# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.


# See also remoting_locales_with_underscores below.
remoting_locales = [

# Some locales have hyphens in the names but for some uses underscores are
# needed.
remoting_locales_with_underscores = remoting_locales
remoting_locales_with_underscores -= [
remoting_locales_with_underscores += [

group("resources") {
  deps = [
    #":verify_resources",  TODO(GYP) enable this.

# TODO(GYP) enable verify_resources. The bots are complaining about
# gen/main.html not being found but this doesn't seems to reproduce locally.
if (false) {

action("verify_resources") {
  script = "//remoting/tools/verify_resources.py"

  sources_to_verify = [

  inputs = [
  ] + sources_to_verify

  stampfile = "$root_build_dir/remoting_resources_verified_stamp"
  outputs = [ stampfile ]

  args = [
    "-t", rebase_path(stampfile, root_build_dir),
    "-r", rebase_path("remoting_strings.grd", root_build_dir),
  ] + rebase_path(sources_to_verify, root_build_dir)

  deps = [ "//remoting/webapp:html" ]  # Generates main.html.

}  # if false

grit("strings") {
  source = "remoting_strings.grd"
  output_name = "remoting_strings"

  # The grd file encodes "remoting/..." in the name, so root everything in the
  # generated file root.
  output_dir = root_gen_dir

  resource_ids = "resource_ids"

  outputs = [

  # The grd produces a *.pak file and a messages.json file (this one uses
  # underscores instead of hyphens) for each locale.
  outputs += process_file_template(
      [ "remoting/resources/{{source_name_part}}.pak" ])
  outputs += process_file_template(
      [ "remoting/webapp/_locales/{{source_name_part}}/messages.json" ])

action("copy_locales") {
  script = "../tools/build/remoting_copy_locales.py"

  # The gyp build calls out to Python, but the Python just computes a simple
  # replacement over the locales. Here, we can do this in GN script by
  # pretending the locale list is a list of files. The {{source_name_part}}
  # will just expand to the locale name.
  inputs = process_file_template(
      [ "$target_gen_dir/{{source_name_part}}.pak" ])

  # Likewise, process the outputs in the same way as the inputs.
  if (is_mac || is_ios) {
    # On mac, use underscores instead of hyphens and put the files in a
    # different place.
    outputs = process_file_template(
        [ "$root_build_dir/remoting/resources/{{source_name_part}}.lproj/locale.pak" ])
  } else {
    outputs = process_file_template(
        [ "$root_build_dir/remoting_locales/{{source_name_part}}.pak" ])

  args = [
    "-p", os,
    "-g", rebase_path(root_gen_dir, root_build_dir),
    "-x", rebase_path(root_out_dir, root_build_dir),
  ] + remoting_locales

  deps = [ ":strings" ]