// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. /** * @fileoverview Display manager for WebUI OOBE and login. */ // TODO(xiyuan): Find a better to share those constants. /** @const */ var SCREEN_OOBE_NETWORK = 'connect'; /** @const */ var SCREEN_OOBE_HID_DETECTION = 'hid-detection'; /** @const */ var SCREEN_OOBE_EULA = 'eula'; /** @const */ var SCREEN_OOBE_UPDATE = 'update'; /** @const */ var SCREEN_OOBE_RESET = 'reset'; /** @const */ var SCREEN_OOBE_ENROLLMENT = 'oauth-enrollment'; /** @const */ var SCREEN_OOBE_KIOSK_ENABLE = 'kiosk-enable'; /** @const */ var SCREEN_OOBE_AUTO_ENROLLMENT_CHECK = 'auto-enrollment-check'; /** @const */ var SCREEN_GAIA_SIGNIN = 'gaia-signin'; /** @const */ var SCREEN_ACCOUNT_PICKER = 'account-picker'; /** @const */ var SCREEN_USER_IMAGE_PICKER = 'user-image'; /** @const */ var SCREEN_ERROR_MESSAGE = 'error-message'; /** @const */ var SCREEN_TPM_ERROR = 'tpm-error-message'; /** @const */ var SCREEN_PASSWORD_CHANGED = 'password-changed'; /** @const */ var SCREEN_CREATE_SUPERVISED_USER_FLOW = 'supervised-user-creation'; /** @const */ var SCREEN_APP_LAUNCH_SPLASH = 'app-launch-splash'; /** @const */ var SCREEN_CONFIRM_PASSWORD = 'confirm-password'; /** @const */ var SCREEN_FATAL_ERROR = 'fatal-error'; /** @const */ var SCREEN_KIOSK_ENABLE = 'kiosk-enable'; /** @const */ var SCREEN_TERMS_OF_SERVICE = 'terms-of-service'; /** @const */ var SCREEN_WRONG_HWID = 'wrong-hwid'; /* Accelerator identifiers. Must be kept in sync with webui_login_view.cc. */ /** @const */ var ACCELERATOR_CANCEL = 'cancel'; /** @const */ var ACCELERATOR_ENROLLMENT = 'enrollment'; /** @const */ var ACCELERATOR_KIOSK_ENABLE = 'kiosk_enable'; /** @const */ var ACCELERATOR_VERSION = 'version'; /** @const */ var ACCELERATOR_RESET = 'reset'; /** @const */ var ACCELERATOR_FOCUS_PREV = 'focus_prev'; /** @const */ var ACCELERATOR_FOCUS_NEXT = 'focus_next'; /** @const */ var ACCELERATOR_DEVICE_REQUISITION = 'device_requisition'; /** @const */ var ACCELERATOR_DEVICE_REQUISITION_REMORA = 'device_requisition_remora'; /** @const */ var ACCELERATOR_DEVICE_REQUISITION_SHARK = 'device_requisition_shark'; /** @const */ var ACCELERATOR_APP_LAUNCH_BAILOUT = 'app_launch_bailout'; /** @const */ var ACCELERATOR_APP_LAUNCH_NETWORK_CONFIG = 'app_launch_network_config'; /** @const */ var ACCELERATOR_SHOW_ROLLBACK_ON_RESET = 'show_rollback_on_reset_screen'; /** @const */ var ACCELERATOR_HIDE_ROLLBACK_ON_RESET = 'hide_rollback_on_reset_screen'; /* Signin UI state constants. Used to control header bar UI. */ /** @const */ var SIGNIN_UI_STATE = { HIDDEN: 0, GAIA_SIGNIN: 1, ACCOUNT_PICKER: 2, WRONG_HWID_WARNING: 3, SUPERVISED_USER_CREATION_FLOW: 4, SAML_PASSWORD_CONFIRM: 5, CONSUMER_MANAGEMENT_ENROLLMENT: 6, }; /* Possible UI states of the error screen. */ /** @const */ var ERROR_SCREEN_UI_STATE = { UNKNOWN: 'ui-state-unknown', UPDATE: 'ui-state-update', SIGNIN: 'ui-state-signin', SUPERVISED_USER_CREATION_FLOW: 'ui-state-supervised', KIOSK_MODE: 'ui-state-kiosk-mode', LOCAL_STATE_ERROR: 'ui-state-local-state-error', AUTO_ENROLLMENT_ERROR: 'ui-state-auto-enrollment-error', ROLLBACK_ERROR: 'ui-state-rollback-error' }; /* Possible types of UI. */ /** @const */ var DISPLAY_TYPE = { UNKNOWN: 'unknown', OOBE: 'oobe', LOGIN: 'login', LOCK: 'lock', USER_ADDING: 'user-adding', APP_LAUNCH_SPLASH: 'app-launch-splash', DESKTOP_USER_MANAGER: 'login-add-user' }; cr.define('cr.ui.login', function() { var Bubble = cr.ui.Bubble; /** * Maximum time in milliseconds to wait for step transition to finish. * The value is used as the duration for ensureTransitionEndEvent below. * It needs to be inline with the step screen transition duration time * defined in css file. The current value in css is 200ms. To avoid emulated * webkitTransitionEnd fired before real one, 250ms is used. * @const */ var MAX_SCREEN_TRANSITION_DURATION = 250; /** * Groups of screens (screen IDs) that should have the same dimensions. * @type Array.<Array.<string>> * @const */ var SCREEN_GROUPS = [[SCREEN_OOBE_NETWORK, SCREEN_OOBE_EULA, SCREEN_OOBE_UPDATE, SCREEN_OOBE_AUTO_ENROLLMENT_CHECK] ]; /** * Group of screens (screen IDs) where factory-reset screen invocation is * available. * @type Array.<string> * @const */ var RESET_AVAILABLE_SCREEN_GROUP = [ SCREEN_OOBE_NETWORK, SCREEN_OOBE_EULA, SCREEN_OOBE_UPDATE, SCREEN_OOBE_ENROLLMENT, SCREEN_OOBE_AUTO_ENROLLMENT_CHECK, SCREEN_GAIA_SIGNIN, SCREEN_ACCOUNT_PICKER, SCREEN_KIOSK_ENABLE, SCREEN_ERROR_MESSAGE, SCREEN_USER_IMAGE_PICKER, SCREEN_TPM_ERROR, SCREEN_PASSWORD_CHANGED, SCREEN_TERMS_OF_SERVICE, SCREEN_WRONG_HWID, SCREEN_CONFIRM_PASSWORD, SCREEN_FATAL_ERROR ]; /** * Group of screens (screen IDs) that are not participating in * left-current-right animation. * @type Array.<string> * @const */ var NOT_ANIMATED_SCREEN_GROUP = [ SCREEN_OOBE_RESET ]; /** * OOBE screens group index. */ var SCREEN_GROUP_OOBE = 0; /** * Constructor a display manager that manages initialization of screens, * transitions, error messages display. * * @constructor */ function DisplayManager() { } DisplayManager.prototype = { /** * Registered screens. */ screens_: [], /** * Current OOBE step, index in the screens array. * @type {number} */ currentStep_: 0, /** * Whether version label can be toggled by ACCELERATOR_VERSION. * @type {boolean} */ allowToggleVersion_: false, /** * Whether keyboard navigation flow is enforced. * @type {boolean} */ forceKeyboardFlow_: false, /** * Whether virtual keyboard is shown. * @type {boolean} */ virtualKeyboardShown_: false, /** * Virtual keyboard width. * @type {number} */ virtualKeyboardWidth_: 0, /** * Virtual keyboard height. * @type {number} */ virtualKeyboardHeight_: 0, /** * Type of UI. * @type {string} */ displayType_: DISPLAY_TYPE.UNKNOWN, /** * Error message (bubble) was shown. This is checked in tests. */ errorMessageWasShownForTesting_: false, get displayType() { return this.displayType_; }, set displayType(displayType) { this.displayType_ = displayType; document.documentElement.setAttribute('screen', displayType); }, get newKioskUI() { return loadTimeData.getString('newKioskUI') == 'on'; }, /** * Returns dimensions of screen exluding header bar. * @type {Object} */ get clientAreaSize() { var container = $('outer-container'); return {width: container.offsetWidth, height: container.offsetHeight}; }, /** * Gets current screen element. * @type {HTMLElement} */ get currentScreen() { return $(this.screens_[this.currentStep_]); }, /** * Hides/shows header (Shutdown/Add User/Cancel buttons). * @param {boolean} hidden Whether header is hidden. */ get headerHidden() { return $('login-header-bar').hidden; }, set headerHidden(hidden) { $('login-header-bar').hidden = hidden; }, /** * Virtual keyboard state (hidden/shown). * @param {boolean} hidden Whether keyboard is shown. */ get virtualKeyboardShown() { return this.virtualKeyboardShown_; }, set virtualKeyboardShown(shown) { this.virtualKeyboardShown_ = shown; }, /** * Sets the current size of the virtual keyboard. * @param {number} width keyboard width * @param {number} height keyboard height */ setVirtualKeyboardSize: function(width, height) { this.virtualKeyboardWidth_ = width; this.virtualKeyboardHeight_ = height; }, /** * Sets the current size of the client area (display size). * @param {number} width client area width * @param {number} height client area height */ setClientAreaSize: function(width, height) { var clientArea = $('outer-container'); var bottom = parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(clientArea).bottom); clientArea.style.minHeight = cr.ui.toCssPx(height - bottom); }, /** * Toggles background of main body between transparency and solid. * @param {boolean} solid Whether to show a solid background. */ set solidBackground(solid) { if (solid) document.body.classList.add('solid'); else document.body.classList.remove('solid'); }, /** * Forces keyboard based OOBE navigation. * @param {boolean} value True if keyboard navigation flow is forced. */ set forceKeyboardFlow(value) { this.forceKeyboardFlow_ = value; if (value) { keyboard.initializeKeyboardFlow(); cr.ui.DropDown.enableKeyboardFlow(); for (var i = 0; i < this.screens_.length; ++i) { var screen = $(this.screens_[i]); if (screen.enableKeyboardFlow) screen.enableKeyboardFlow(); } } }, /** * Shows/hides version labels. * @param {boolean} show Whether labels should be visible by default. If * false, visibility can be toggled by ACCELERATOR_VERSION. */ showVersion: function(show) { $('version-labels').hidden = !show; this.allowToggleVersion_ = !show; }, /** * Handle accelerators. * @param {string} name Accelerator name. */ handleAccelerator: function(name) { var currentStepId = this.screens_[this.currentStep_]; if (name == ACCELERATOR_CANCEL) { if (this.currentScreen.cancel) { this.currentScreen.cancel(); } } else if (name == ACCELERATOR_ENROLLMENT) { if (currentStepId == SCREEN_GAIA_SIGNIN || currentStepId == SCREEN_ACCOUNT_PICKER) { chrome.send('toggleEnrollmentScreen'); } else if (currentStepId == SCREEN_OOBE_NETWORK || currentStepId == SCREEN_OOBE_EULA) { // In this case update check will be skipped and OOBE will // proceed straight to enrollment screen when EULA is accepted. chrome.send('skipUpdateEnrollAfterEula'); } else if (currentStepId == SCREEN_OOBE_ENROLLMENT) { // This accelerator is also used to manually cancel auto-enrollment. if (this.currentScreen.cancelAutoEnrollment) this.currentScreen.cancelAutoEnrollment(); } } else if (name == ACCELERATOR_KIOSK_ENABLE) { if (currentStepId == SCREEN_GAIA_SIGNIN || currentStepId == SCREEN_ACCOUNT_PICKER) { chrome.send('toggleKioskEnableScreen'); } } else if (name == ACCELERATOR_VERSION) { if (this.allowToggleVersion_) $('version-labels').hidden = !$('version-labels').hidden; } else if (name == ACCELERATOR_RESET) { if (RESET_AVAILABLE_SCREEN_GROUP.indexOf(currentStepId) != -1) chrome.send('toggleResetScreen'); } else if (name == ACCELERATOR_DEVICE_REQUISITION) { if (this.isOobeUI()) this.showDeviceRequisitionPrompt_(); } else if (name == ACCELERATOR_DEVICE_REQUISITION_REMORA) { if (this.isOobeUI()) this.showDeviceRequisitionRemoraPrompt_( 'deviceRequisitionRemoraPromptText', 'remora'); } else if (name == ACCELERATOR_DEVICE_REQUISITION_SHARK) { if (this.isOobeUI()) this.showDeviceRequisitionRemoraPrompt_( 'deviceRequisitionSharkPromptText', 'shark'); } else if (name == ACCELERATOR_APP_LAUNCH_BAILOUT) { if (currentStepId == SCREEN_APP_LAUNCH_SPLASH) chrome.send('cancelAppLaunch'); } else if (name == ACCELERATOR_APP_LAUNCH_NETWORK_CONFIG) { if (currentStepId == SCREEN_APP_LAUNCH_SPLASH) chrome.send('networkConfigRequest'); } else if (name == ACCELERATOR_SHOW_ROLLBACK_ON_RESET) { if (currentStepId == SCREEN_OOBE_RESET) chrome.send('showRollbackOnResetScreen'); } else if (name == ACCELERATOR_HIDE_ROLLBACK_ON_RESET) { if (currentStepId == SCREEN_OOBE_RESET) chrome.send('hideRollbackOnResetScreen'); } if (!this.forceKeyboardFlow_) return; // Handle special accelerators for keyboard enhanced navigation flow. if (name == ACCELERATOR_FOCUS_PREV) keyboard.raiseKeyFocusPrevious(document.activeElement); else if (name == ACCELERATOR_FOCUS_NEXT) keyboard.raiseKeyFocusNext(document.activeElement); }, /** * Appends buttons to the button strip. * @param {Array.<HTMLElement>} buttons Array with the buttons to append. * @param {string} screenId Id of the screen that buttons belong to. */ appendButtons_: function(buttons, screenId) { if (buttons) { var buttonStrip = $(screenId + '-controls'); if (buttonStrip) { for (var i = 0; i < buttons.length; ++i) buttonStrip.appendChild(buttons[i]); } } }, /** * Disables or enables control buttons on the specified screen. * @param {HTMLElement} screen Screen which controls should be affected. * @param {boolean} disabled Whether to disable controls. */ disableButtons_: function(screen, disabled) { var buttons = document.querySelectorAll( '#' + screen.id + '-controls button:not(.preserve-disabled-state)'); for (var i = 0; i < buttons.length; ++i) { buttons[i].disabled = disabled; } }, screenIsAnimated_: function(screenId) { return NOT_ANIMATED_SCREEN_GROUP.indexOf(screenId) != -1; }, /** * Updates a step's css classes to reflect left, current, or right position. * @param {number} stepIndex step index. * @param {string} state one of 'left', 'current', 'right'. */ updateStep_: function(stepIndex, state) { var stepId = this.screens_[stepIndex]; var step = $(stepId); var header = $('header-' + stepId); var states = ['left', 'right', 'current']; for (var i = 0; i < states.length; ++i) { if (states[i] != state) { step.classList.remove(states[i]); header.classList.remove(states[i]); } } step.classList.add(state); header.classList.add(state); }, /** * Switches to the next OOBE step. * @param {number} nextStepIndex Index of the next step. */ toggleStep_: function(nextStepIndex, screenData) { var currentStepId = this.screens_[this.currentStep_]; var nextStepId = this.screens_[nextStepIndex]; var oldStep = $(currentStepId); var newStep = $(nextStepId); var newHeader = $('header-' + nextStepId); // Disable controls before starting animation. this.disableButtons_(oldStep, true); if (oldStep.onBeforeHide) oldStep.onBeforeHide(); $('oobe').className = nextStepId; // Need to do this before calling newStep.onBeforeShow() so that new step // is back in DOM tree and has correct offsetHeight / offsetWidth. newStep.hidden = false; if (newStep.onBeforeShow) newStep.onBeforeShow(screenData); newStep.classList.remove('hidden'); if (this.isOobeUI() && this.screenIsAnimated_(nextStepId) && this.screenIsAnimated_(currentStepId)) { // Start gliding animation for OOBE steps. if (nextStepIndex > this.currentStep_) { for (var i = this.currentStep_; i < nextStepIndex; ++i) this.updateStep_(i, 'left'); this.updateStep_(nextStepIndex, 'current'); } else if (nextStepIndex < this.currentStep_) { for (var i = this.currentStep_; i > nextStepIndex; --i) this.updateStep_(i, 'right'); this.updateStep_(nextStepIndex, 'current'); } } else { // Start fading animation for login display or reset screen. oldStep.classList.add('faded'); newStep.classList.remove('faded'); if (!this.screenIsAnimated_(nextStepId)) { newStep.classList.remove('left'); newStep.classList.remove('right'); } } this.disableButtons_(newStep, false); // Adjust inner container height based on new step's height. this.updateScreenSize(newStep); if (newStep.onAfterShow) newStep.onAfterShow(screenData); // Workaround for gaia and network screens. // Due to other origin iframe and long ChromeVox focusing correspondingly // passive aria-label title is not pronounced. // Gaia hack can be removed on fixed crbug.com/316726. if (nextStepId == SCREEN_GAIA_SIGNIN) { newStep.setAttribute( 'aria-label', loadTimeData.getString('signinScreenTitle')); } else if (nextStepId == SCREEN_OOBE_NETWORK) { newStep.setAttribute( 'aria-label', loadTimeData.getString('networkScreenAccessibleTitle')); } // Default control to be focused (if specified). var defaultControl = newStep.defaultControl; var outerContainer = $('outer-container'); var innerContainer = $('inner-container'); var isOOBE = this.isOobeUI(); if (this.currentStep_ != nextStepIndex && !oldStep.classList.contains('hidden')) { if (oldStep.classList.contains('animated')) { innerContainer.classList.add('animation'); oldStep.addEventListener('webkitTransitionEnd', function f(e) { oldStep.removeEventListener('webkitTransitionEnd', f); if (oldStep.classList.contains('faded') || oldStep.classList.contains('left') || oldStep.classList.contains('right')) { innerContainer.classList.remove('animation'); oldStep.classList.add('hidden'); if (!isOOBE) oldStep.hidden = true; } // Refresh defaultControl. It could have changed. var defaultControl = newStep.defaultControl; if (defaultControl) defaultControl.focus(); }); ensureTransitionEndEvent(oldStep, MAX_SCREEN_TRANSITION_DURATION); } else { oldStep.classList.add('hidden'); oldStep.hidden = true; if (defaultControl) defaultControl.focus(); } } else { // First screen on OOBE launch. if (this.isOobeUI() && innerContainer.classList.contains('down')) { innerContainer.classList.remove('down'); innerContainer.addEventListener( 'webkitTransitionEnd', function f(e) { innerContainer.removeEventListener('webkitTransitionEnd', f); outerContainer.classList.remove('down'); $('progress-dots').classList.remove('down'); chrome.send('loginVisible', ['oobe']); // Refresh defaultControl. It could have changed. var defaultControl = newStep.defaultControl; if (defaultControl) defaultControl.focus(); }); ensureTransitionEndEvent(innerContainer, MAX_SCREEN_TRANSITION_DURATION); } else { if (defaultControl) defaultControl.focus(); chrome.send('loginVisible', ['oobe']); } } this.currentStep_ = nextStepIndex; $('step-logo').hidden = newStep.classList.contains('no-logo'); chrome.send('updateCurrentScreen', [this.currentScreen.id]); }, /** * Make sure that screen is initialized and decorated. * @param {Object} screen Screen params dict, e.g. {id: screenId, data: {}}. */ preloadScreen: function(screen) { var screenEl = $(screen.id); if (screenEl.deferredDecorate !== undefined) { screenEl.deferredDecorate(); delete screenEl.deferredDecorate; } }, /** * Show screen of given screen id. * @param {Object} screen Screen params dict, e.g. {id: screenId, data: {}}. */ showScreen: function(screen) { var screenId = screen.id; // Make sure the screen is decorated. this.preloadScreen(screen); if (screen.data !== undefined && screen.data.disableAddUser) DisplayManager.updateAddUserButtonStatus(true); // Show sign-in screen instead of account picker if pod row is empty. if (screenId == SCREEN_ACCOUNT_PICKER && $('pod-row').pods.length == 0) { // Manually hide 'add-user' header bar, because of the case when // 'Cancel' button is used on the offline login page. $('add-user-header-bar-item').hidden = true; Oobe.showSigninUI(true); return; } var data = screen.data; var index = this.getScreenIndex_(screenId); if (index >= 0) this.toggleStep_(index, data); }, /** * Gets index of given screen id in screens_. * @param {string} screenId Id of the screen to look up. * @private */ getScreenIndex_: function(screenId) { for (var i = 0; i < this.screens_.length; ++i) { if (this.screens_[i] == screenId) return i; } return -1; }, /** * Register an oobe screen. * @param {Element} el Decorated screen element. */ registerScreen: function(el) { var screenId = el.id; this.screens_.push(screenId); var header = document.createElement('span'); header.id = 'header-' + screenId; header.textContent = el.header ? el.header : ''; header.className = 'header-section'; $('header-sections').appendChild(header); var dot = document.createElement('div'); dot.id = screenId + '-dot'; dot.className = 'progdot'; var progressDots = $('progress-dots'); if (progressDots) progressDots.appendChild(dot); this.appendButtons_(el.buttons, screenId); }, /** * Updates inner container size based on the size of the current screen and * other screens in the same group. * Should be executed on screen change / screen size change. * @param {!HTMLElement} screen Screen that is being shown. */ updateScreenSize: function(screen) { // Have to reset any previously predefined screen size first // so that screen contents would define it instead. $('inner-container').style.height = ''; $('inner-container').style.width = ''; screen.style.width = ''; screen.style.height = ''; $('outer-container').classList.toggle( 'fullscreen', screen.classList.contains('fullscreen')); var width = screen.getPreferredSize().width; var height = screen.getPreferredSize().height; for (var i = 0, screenGroup; screenGroup = SCREEN_GROUPS[i]; i++) { if (screenGroup.indexOf(screen.id) != -1) { // Set screen dimensions to maximum dimensions within this group. for (var j = 0, screen2; screen2 = $(screenGroup[j]); j++) { width = Math.max(width, screen2.getPreferredSize().width); height = Math.max(height, screen2.getPreferredSize().height); } break; } } $('inner-container').style.height = height + 'px'; $('inner-container').style.width = width + 'px'; // This requires |screen| to have 'box-sizing: border-box'. screen.style.width = width + 'px'; screen.style.height = height + 'px'; }, /** * Updates localized content of the screens like headers, buttons and links. * Should be executed on language change. */ updateLocalizedContent_: function() { for (var i = 0, screenId; screenId = this.screens_[i]; ++i) { var screen = $(screenId); var buttonStrip = $(screenId + '-controls'); if (buttonStrip) buttonStrip.innerHTML = ''; // TODO(nkostylev): Update screen headers for new OOBE design. this.appendButtons_(screen.buttons, screenId); if (screen.updateLocalizedContent) screen.updateLocalizedContent(); } var currentScreenId = this.screens_[this.currentStep_]; var currentScreen = $(currentScreenId); this.updateScreenSize(currentScreen); // Trigger network drop-down to reload its state // so that strings are reloaded. // Will be reloaded if drowdown is actually shown. cr.ui.DropDown.refresh(); }, /** * Initialized first group of OOBE screens. */ initializeOOBEScreens: function() { if (this.isOobeUI() && $('inner-container').classList.contains('down')) { for (var i = 0, screen; screen = $(SCREEN_GROUPS[SCREEN_GROUP_OOBE][i]); i++) { screen.hidden = false; } } }, /** * Prepares screens to use in login display. */ prepareForLoginDisplay_: function() { for (var i = 0, screenId; screenId = this.screens_[i]; ++i) { var screen = $(screenId); screen.classList.add('faded'); screen.classList.remove('right'); screen.classList.remove('left'); } }, /** * Shows the device requisition prompt. */ showDeviceRequisitionPrompt_: function() { if (!this.deviceRequisitionDialog_) { this.deviceRequisitionDialog_ = new cr.ui.dialogs.PromptDialog(document.body); this.deviceRequisitionDialog_.setOkLabel( loadTimeData.getString('deviceRequisitionPromptOk')); this.deviceRequisitionDialog_.setCancelLabel( loadTimeData.getString('deviceRequisitionPromptCancel')); } this.deviceRequisitionDialog_.show( loadTimeData.getString('deviceRequisitionPromptText'), this.deviceRequisition_, this.onConfirmDeviceRequisitionPrompt_.bind(this)); }, /** * Confirmation handle for the device requisition prompt. * @param {string} value The value entered by the user. * @private */ onConfirmDeviceRequisitionPrompt_: function(value) { this.deviceRequisition_ = value; chrome.send('setDeviceRequisition', [value == '' ? 'none' : value]); }, /** * Called when window size changed. Notifies current screen about change. * @private */ onWindowResize_: function() { var currentScreenId = this.screens_[this.currentStep_]; var currentScreen = $(currentScreenId); if (currentScreen) currentScreen.onWindowResize(); }, /* * Updates the device requisition string shown in the requisition prompt. * @param {string} requisition The device requisition. */ updateDeviceRequisition: function(requisition) { this.deviceRequisition_ = requisition; }, /** * Shows the special remora/shark device requisition prompt. * @private */ showDeviceRequisitionRemoraPrompt_: function(promptText, requisition) { if (!this.deviceRequisitionRemoraDialog_) { this.deviceRequisitionRemoraDialog_ = new cr.ui.dialogs.ConfirmDialog(document.body); this.deviceRequisitionRemoraDialog_.setOkLabel( loadTimeData.getString('deviceRequisitionRemoraPromptOk')); this.deviceRequisitionRemoraDialog_.setCancelLabel( loadTimeData.getString('deviceRequisitionRemoraPromptCancel')); } this.deviceRequisitionRemoraDialog_.show( loadTimeData.getString(promptText), function() { // onShow chrome.send('setDeviceRequisition', [requisition]); }, function() { // onCancel chrome.send('setDeviceRequisition', ['none']); }); }, /** * Returns true if Oobe UI is shown. */ isOobeUI: function() { return document.body.classList.contains('oobe-display'); }, /** * Sets or unsets given |className| for top-level container. Useful for * customizing #inner-container with CSS rules. All classes set with with * this method will be removed after screen change. * @param {string} className Class to toggle. * @param {boolean} enabled Whether class should be enabled or disabled. */ toggleClass: function(className, enabled) { $('oobe').classList.toggle(className, enabled); } }; /** * Initializes display manager. */ DisplayManager.initialize = function() { var givenDisplayType = DISPLAY_TYPE.UNKNOWN; if (document.documentElement.hasAttribute('screen')) { // Display type set in HTML property. givenDisplayType = document.documentElement.getAttribute('screen'); } else { // Extracting display type from URL. givenDisplayType = window.location.pathname.substr(1); } var instance = Oobe.getInstance(); Object.getOwnPropertyNames(DISPLAY_TYPE).forEach(function(type) { if (DISPLAY_TYPE[type] == givenDisplayType) { instance.displayType = givenDisplayType; } }); if (instance.displayType == DISPLAY_TYPE.UNKNOWN) { console.error("Unknown display type '" + givenDisplayType + "'. Setting default."); instance.displayType = DISPLAY_TYPE.LOGIN; } instance.initializeOOBEScreens(); window.addEventListener('resize', instance.onWindowResize_.bind(instance)); }; /** * Returns offset (top, left) of the element. * @param {!Element} element HTML element. * @return {!Object} The offset (top, left). */ DisplayManager.getOffset = function(element) { var x = 0; var y = 0; while (element && !isNaN(element.offsetLeft) && !isNaN(element.offsetTop)) { x += element.offsetLeft - element.scrollLeft; y += element.offsetTop - element.scrollTop; element = element.offsetParent; } return { top: y, left: x }; }; /** * Returns position (top, left, right, bottom) of the element. * @param {!Element} element HTML element. * @return {!Object} Element position (top, left, right, bottom). */ DisplayManager.getPosition = function(element) { var offset = DisplayManager.getOffset(element); return { top: offset.top, right: window.innerWidth - element.offsetWidth - offset.left, bottom: window.innerHeight - element.offsetHeight - offset.top, left: offset.left }; }; /** * Disables signin UI. */ DisplayManager.disableSigninUI = function() { $('login-header-bar').disabled = true; $('pod-row').disabled = true; }; /** * Shows signin UI. * @param {string} opt_email An optional email for signin UI. */ DisplayManager.showSigninUI = function(opt_email) { var currentScreenId = Oobe.getInstance().currentScreen.id; if (currentScreenId == SCREEN_GAIA_SIGNIN) $('login-header-bar').signinUIState = SIGNIN_UI_STATE.GAIA_SIGNIN; else if (currentScreenId == SCREEN_ACCOUNT_PICKER) $('login-header-bar').signinUIState = SIGNIN_UI_STATE.ACCOUNT_PICKER; chrome.send('showAddUser', [opt_email]); }; /** * Resets sign-in input fields. * @param {boolean} forceOnline Whether online sign-in should be forced. * If |forceOnline| is false previously used sign-in type will be used. */ DisplayManager.resetSigninUI = function(forceOnline) { var currentScreenId = Oobe.getInstance().currentScreen.id; $(SCREEN_GAIA_SIGNIN).reset( currentScreenId == SCREEN_GAIA_SIGNIN, forceOnline); $('login-header-bar').disabled = false; $('pod-row').reset(currentScreenId == SCREEN_ACCOUNT_PICKER); }; /** * Shows sign-in error bubble. * @param {number} loginAttempts Number of login attemps tried. * @param {string} message Error message to show. * @param {string} link Text to use for help link. * @param {number} helpId Help topic Id associated with help link. */ DisplayManager.showSignInError = function(loginAttempts, message, link, helpId) { var error = document.createElement('div'); var messageDiv = document.createElement('div'); messageDiv.className = 'error-message-bubble'; messageDiv.textContent = message; error.appendChild(messageDiv); if (link) { messageDiv.classList.add('error-message-bubble-padding'); var helpLink = document.createElement('a'); helpLink.href = '#'; helpLink.textContent = link; helpLink.addEventListener('click', function(e) { chrome.send('launchHelpApp', [helpId]); e.preventDefault(); }); error.appendChild(helpLink); } var currentScreen = Oobe.getInstance().currentScreen; if (currentScreen && typeof currentScreen.showErrorBubble === 'function') { currentScreen.showErrorBubble(loginAttempts, error); this.errorMessageWasShownForTesting_ = true; } }; /** * Shows password changed screen that offers migration. * @param {boolean} showError Whether to show the incorrect password error. */ DisplayManager.showPasswordChangedScreen = function(showError) { login.PasswordChangedScreen.show(showError); }; /** * Shows dialog to create a supervised user. */ DisplayManager.showSupervisedUserCreationScreen = function() { login.SupervisedUserCreationScreen.show(); }; /** * Shows TPM error screen. */ DisplayManager.showTpmError = function() { login.TPMErrorMessageScreen.show(); }; /** * Clears error bubble. */ DisplayManager.clearErrors = function() { $('bubble').hide(); this.errorMessageWasShownForTesting_ = false; var bubbles = document.querySelectorAll('.bubble-shown'); for (var i = 0; i < bubbles.length; ++i) bubbles[i].classList.remove('bubble-shown'); }; /** * Sets text content for a div with |labelId|. * @param {string} labelId Id of the label div. * @param {string} labelText Text for the label. */ DisplayManager.setLabelText = function(labelId, labelText) { $(labelId).textContent = labelText; }; /** * Sets the text content of the enterprise info message. * @param {string} messageText The message text. */ DisplayManager.setEnterpriseInfo = function(messageText) { $('enterprise-info-message').textContent = messageText; if (messageText) { $('enterprise-info').hidden = false; } }; /** * Disable Add users button if said. * @param {boolean} disable true to disable */ DisplayManager.updateAddUserButtonStatus = function(disable) { $('add-user-button').disabled = disable; $('add-user-button').classList[ disable ? 'add' : 'remove']('button-restricted'); $('add-user-button').title = disable ? loadTimeData.getString('disabledAddUserTooltip') : ''; } /** * Clears password field in user-pod. */ DisplayManager.clearUserPodPassword = function() { $('pod-row').clearFocusedPod(); }; /** * Restores input focus to currently selected pod. */ DisplayManager.refocusCurrentPod = function() { $('pod-row').refocusCurrentPod(); }; // Export return { DisplayManager: DisplayManager }; });