// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef NET_QUIC_CRYPTO_AEAD_BASE_ENCRYPTER_H_ #define NET_QUIC_CRYPTO_AEAD_BASE_ENCRYPTER_H_ #include "base/compiler_specific.h" #include "net/quic/crypto/quic_encrypter.h" #if defined(USE_OPENSSL) #include "net/quic/crypto/scoped_evp_aead_ctx.h" #else #include <pkcs11t.h> #include <seccomon.h> typedef struct PK11SymKeyStr PK11SymKey; typedef SECStatus (*PK11_EncryptFunction)( PK11SymKey* symKey, CK_MECHANISM_TYPE mechanism, SECItem* param, unsigned char* out, unsigned int* outLen, unsigned int maxLen, const unsigned char* data, unsigned int dataLen); #endif namespace net { // AeadBaseEncrypter is the base class of AEAD QuicEncrypter subclasses. class NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE AeadBaseEncrypter : public QuicEncrypter { public: #if defined(USE_OPENSSL) AeadBaseEncrypter(const EVP_AEAD* aead_alg, size_t key_size, size_t auth_tag_size, size_t nonce_prefix_size); #else AeadBaseEncrypter(CK_MECHANISM_TYPE aead_mechanism, PK11_EncryptFunction pk11_encrypt, size_t key_size, size_t auth_tag_size, size_t nonce_prefix_size); #endif virtual ~AeadBaseEncrypter(); // QuicEncrypter implementation virtual bool SetKey(base::StringPiece key) OVERRIDE; virtual bool SetNoncePrefix(base::StringPiece nonce_prefix) OVERRIDE; virtual bool Encrypt(base::StringPiece nonce, base::StringPiece associated_data, base::StringPiece plaintext, unsigned char* output) OVERRIDE; virtual QuicData* EncryptPacket(QuicPacketSequenceNumber sequence_number, base::StringPiece associated_data, base::StringPiece plaintext) OVERRIDE; virtual size_t GetKeySize() const OVERRIDE; virtual size_t GetNoncePrefixSize() const OVERRIDE; virtual size_t GetMaxPlaintextSize(size_t ciphertext_size) const OVERRIDE; virtual size_t GetCiphertextSize(size_t plaintext_size) const OVERRIDE; virtual base::StringPiece GetKey() const OVERRIDE; virtual base::StringPiece GetNoncePrefix() const OVERRIDE; protected: // Make these constants available to the subclasses so that the subclasses // can assert at compile time their key_size_ and nonce_prefix_size_ do not // exceed the maximum. static const size_t kMaxKeySize = 32; static const size_t kMaxNoncePrefixSize = 4; #if !defined(USE_OPENSSL) struct AeadParams { unsigned int len; union { CK_GCM_PARAMS gcm_params; #if !defined(USE_NSS) // USE_NSS means we are using system NSS rather than our copy of NSS. // The system NSS <pkcs11n.h> header doesn't define this type yet. CK_NSS_AEAD_PARAMS nss_aead_params; #endif } data; }; virtual void FillAeadParams(base::StringPiece nonce, base::StringPiece associated_data, size_t auth_tag_size, AeadParams* aead_params) const = 0; #endif private: #if defined(USE_OPENSSL) const EVP_AEAD* const aead_alg_; #else const CK_MECHANISM_TYPE aead_mechanism_; const PK11_EncryptFunction pk11_encrypt_; #endif const size_t key_size_; const size_t auth_tag_size_; const size_t nonce_prefix_size_; // The key. unsigned char key_[kMaxKeySize]; // The nonce prefix. unsigned char nonce_prefix_[kMaxNoncePrefixSize]; #if defined(USE_OPENSSL) ScopedEVPAEADCtx ctx_; #endif DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(AeadBaseEncrypter); }; } // namespace net #endif // NET_QUIC_CRYPTO_AEAD_BASE_ENCRYPTER_H_