/* WARNING! THIS IS A PROGRAMMATICALLY GENERATED CODE. DO NOT MODIFY THE CODE, * SINCE THE CHANGES WILL BE LOST! MODIFY THE GENERATING PYTHON INSTEAD. */ EGLint CallLogWrapper::eglGetError () { if (m_enableLog) m_log << TestLog::Message << "eglGetError(" << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage; EGLint returnValue = ::eglGetError(); if (m_enableLog) m_log << TestLog::Message << "// " << getErrorStr(returnValue) << " returned" << TestLog::EndMessage; return returnValue; } EGLDisplay CallLogWrapper::eglGetDisplay (EGLNativeDisplayType param0) { if (m_enableLog) m_log << TestLog::Message << "eglGetDisplay(" << toHex(param0) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage; EGLDisplay returnValue = ::eglGetDisplay(param0); if (m_enableLog) m_log << TestLog::Message << "// " << getEGLDisplayStr(returnValue) << " returned" << TestLog::EndMessage; return returnValue; } EGLBoolean CallLogWrapper::eglInitialize (EGLDisplay param0, EGLint* param1, EGLint* param2) { if (m_enableLog) m_log << TestLog::Message << "eglInitialize(" << getEGLDisplayStr(param0) << ", " << toHex(param1) << ", " << toHex(param2) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage; EGLBoolean returnValue = ::eglInitialize(param0, param1, param2); if (m_enableLog) m_log << TestLog::Message << "// " << (returnValue != EGL_FALSE ? "EGL_TRUE" : "EGL_FALSE") << " returned" << TestLog::EndMessage; return returnValue; } EGLBoolean CallLogWrapper::eglTerminate (EGLDisplay param0) { if (m_enableLog) m_log << TestLog::Message << "eglTerminate(" << getEGLDisplayStr(param0) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage; EGLBoolean returnValue = ::eglTerminate(param0); if (m_enableLog) m_log << TestLog::Message << "// " << (returnValue != EGL_FALSE ? "EGL_TRUE" : "EGL_FALSE") << " returned" << TestLog::EndMessage; return returnValue; } const char* CallLogWrapper::eglQueryString (EGLDisplay param0, EGLint param1) { if (m_enableLog) m_log << TestLog::Message << "eglQueryString(" << getEGLDisplayStr(param0) << ", " << param1 << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage; const char* returnValue = ::eglQueryString(param0, param1); if (m_enableLog) m_log << TestLog::Message << "// " << getStringStr(returnValue) << " returned" << TestLog::EndMessage; return returnValue; } EGLBoolean CallLogWrapper::eglGetConfigs (EGLDisplay param0, EGLConfig* param1, EGLint param2, EGLint* param3) { if (m_enableLog) m_log << TestLog::Message << "eglGetConfigs(" << getEGLDisplayStr(param0) << ", " << toHex(param1) << ", " << param2 << ", " << toHex(param3) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage; EGLBoolean returnValue = ::eglGetConfigs(param0, param1, param2, param3); if (m_enableLog) m_log << TestLog::Message << "// " << (returnValue != EGL_FALSE ? "EGL_TRUE" : "EGL_FALSE") << " returned" << TestLog::EndMessage; return returnValue; } EGLBoolean CallLogWrapper::eglChooseConfig (EGLDisplay param0, const EGLint* param1, EGLConfig* param2, EGLint param3, EGLint* param4) { if (m_enableLog) m_log << TestLog::Message << "eglChooseConfig(" << getEGLDisplayStr(param0) << ", " << getConfigAttribListStr(param1) << ", " << toHex(param2) << ", " << param3 << ", " << toHex(param4) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage; EGLBoolean returnValue = ::eglChooseConfig(param0, param1, param2, param3, param4); if (m_enableLog) { m_log << TestLog::Message << "// param 2 = " << getPointerStr(param2, (param4 && returnValue) ? deMin32(param3, *param4) : 0) << TestLog::EndMessage; m_log << TestLog::Message << "// param 4 = " << (param4 ? de::toString(*param4) : "NULL") << TestLog::EndMessage; } if (m_enableLog) m_log << TestLog::Message << "// " << (returnValue != EGL_FALSE ? "EGL_TRUE" : "EGL_FALSE") << " returned" << TestLog::EndMessage; return returnValue; } EGLBoolean CallLogWrapper::eglGetConfigAttrib (EGLDisplay param0, EGLConfig param1, EGLint param2, EGLint* param3) { if (m_enableLog) m_log << TestLog::Message << "eglGetConfigAttrib(" << getEGLDisplayStr(param0) << ", " << toHex(param1) << ", " << getConfigAttribStr(param2) << ", " << toHex(param3) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage; EGLBoolean returnValue = ::eglGetConfigAttrib(param0, param1, param2, param3); if (m_enableLog) { m_log << TestLog::Message << "// param 3 = " << getConfigAttribValuePointerStr(param2, param3) << TestLog::EndMessage; } if (m_enableLog) m_log << TestLog::Message << "// " << (returnValue != EGL_FALSE ? "EGL_TRUE" : "EGL_FALSE") << " returned" << TestLog::EndMessage; return returnValue; } EGLSurface CallLogWrapper::eglCreateWindowSurface (EGLDisplay param0, EGLConfig param1, EGLNativeWindowType param2, const EGLint* param3) { if (m_enableLog) m_log << TestLog::Message << "eglCreateWindowSurface(" << getEGLDisplayStr(param0) << ", " << toHex(param1) << ", " << toHex(param2) << ", " << getSurfaceAttribListStr(param3) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage; EGLSurface returnValue = ::eglCreateWindowSurface(param0, param1, param2, param3); if (m_enableLog) m_log << TestLog::Message << "// " << toHex(returnValue) << " returned" << TestLog::EndMessage; return returnValue; } EGLSurface CallLogWrapper::eglCreatePbufferSurface (EGLDisplay param0, EGLConfig param1, const EGLint* param2) { if (m_enableLog) m_log << TestLog::Message << "eglCreatePbufferSurface(" << getEGLDisplayStr(param0) << ", " << toHex(param1) << ", " << getSurfaceAttribListStr(param2) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage; EGLSurface returnValue = ::eglCreatePbufferSurface(param0, param1, param2); if (m_enableLog) m_log << TestLog::Message << "// " << toHex(returnValue) << " returned" << TestLog::EndMessage; return returnValue; } EGLSurface CallLogWrapper::eglCreatePixmapSurface (EGLDisplay param0, EGLConfig param1, EGLNativePixmapType param2, const EGLint* param3) { if (m_enableLog) m_log << TestLog::Message << "eglCreatePixmapSurface(" << getEGLDisplayStr(param0) << ", " << toHex(param1) << ", " << toHex(param2) << ", " << getSurfaceAttribListStr(param3) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage; EGLSurface returnValue = ::eglCreatePixmapSurface(param0, param1, param2, param3); if (m_enableLog) m_log << TestLog::Message << "// " << toHex(returnValue) << " returned" << TestLog::EndMessage; return returnValue; } EGLBoolean CallLogWrapper::eglDestroySurface (EGLDisplay param0, EGLSurface param1) { if (m_enableLog) m_log << TestLog::Message << "eglDestroySurface(" << getEGLDisplayStr(param0) << ", " << toHex(param1) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage; EGLBoolean returnValue = ::eglDestroySurface(param0, param1); if (m_enableLog) m_log << TestLog::Message << "// " << (returnValue != EGL_FALSE ? "EGL_TRUE" : "EGL_FALSE") << " returned" << TestLog::EndMessage; return returnValue; } EGLBoolean CallLogWrapper::eglQuerySurface (EGLDisplay param0, EGLSurface param1, EGLint param2, EGLint* param3) { if (m_enableLog) m_log << TestLog::Message << "eglQuerySurface(" << getEGLDisplayStr(param0) << ", " << toHex(param1) << ", " << getSurfaceAttribStr(param2) << ", " << toHex(param3) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage; EGLBoolean returnValue = ::eglQuerySurface(param0, param1, param2, param3); if (m_enableLog) { m_log << TestLog::Message << "// param 3 = " << getSurfaceAttribValuePointerStr(param2, param3) << TestLog::EndMessage; } if (m_enableLog) m_log << TestLog::Message << "// " << (returnValue != EGL_FALSE ? "EGL_TRUE" : "EGL_FALSE") << " returned" << TestLog::EndMessage; return returnValue; } EGLBoolean CallLogWrapper::eglBindAPI (EGLenum param0) { if (m_enableLog) m_log << TestLog::Message << "eglBindAPI(" << getAPIStr(param0) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage; EGLBoolean returnValue = ::eglBindAPI(param0); if (m_enableLog) m_log << TestLog::Message << "// " << (returnValue != EGL_FALSE ? "EGL_TRUE" : "EGL_FALSE") << " returned" << TestLog::EndMessage; return returnValue; } EGLenum CallLogWrapper::eglQueryAPI () { if (m_enableLog) m_log << TestLog::Message << "eglQueryAPI(" << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage; EGLenum returnValue = ::eglQueryAPI(); if (m_enableLog) m_log << TestLog::Message << "// " << getAPIStr(returnValue) << " returned" << TestLog::EndMessage; return returnValue; } EGLBoolean CallLogWrapper::eglWaitClient () { if (m_enableLog) m_log << TestLog::Message << "eglWaitClient(" << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage; EGLBoolean returnValue = ::eglWaitClient(); if (m_enableLog) m_log << TestLog::Message << "// " << (returnValue != EGL_FALSE ? "EGL_TRUE" : "EGL_FALSE") << " returned" << TestLog::EndMessage; return returnValue; } EGLBoolean CallLogWrapper::eglReleaseThread () { if (m_enableLog) m_log << TestLog::Message << "eglReleaseThread(" << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage; EGLBoolean returnValue = ::eglReleaseThread(); if (m_enableLog) m_log << TestLog::Message << "// " << (returnValue != EGL_FALSE ? "EGL_TRUE" : "EGL_FALSE") << " returned" << TestLog::EndMessage; return returnValue; } EGLSurface CallLogWrapper::eglCreatePbufferFromClientBuffer (EGLDisplay param0, EGLenum param1, EGLClientBuffer param2, EGLConfig param3, const EGLint* param4) { if (m_enableLog) m_log << TestLog::Message << "eglCreatePbufferFromClientBuffer(" << getEGLDisplayStr(param0) << ", " << toHex(param1) << ", " << toHex(param2) << ", " << toHex(param3) << ", " << toHex(param4) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage; EGLSurface returnValue = ::eglCreatePbufferFromClientBuffer(param0, param1, param2, param3, param4); if (m_enableLog) m_log << TestLog::Message << "// " << toHex(returnValue) << " returned" << TestLog::EndMessage; return returnValue; } EGLBoolean CallLogWrapper::eglSurfaceAttrib (EGLDisplay param0, EGLSurface param1, EGLint param2, EGLint param3) { if (m_enableLog) m_log << TestLog::Message << "eglSurfaceAttrib(" << getEGLDisplayStr(param0) << ", " << toHex(param1) << ", " << getSurfaceAttribStr(param2) << ", " << getSurfaceAttribValueStr(param2, param3) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage; EGLBoolean returnValue = ::eglSurfaceAttrib(param0, param1, param2, param3); if (m_enableLog) m_log << TestLog::Message << "// " << (returnValue != EGL_FALSE ? "EGL_TRUE" : "EGL_FALSE") << " returned" << TestLog::EndMessage; return returnValue; } EGLBoolean CallLogWrapper::eglBindTexImage (EGLDisplay param0, EGLSurface param1, EGLint param2) { if (m_enableLog) m_log << TestLog::Message << "eglBindTexImage(" << getEGLDisplayStr(param0) << ", " << toHex(param1) << ", " << param2 << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage; EGLBoolean returnValue = ::eglBindTexImage(param0, param1, param2); if (m_enableLog) m_log << TestLog::Message << "// " << (returnValue != EGL_FALSE ? "EGL_TRUE" : "EGL_FALSE") << " returned" << TestLog::EndMessage; return returnValue; } EGLBoolean CallLogWrapper::eglReleaseTexImage (EGLDisplay param0, EGLSurface param1, EGLint param2) { if (m_enableLog) m_log << TestLog::Message << "eglReleaseTexImage(" << getEGLDisplayStr(param0) << ", " << toHex(param1) << ", " << param2 << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage; EGLBoolean returnValue = ::eglReleaseTexImage(param0, param1, param2); if (m_enableLog) m_log << TestLog::Message << "// " << (returnValue != EGL_FALSE ? "EGL_TRUE" : "EGL_FALSE") << " returned" << TestLog::EndMessage; return returnValue; } EGLBoolean CallLogWrapper::eglSwapInterval (EGLDisplay param0, EGLint param1) { if (m_enableLog) m_log << TestLog::Message << "eglSwapInterval(" << getEGLDisplayStr(param0) << ", " << param1 << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage; EGLBoolean returnValue = ::eglSwapInterval(param0, param1); if (m_enableLog) m_log << TestLog::Message << "// " << (returnValue != EGL_FALSE ? "EGL_TRUE" : "EGL_FALSE") << " returned" << TestLog::EndMessage; return returnValue; } EGLContext CallLogWrapper::eglCreateContext (EGLDisplay param0, EGLConfig param1, EGLContext param2, const EGLint* param3) { if (m_enableLog) m_log << TestLog::Message << "eglCreateContext(" << getEGLDisplayStr(param0) << ", " << toHex(param1) << ", " << getEGLContextStr(param2) << ", " << getContextAttribListStr(param3) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage; EGLContext returnValue = ::eglCreateContext(param0, param1, param2, param3); if (m_enableLog) m_log << TestLog::Message << "// " << getEGLContextStr(returnValue) << " returned" << TestLog::EndMessage; return returnValue; } EGLBoolean CallLogWrapper::eglDestroyContext (EGLDisplay param0, EGLContext param1) { if (m_enableLog) m_log << TestLog::Message << "eglDestroyContext(" << getEGLDisplayStr(param0) << ", " << getEGLContextStr(param1) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage; EGLBoolean returnValue = ::eglDestroyContext(param0, param1); if (m_enableLog) m_log << TestLog::Message << "// " << (returnValue != EGL_FALSE ? "EGL_TRUE" : "EGL_FALSE") << " returned" << TestLog::EndMessage; return returnValue; } EGLBoolean CallLogWrapper::eglMakeCurrent (EGLDisplay param0, EGLSurface param1, EGLSurface param2, EGLContext param3) { if (m_enableLog) m_log << TestLog::Message << "eglMakeCurrent(" << getEGLDisplayStr(param0) << ", " << toHex(param1) << ", " << toHex(param2) << ", " << getEGLContextStr(param3) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage; EGLBoolean returnValue = ::eglMakeCurrent(param0, param1, param2, param3); if (m_enableLog) m_log << TestLog::Message << "// " << (returnValue != EGL_FALSE ? "EGL_TRUE" : "EGL_FALSE") << " returned" << TestLog::EndMessage; return returnValue; } EGLContext CallLogWrapper::eglGetCurrentContext () { if (m_enableLog) m_log << TestLog::Message << "eglGetCurrentContext(" << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage; EGLContext returnValue = ::eglGetCurrentContext(); if (m_enableLog) m_log << TestLog::Message << "// " << getEGLContextStr(returnValue) << " returned" << TestLog::EndMessage; return returnValue; } EGLSurface CallLogWrapper::eglGetCurrentSurface (EGLint param0) { if (m_enableLog) m_log << TestLog::Message << "eglGetCurrentSurface(" << getSurfaceTargetStr(param0) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage; EGLSurface returnValue = ::eglGetCurrentSurface(param0); if (m_enableLog) m_log << TestLog::Message << "// " << toHex(returnValue) << " returned" << TestLog::EndMessage; return returnValue; } EGLDisplay CallLogWrapper::eglGetCurrentDisplay () { if (m_enableLog) m_log << TestLog::Message << "eglGetCurrentDisplay(" << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage; EGLDisplay returnValue = ::eglGetCurrentDisplay(); if (m_enableLog) m_log << TestLog::Message << "// " << getEGLDisplayStr(returnValue) << " returned" << TestLog::EndMessage; return returnValue; } EGLBoolean CallLogWrapper::eglQueryContext (EGLDisplay param0, EGLContext param1, EGLint param2, EGLint* param3) { if (m_enableLog) m_log << TestLog::Message << "eglQueryContext(" << getEGLDisplayStr(param0) << ", " << getEGLContextStr(param1) << ", " << getContextAttribStr(param2) << ", " << toHex(param3) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage; EGLBoolean returnValue = ::eglQueryContext(param0, param1, param2, param3); if (m_enableLog) { m_log << TestLog::Message << "// param 3 = " << getContextAttribValuePointerStr(param2, param3) << TestLog::EndMessage; } if (m_enableLog) m_log << TestLog::Message << "// " << (returnValue != EGL_FALSE ? "EGL_TRUE" : "EGL_FALSE") << " returned" << TestLog::EndMessage; return returnValue; } EGLBoolean CallLogWrapper::eglWaitGL () { if (m_enableLog) m_log << TestLog::Message << "eglWaitGL(" << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage; EGLBoolean returnValue = ::eglWaitGL(); if (m_enableLog) m_log << TestLog::Message << "// " << (returnValue != EGL_FALSE ? "EGL_TRUE" : "EGL_FALSE") << " returned" << TestLog::EndMessage; return returnValue; } EGLBoolean CallLogWrapper::eglWaitNative (EGLint param0) { if (m_enableLog) m_log << TestLog::Message << "eglWaitNative(" << param0 << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage; EGLBoolean returnValue = ::eglWaitNative(param0); if (m_enableLog) m_log << TestLog::Message << "// " << (returnValue != EGL_FALSE ? "EGL_TRUE" : "EGL_FALSE") << " returned" << TestLog::EndMessage; return returnValue; } EGLBoolean CallLogWrapper::eglSwapBuffers (EGLDisplay param0, EGLSurface param1) { if (m_enableLog) m_log << TestLog::Message << "eglSwapBuffers(" << getEGLDisplayStr(param0) << ", " << toHex(param1) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage; EGLBoolean returnValue = ::eglSwapBuffers(param0, param1); if (m_enableLog) m_log << TestLog::Message << "// " << (returnValue != EGL_FALSE ? "EGL_TRUE" : "EGL_FALSE") << " returned" << TestLog::EndMessage; return returnValue; } EGLBoolean CallLogWrapper::eglCopyBuffers (EGLDisplay param0, EGLSurface param1, EGLNativePixmapType param2) { if (m_enableLog) m_log << TestLog::Message << "eglCopyBuffers(" << getEGLDisplayStr(param0) << ", " << toHex(param1) << ", " << toHex(param2) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage; EGLBoolean returnValue = ::eglCopyBuffers(param0, param1, param2); if (m_enableLog) m_log << TestLog::Message << "// " << (returnValue != EGL_FALSE ? "EGL_TRUE" : "EGL_FALSE") << " returned" << TestLog::EndMessage; return returnValue; } __eglMustCastToProperFunctionPointerType CallLogWrapper::eglGetProcAddress (const char* param0) { if (m_enableLog) m_log << TestLog::Message << "eglGetProcAddress(" << getStringStr(param0) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage; __eglMustCastToProperFunctionPointerType returnValue = ::eglGetProcAddress(param0); if (m_enableLog) m_log << TestLog::Message << "// " << tcu::toHex(returnValue) << " returned" << TestLog::EndMessage; return returnValue; }