// Copyright (c) 2002-2013 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// Fence.cpp: Implements the gl::Fence class, which supports the GL_NV_fence extension.

// Important note on accurate timers in Windows:
// QueryPerformanceCounter has a few major issues, including being 10x as expensive to call
// as timeGetTime on laptops and "jumping" during certain hardware events.
// See the comments at the top of the Chromium source file "chromium/src/base/time/time_win.cc"
//   https://code.google.com/p/chromium/codesearch#chromium/src/base/time/time_win.cc
// We still opt to use QPC. In the present and moving forward, most newer systems will not suffer
// from buggy implementations.

#include "libGLESv2/Fence.h"
#include "libGLESv2/renderer/FenceImpl.h"
#include "libGLESv2/renderer/Renderer.h"
#include "libGLESv2/main.h"

#include "angle_gl.h"

namespace gl

FenceNV::FenceNV(rx::Renderer *renderer)
    mFence = renderer->createFence();

    delete mFence;

GLboolean FenceNV::isFence() const
    // GL_NV_fence spec:
    // A name returned by GenFencesNV, but not yet set via SetFenceNV, is not the name of an existing fence.
    return (mFence->isSet() ? GL_TRUE : GL_FALSE);

void FenceNV::setFence(GLenum condition)

    mCondition = condition;
    mStatus = GL_FALSE;

GLboolean FenceNV::testFence()
    // Flush the command buffer by default
    bool result = mFence->test(true);

    mStatus = (result ? GL_TRUE : GL_FALSE);
    return mStatus;

void FenceNV::finishFence()

    while (!mFence->test(true))

GLint FenceNV::getFencei(GLenum pname)

    switch (pname)
      case GL_FENCE_STATUS_NV:
            // GL_NV_fence spec:
            // Once the status of a fence has been finished (via FinishFenceNV) or tested and the returned status is TRUE (via either TestFenceNV
            // or GetFenceivNV querying the FENCE_STATUS_NV), the status remains TRUE until the next SetFenceNV of the fence.
            if (mStatus == GL_TRUE)
                return GL_TRUE;

            mStatus = (mFence->test(false) ? GL_TRUE : GL_FALSE);
            return mStatus;

        return mCondition;

      default: UNREACHABLE(); return 0;

FenceSync::FenceSync(rx::Renderer *renderer, GLuint id)
    : RefCountObject(id)
    mFence = renderer->createFence();

    LARGE_INTEGER counterFreqency = { 0 };
    BOOL success = QueryPerformanceFrequency(&counterFreqency);

    mCounterFrequency = counterFreqency.QuadPart;

    delete mFence;

void FenceSync::set(GLenum condition)
    mCondition = condition;

GLenum FenceSync::clientWait(GLbitfield flags, GLuint64 timeout)

    bool flushCommandBuffer = ((flags & GL_SYNC_FLUSH_COMMANDS_BIT) != 0);

    if (mFence->test(flushCommandBuffer))
        return GL_ALREADY_SIGNALED;

    if (mFence->hasError())
        return GL_WAIT_FAILED;

    if (timeout == 0)
        return GL_TIMEOUT_EXPIRED;

    LARGE_INTEGER currentCounter = { 0 };
    BOOL success = QueryPerformanceCounter(&currentCounter);

    LONGLONG timeoutInSeconds = static_cast<LONGLONG>(timeout) * static_cast<LONGLONG>(1000000ll);
    LONGLONG endCounter = currentCounter.QuadPart + mCounterFrequency * timeoutInSeconds;

    while (currentCounter.QuadPart < endCounter && !mFence->test(flushCommandBuffer))
        BOOL success = QueryPerformanceCounter(&currentCounter);

    if (mFence->hasError())
        return GL_WAIT_FAILED;

    if (currentCounter.QuadPart >= endCounter)
        return GL_TIMEOUT_EXPIRED;


void FenceSync::serverWait()
    // Because our API is currently designed to be called from a single thread, we don't need to do
    // extra work for a server-side fence. GPU commands issued after the fence is created will always
    // be processed after the fence is signaled.

GLenum FenceSync::getStatus() const
    if (mFence->test(false))
        // The spec does not specify any way to report errors during the status test (e.g. device lost)
        // so we report the fence is unblocked in case of error or signaled.
        return GL_SIGNALED;

    return GL_UNSIGNALED;
