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@group Paper Elements
@class paper-menu-button-transition
@extends core-transition-css
<link href="../polymer/polymer.html" rel="import">
<link href="../core-transition/core-transition-css.html" rel="import">
<link href="../core-animation/web-animations.html" rel="import">

<polymer-element name="paper-menu-button-transition" extends="core-transition-css" attributes="duration transformOrigin">
    <link no-shim href="paper-menu-button-transition.css" rel="stylesheet">
    Polymer('paper-menu-button-transition', {

      baseClass: 'paper-menu-button-transition',
      revealedClass: 'paper-menu-button-revealed',
      openedClass: 'paper-menu-button-opened',
      closedClass: 'paper-menu-button-closed',

      duration: 500,

      setup: function(node) {

        var bg = node.querySelector('.paper-menu-button-overlay-bg');
        bg.style.transformOrigin = this.transformOrigin;
        bg.style.webkitTransformOrigin = this.transformOrigin;

      transitionOpened: function(node, opened) {

        if (opened) {
          if (this.player) {

          var anims = [];

          var ink = node.querySelector('.paper-menu-button-overlay-ink');
          var offset = 40 / Math.max(node.cachedSize.width, node.cachedSize.height);
          anims.push(new Animation(ink, [{
            'opacity': 0.9,
            'transform': 'scale(0)',
          }, {
            'opacity': 0.9,
            'transform': 'scale(1)'
          }], {
            duration: this.duration * offset

          var bg = node.querySelector('.paper-menu-button-overlay-bg');
          anims.push(new Animation(bg, [{
            'opacity': 0.9,
            'transform': 'scale(' + 40 / node.cachedSize.width + ',' + 40 / node.cachedSize.height + ')',
          }, {
            'opacity': 1,
            'transform': 'scale(0.95, 0.5)'
          }, {
            'opacity': 1,
            'transform': 'scale(1, 1)'
          }], {
            delay: this.duration * offset,
            duration: this.duration * (1 - offset),
            fill: 'forwards'

          var nodes = window.ShadowDOMPolyfill ? Platform.queryAllShadows(node.querySelector('core-menu'), 'content').getDistributedNodes() : node.querySelector('core-menu::shadow content').getDistributedNodes().array();
          var items = nodes.filter(function(n) {
            return n.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE;
          var itemDelay = offset + (1 - offset) / 2;
          var itemDuration = this.duration * (1 - itemDelay) / items.length;
          items.forEach(function(item, i) {
            anims.push(new Animation(item, [{
              'opacity': 0
            }, {
              'opacity': 1
            }], {
              delay: this.duration * itemDelay + itemDuration * i,
              duration: itemDuration,
              fill: 'both'

          var shadow = node.querySelector('paper-shadow');
          anims.push(new Animation(shadow, function(t, target) {
            if (t > offset * 2 && shadow.z === 0) {
              shadow.z = 1
          }, {
            duration: this.duration

          var group = new AnimationGroup(anims, {
            easing: 'cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 0.2, 1)'
          this.player = document.timeline.play(group);


<paper-menu-button-transition id="paper-menu-button-transition-top-left" transformOrigin="0% 0%"></paper-menu-button-transition>
<paper-menu-button-transition id="paper-menu-button-transition-top-right" transformOrigin="100% 0%"></paper-menu-button-transition>
<paper-menu-button-transition id="paper-menu-button-transition-top-right-slow" transformOrigin="100% 0%" duration="10000"></paper-menu-button-transition>