<!-- Copyright (c) 2014 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved. This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at http://polymer.github.io/LICENSE.txt The complete set of authors may be found at http://polymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txt The complete set of contributors may be found at http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt Code distributed by Google as part of the polymer project is also subject to an additional IP rights grant found at http://polymer.github.io/PATENTS.txt --> <!-- `paper-toggle-button` provides a ON/OFF switch that user can toggle the state by tapping or by dragging the swtich. Example: <paper-toggle-button></paper-toggle-button> Styling toggle button: To change the ink color for checked state: paper-toggle-button::shadow paper-radio-button::shadow #ink[checked] { color: #4285f4; } To change the radio checked color: paper-toggle-button::shadow paper-radio-button::shadow #onRadio { background-color: #4285f4; } To change the bar color for checked state: paper-toggle-button::shadow #toggleBar[checked] { background-color: #4285f4; } To change the ink color for unchecked state: paper-toggle-button::shadow paper-radio-button::shadow #ink { color: #b5b5b5; } To change the radio unchecked color: paper-toggle-button::shadow paper-radio-button::shadow #offRadio { border-color: #b5b5b5; } To change the bar color for unchecked state: paper-toggle-button::shadow #toggleBar { background-color: red; } @group Paper Elements @element paper-toggle-button @homepage github.io --> <link rel="import" href="../paper-radio-button/paper-radio-button.html"> <polymer-element name="paper-toggle-button" attributes="checked" role="button" aria-pressed="false" tabindex="0"> <template> <link rel="stylesheet" href="paper-toggle-button.css"> <div id="toggleContainer"> <div id="toggleBar" checked?="{{checked}}"></div> <paper-radio-button id="toggleRadio" toggles checked="{{checked}}" on-trackstart="{{trackStart}}" on-trackx="{{trackx}}" on-trackend="{{trackEnd}}"></paper-radio-button> </div> </template> <script> Polymer('paper-toggle-button', { /** * Fired when the checked state changes. * * @event change */ /** * Gets or sets the state, `true` is checked and `false` is unchecked. * * @attribute checked * @type boolean * @default false */ checked: false, trackStart: function(e) { this._w = this.$.toggleBar.offsetLeft + this.$.toggleBar.offsetWidth; e.preventTap(); }, trackx: function(e) { this._x = Math.min(this._w, Math.max(0, this.checked ? this._w + e.dx : e.dx)); this.$.toggleRadio.classList.add('dragging'); var s = this.$.toggleRadio.style; s.webkitTransform = s.transform = 'translate3d(' + this._x + 'px,0,0)'; }, trackEnd: function() { var s = this.$.toggleRadio.style; s.webkitTransform = s.transform = null; this.$.toggleRadio.classList.remove('dragging'); this.checked = Math.abs(this._x) > this._w / 2; }, checkedChanged: function() { this.setAttribute('aria-pressed', Boolean(this.checked)); this.fire('change'); } }); </script> </polymer-element>