImpl.prototype.hasListener = function(cb) { if (!this.eventOptions.supportsListeners) throw new Error("This event does not support listeners."); return this.findListener_(cb) > -1; }; // Test if any callbacks are registered for this event. EventImpl.prototype.hasListeners = function() { return this.getListenerCount_() > 0; }; // Returns the number of listeners on this event. EventImpl.prototype.getListenerCount_ = function() { if (!this.eventOptions.supportsListeners) throw new Error("This event does not support listeners."); return this.listeners.length; }; // Returns the index of the given callback if registered, or -1 if not // found. EventImpl.prototype.findListener_ = function(cb) { for (var i = 0; i < this.listeners.length; i++) { if (this.listeners[i].callback == cb) { return i; } } return -1; }; EventImpl.prototype.dispatch_ = function(args, listenerIDs) { if (this.destroyed) { throw new Error(this.eventName + ' was already destroyed at: ' + this.destroyed); } if (!this.eventOptions.supportsListeners) throw new Error("This event does not support listeners."); if (this.argSchemas && logging.DCHECK_IS_ON()) { try { validate(args, this.argSchemas); } catch (e) { e.message += ' in ' + this.eventName; throw e; } } // Make a copy of the listeners in case the listener list is modified // while dispatching the event. var listeners = $Array.slice( this.attachmentStrategy.getListenersByIDs(listenerIDs)); var results = []; for (var i = 0; i < listeners.length; i++) { try { var result = this.wrapper.dispatchToListener(listeners[i].callback, args); if (result !== undefined) $Array.push(results, result); } catch (e) { exceptionHandler.handle('Error in event handler for ' + (this.eventName ? this.eventName : '(unknown)'), e); } } if (results.length) return {results: results}; } // Can be overridden to support custom dispatching. EventImpl.prototype.dispatchToListener = function(callback, args) { return $Function.apply(callback, null, args); } // Dispatches this event object to all listeners, passing all supplied // arguments to this function each listener. EventImpl.prototype.dispatch = function(varargs) { return this.dispatch_($Array.slice(arguments), undefined); }; // Detaches this event object from its name. EventImpl.prototype.detach_ = function() { this.attachmentStrategy.detach(false); }; EventImpl.prototype.destroy_ = function() { this.listeners.length = 0; this.detach_(); this.destroyed = exceptionHandler.getStackTrace(); }; EventImpl.prototype.addRules = function(rules, opt_cb) { if (!this.eventOptions.supportsRules) throw new Error("This event does not support rules."); // Takes a list of JSON datatype identifiers and returns a schema fragment // that verifies that a JSON object corresponds to an array of only these // data types. function buildArrayOfChoicesSchema(typesList) { return { 'type': 'array', 'items': { 'choices': typesList.map(function(el) {return {'$ref': el};}) } }; }; // Validate conditions and actions against specific schemas of this // event object type. // |rules| is an array of JSON objects that follow the Rule type of the // declarative extension APIs. |conditions| is an array of JSON type // identifiers that are allowed to occur in the conditions attribute of each // rule. Likewise, |actions| is an array of JSON type identifiers that are // allowed to occur in the actions attribute of each rule. function validateRules(rules, conditions, actions) { var conditionsSchema = buildArrayOfChoicesSchema(conditions); var actionsSchema = buildArrayOfChoicesSchema(actions); $Array.forEach(rules, function(rule) { validate([rule.conditions], [conditionsSchema]); validate([rule.actions], [actionsSchema]); }); }; if (!this.eventOptions.conditions || !this.eventOptions.actions) { throw new Error('Event ' + this.eventName + ' misses ' + 'conditions or actions in the API specification.'); } validateRules(rules, this.eventOptions.conditions, this.eventOptions.actions); ensureRuleSchemasLoaded(); // We remove the first parameter from the validation to give the user more // meaningful error messages. validate([this.webViewInstanceId, rules, opt_cb], $Array.splice( $Array.slice(ruleFunctionSchemas.addRules.parameters), 1)); sendRequest( "events.addRules", [this.eventName, this.webViewInstanceId, rules, opt_cb], ruleFunctionSchemas.addRules.parameters); } EventImpl.prototype.removeRules = function(ruleIdentifiers, opt_cb) { if (!this.eventOptions.supportsRules) throw new Error("This event does not support rules."); ensureRuleSchemasLoaded(); // We remove the first parameter from the validation to give the user more // meaningful error messages. validate([this.webViewInstanceId, ruleIdentifiers, opt_cb], $Array.splice( $Array.slice(ruleFunctionSchemas.removeRules.parameters), 1)); sendRequest("events.removeRules", [this.eventName, this.webViewInstanceId, ruleIdentifiers, opt_cb], ruleFunctionSchemas.removeRules.parameters); } EventImpl.prototype.getRules = function(ruleIdentifiers, cb) { if (!this.eventOptions.supportsRules) throw new Error("This event does not support rules."); ensureRuleSchemasLoaded(); // We remove the first parameter from the validation to give the user more // meaningful error messages. validate([this.webViewInstanceId, ruleIdentifiers, cb], $Array.splice( $Array.slice(ruleFunctionSchemas.getRules.parameters), 1)); sendRequest( "events.getRules", [this.eventName, this.webViewInstanceId, ruleIdentifiers, cb], ruleFunctionSchemas.getRules.parameters); } unloadEvent.addListener(function() { for (var i = 0; i < allAttachedEvents.length; ++i) { var event = allAttachedEvents[i]; if (event) event.detach_(); } }); var Event = utils.expose('Event', EventImpl, { functions: [ 'addListener', 'removeListener', 'hasListener', 'hasListeners', 'dispatchToListener', 'dispatch', 'addRules', 'removeRules', 'getRules' ] }); // NOTE: Event is (lazily) exposed as chrome.Event from dispatcher.cc. exports.Event = Event; exports.dispatchEvent = dispatchEvent; exports.parseEventOptions = parseEventOptions; exports.registerArgumentMassager = registerArgumentMassager;