# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. widevine_arch = cpu_arch if (widevine_arch == "x86") { widevine_arch = "ia32" } if (is_android) { # Always available on Android regardless of branding. widevine_cdm_version_h_file = "android/widevine_cdm_version.h" widevine_cdm_binary_files = [] } else if (is_chrome_branded) { if (is_chromeos) { widevine_cdm_version_h_file = "chromeos/$widevine_arch/widevine_cdm_version.h" widevine_cdm_binary_files = [ "chromeos/$widevine_arch/libwidevinecdm.so", ] } else if (is_linux) { widevine_cdm_version_h_file = "linux/$widevine_arch/widevine_cdm_version.h" widevine_cdm_binary_files = [ "linux/$widevine_arch/libwidevinecdm.so", ] } else if (is_win) { widevine_cdm_version_h_file = "win/$widevine_arch/widevine_cdm_version.h" widevine_cdm_binary_files = [ "win/$widevine_arch/widevinecdm.dll", "win/$widevine_arch/widevinecdm.dll.lib", ] } else if (is_mac) { widevine_cdm_version_h_file = "mac/$widevine_arch/widevine_cdm_version.h" widevine_cdm_binary_files = [ "mac/$widevine_arch/libwidevinecdm.dylib", ] } else { # Other platforms, use the default one. widevine_cdm_version_h_file = "widevine_cdm_version.h" widevine_cdm_binary_files = [] } } else { # No branding, use the default one. widevine_cdm_version_h_file = "widevine_cdm_version.h" widevine_cdm_binary_files = [] } # GYP version: third_party/widevine/cdm/widevine_cdm.gyp:widevine_cdm_version_h copy("version_h") { sources = [ widevine_cdm_version_h_file ] # TODO(brettw) this should go into target_out_dir and callers should include # it from there. This requires, however, renaming the default # widevine_cdm_version.h in this directory to avoid conflicts. outputs = [ "$root_gen_dir/widevine_cdm_version.h" ] } # GYP version: third_party/widevine/cdm/widevine_cdm.gyp:widevine_cdm_binaries if (widevine_cdm_binary_files == []) { group("binaries") { # NOP } } else { copy("binaries") { sources = widevine_cdm_binary_files outputs = [ "$root_out_dir/{{source_file_part}}" ] # TODO(GYP) # 'COPY_PHASE_STRIP': 'NO', } } source_set("adapter") { if (is_chrome_branded) { deps = [ ":version_h", ":binaries", "//ppapi:ppapi_cpp", #'<(DEPTH)/media/media_cdm_adapter.gyp:cdmadapter', TODO(GYP) ] } if (is_linux) { libs = [ "$root_out_dir/libwidevinecdm.sp" ] } else if (is_win) { libs = [ "$root_out_dir/widevinecdm.dll.lib" ] } else if (is_mac) { libs = [ "$root_out_dir/libwidevinecdm.dylib" ] } } # This target exists for tests to depend on that pulls in a runtime dependency # on the license server. source_set("widevine_test_license_server") { if (is_chrome_branded && is_linux) { deps = [ # TODO(GYP) #"//third_party/widevine/test/license_server/license_server.gyp:test_license_server" ] } }