// Copyright 2014 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// ImageIndex.h: A helper struct for indexing into an Image array


#include "angle_gl.h"

namespace gl

struct ImageIndex
    GLenum type;
    GLint mipIndex;
    GLint layerIndex;

    ImageIndex(const ImageIndex &other);
    ImageIndex &operator=(const ImageIndex &other);

    bool hasLayer() const { return layerIndex != ENTIRE_LEVEL; }

    static ImageIndex Make2D(GLint mipIndex);
    static ImageIndex MakeCube(GLenum target, GLint mipIndex);
    static ImageIndex Make2DArray(GLint mipIndex, GLint layerIndex);
    static ImageIndex Make3D(GLint mipIndex, GLint layerIndex = ENTIRE_LEVEL);

    static const GLint ENTIRE_LEVEL = static_cast<GLint>(-1);

    ImageIndex(GLenum typeIn, GLint mipIndexIn, GLint layerIndexIn);
