=== RTCBot === RTCBot is a framework to write tests that need to spawn multiple webrtc endpoints. == Description == RTCBot is a framework that allows to write tests where logic runs on a single host that controls multiple endpoints ("bots"). It allows creating complex scenarios that would otherwise require non-trival signalling between multiple parties. The host runs in node.js, but the test code is run in an isolated context with no access to node.js specifics other than the exposed api via a test variable. Part of the exposed api (test.spawnBot) allows a test to spawn a bot and access its exposed API. Details are in botmanager.js. == How to run the test == $ cd trunk/webrtc/tool/rtcbot $ npm install express browserify ws websocket-stream dnode $ node test.js <bot_type> <test_file_path> <bot_type> — the type of the running bot. For example: - chrome: chrome on host machine. - android: android device. Details in "Android" Section. - android-chrome: chrome on android device. Details in "Android" Section. == Example on how to install nodejs == $ cd /work/tools/ $ git clone https://github.com/creationix/nvm.git $ export NVM_DIR=/work/tools/nvm; source $NVM_DIR/nvm.sh $ nvm install 0.10 $ nvm use 0.10 == Android == Before running test with Android one MUST forward the device port 8080 to the host machine. That is easy to achieve with chrome port forwarding tools. - Visit chrome://inspect/devices on the host machine. - Configure and enable port forwarding 8080 -> localhost:8080 - Open chrome on you Android device before running test, and leave it running until the end of test. - Run your test.