/* Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #ifndef PPAPI_TESTS_PP_THREAD_H_ #define PPAPI_TESTS_PP_THREAD_H_ #include "ppapi/c/pp_macros.h" #include "ppapi/tests/test_utils.h" #if defined(PPAPI_POSIX) #include <pthread.h> #elif defined(PPAPI_OS_WIN) #include <process.h> #include <windows.h> #else #error No thread library detected. #endif /** * @file * This file provides platform-independent wrappers around threads. This is for * use by PPAPI wrappers and tests which need to run on multiple platforms to * support both trusted platforms (Windows, Mac, Linux) and untrusted (Native * Client). Apps that use PPAPI only with Native Client should generally use the * Native Client POSIX implementation instead. * * TODO(dmichael): Move this file to ppapi/c and delete this comment, if we end * up needing platform independent threads in PPAPI C or C++. This file was * written using inline functions and PPAPI naming conventions with the intent * of making it possible to put it in to ppapi/c. Currently, however, it's only * used in ppapi/tests, so is not part of the published API. */ typedef void (PP_ThreadFunction)(void* data); #if defined(PPAPI_POSIX) typedef pthread_t PP_Thread; #elif defined(PPAPI_OS_WIN) struct PP_Thread { HANDLE handle; PP_ThreadFunction* thread_func; void* thread_arg; }; #endif PP_INLINE bool PP_CreateThread(PP_Thread* thread, PP_ThreadFunction function, void* thread_arg); PP_INLINE void PP_JoinThread(PP_Thread thread); #if defined(PPAPI_POSIX) /* Because POSIX thread functions return void* and Windows thread functions do * not, we make PPAPI thread functions have the least capability (no returns). * This struct wraps the user data & function so that we can use the correct * function type on POSIX platforms. */ struct PP_ThreadFunctionArgWrapper { void* user_data; PP_ThreadFunction* user_function; }; PP_INLINE void* PP_POSIXThreadFunctionThunk(void* posix_thread_arg) { PP_ThreadFunctionArgWrapper* arg_wrapper = (PP_ThreadFunctionArgWrapper*)posix_thread_arg; arg_wrapper->user_function(arg_wrapper->user_data); free(posix_thread_arg); return NULL; } PP_INLINE bool PP_CreateThread(PP_Thread* thread, PP_ThreadFunction function, void* thread_arg) { PP_ThreadFunctionArgWrapper* arg_wrapper = (PP_ThreadFunctionArgWrapper*)malloc(sizeof(PP_ThreadFunctionArgWrapper)); arg_wrapper->user_function = function; arg_wrapper->user_data = thread_arg; return (pthread_create(thread, NULL, PP_POSIXThreadFunctionThunk, arg_wrapper) == 0); } PP_INLINE void PP_JoinThread(PP_Thread thread) { void* exit_status; pthread_join(thread, &exit_status); } #elif defined(PPAPI_OS_WIN) PP_INLINE unsigned __stdcall PP_WindowsThreadFunction(void* param) { PP_Thread* thread = reinterpret_cast<PP_Thread*>(param); thread->thread_func(thread->thread_arg); return 0; } PP_INLINE bool PP_CreateThread(PP_Thread* thread, PP_ThreadFunction function, void* thread_arg) { if (!thread) return false; thread->thread_func = function; thread->thread_arg = thread_arg; uintptr_t raw_handle = ::_beginthreadex(NULL, 0, /* Use default stack size. */ &PP_WindowsThreadFunction, thread, 0, NULL); thread->handle = reinterpret_cast<HANDLE>(raw_handle); return (thread->handle != NULL); } PP_INLINE void PP_JoinThread(PP_Thread thread) { ::WaitForSingleObject(thread.handle, INFINITE); ::CloseHandle(thread.handle); } #endif /** * @} */ #endif /* PPAPI_TESTS_PP_THREAD_H_ */