  "_description" : "This file contains info about our performance test units, used by the perf dashboard (http://chromeperf.appspot.com).",

  "%": {
    "improvement_direction": "down",
    "why": "Percent CPU usage. Used by cpu metric."
  "bit/s": {
    "improvement_direction": "down",
    "why": "Bitrate."
  "bytes/s": {
    "improvement_direction": "down",
    "why": "Bitrate."
  "bytes": {
    "improvement_direction": "down"
  "Celsius": {
    "improvement_direction": "down",
    "why": "Colder machines are faster."
  "commit_count": {
    "improvement_direction": "up",
    "why": "layer_tree_host_perftest"
  "count": {
    "improvement_direction": "down",
    "why": "Processes"
  "dB": {
    "improvement_direction": "up",
    "why": "Decibels peak signal-to-noise ratio. Used by WebRTC quality tests."
  "files": {
    "improvement_direction": "down",
    "why": "Static initializers"
  "fps": {
    "improvement_direction": "up",
    "why": "The faster the better. Used by scirra benchmark."
  "frames": {
    "improvement_direction": "down",
    "why": "Dropped frames."
  "frames-per-second": {
    "improvement_direction": "up",
    "why": "Synonym for fps."
  "frame_count": {
    "improvement_direction": "up",
    "why": "layer_tree_host_perftest"
  "frame_time": {
    "improvement_direction": "down"
  "Hz": {
    "improvement_direction": "up",
    "why": "Higher frequencies are faster."
  "janks": {
    "improvement_direction": "down",
    "why": "Fewer janks is better."
  "kb": {
    "improvement_direction": "down",
    "why": "Synonym for KB, used in memory and io metrics."
  "available_kB": {
    "improvement_direction": "up",
    "why": "kB of memory available. More memory available is better."
  "KB": {
    "improvement_direction": "down",
    "why": "KB of memory usage. Less memory usage is better. Used in endure."
  "lines": {
    "improvement_direction": "up",
    "why": "Coverage. More test coverage is better."
  "load": {
    "improvement_direction": "down"
  "MB": {
    "improvement_direction": "down"
  "mips": {
    "improvement_direction": "up",
    "why": "More instructions processed per time unit."
  "mpixels_sec": {
    "improvement_direction": "up",
    "why": "More pixels processed per time unit."
  "mtexel_sec": {
    "improvement_direction": "up",
    "why": "More texels processed per time unit."
  "mtri_sec": {
    "improvement_direction": "up",
    "why": "More triangles processed per time unit."
  "mvtx_sec": {
    "improvement_direction": "up",
    "why": "More vertices processed per time unit."
  "ms": {
    "improvement_direction": "down",
    "why": "Used in many Telemetry measurements. Fewer ms of time means faster."
  "milliseconds": {
    "improvement_direction": "down",
    "why": "Synonym for ms."
  "milliseconds-per-frame": {
    "improvement_direction": "down"
  "minutes": {
    "improvement_direction": "down",
    "why": "Used for NaCl build time."
  "mWh": {
    "improvement_direction": "down",
    "why": "Fewer milliwatt-hours means less energy consumed."
  "objects (bigger is better)": {
    "improvement_direction": "up",
    "why": "Used in spaceport benchmark."
  "ObjectsAt30FPS": {
    "improvement_direction": "up"
  "percent": {
    "improvement_direction": "down",
    "why": "Synonym for %, used in memory metric for percent fragmentation."
  "coverage%": {
    "improvement_direction": "up",
    "why": "Used in alloy-perf-test/cts%/passed."
  "points": {
    "improvement_direction": "up",
    "why": "Synonym for score, used in ChromeOS touchpad tests."
  "ports": {
    "improvement_direction": "down"
  "relocs": {
    "improvement_direction": "down"
  "runs/ms": {
    "improvement_direction": "up",
    "why": "Higher runs/ms implies faster execution."
  "runs/s": {
    "improvement_direction": "up",
    "why": "Used in dromaeo. Higher runs/s implies faster execution."
  "runs_per_s": {
    "improvement_direction": "up",
    "why": "Synonym for runs/s, used in dromaeo data sent by cros bots."
  "runs_per_second": {
    "improvement_direction": "up",
    "why": "Synonym for runs/s."
  "score": {
    "improvement_direction": "up",
    "why": "Used in a variety of benchmarks where a higher score is better."
  "score_(bigger_is_better)": {
    "improvement_direction": "up",
    "why": "Synonym for score."
  "score (bigger is better)": {
    "improvement_direction": "up",
    "why": "Synonym for score, used in jsgamebench and dom_perf."
  "sec": {
    "improvement_direction": "down"
  "seconds": {
    "improvement_direction": "down"
  "us": {
    "improvement_direction": "down"
  "vsyncs": {
    "improvement_direction": "down",
    "why": "Used in smoothness benchmarks. Number of vsyncs to generate a frame, never < 1.0"