 * drawElements Quality Program OpenGL ES 2.0 Module
 * -------------------------------------------------
 * Copyright 2014 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
 * \file
 * \brief Algorithm implementation tests.

#include "es2fShaderAlgorithmTests.hpp"
#include "glsShaderRenderCase.hpp"
#include "gluShaderUtil.hpp"
#include "tcuStringTemplate.hpp"

#include "deInt32.h"
#include "deMemory.h"

#include <map>
#include <algorithm>

using namespace std;
using namespace tcu;
using namespace glu;
using namespace deqp::gls;

namespace deqp
namespace gles2
namespace Functional

// ShaderAlgorithmCase

class ShaderAlgorithmCase : public ShaderRenderCase
								ShaderAlgorithmCase			(Context& context, const char* name, const char* description, bool isVertexCase, ShaderEvalFunc evalFunc, const char* vertShaderSource, const char* fragShaderSource);
	virtual						~ShaderAlgorithmCase		(void);

								ShaderAlgorithmCase			(const ShaderAlgorithmCase&);	// not allowed!
	ShaderAlgorithmCase&		operator=					(const ShaderAlgorithmCase&);	// not allowed!

ShaderAlgorithmCase::ShaderAlgorithmCase (Context& context, const char* name, const char* description, bool isVertexCase, ShaderEvalFunc evalFunc, const char* vertShaderSource, const char* fragShaderSource)
	: ShaderRenderCase(context.getTestContext(), context.getRenderContext(), context.getContextInfo(), name, description, isVertexCase, evalFunc)
	m_vertShaderSource	= vertShaderSource;
	m_fragShaderSource	= fragShaderSource;

ShaderAlgorithmCase::~ShaderAlgorithmCase (void)

// Helpers.

static ShaderAlgorithmCase* createExpressionCase (Context& context, const char* caseName, const char* description, bool isVertexCase, ShaderEvalFunc evalFunc, LineStream& shaderBody)
	std::ostringstream vtx;
	std::ostringstream frag;
	std::ostringstream& op = isVertexCase ? vtx : frag;

	vtx << "attribute highp vec4 a_position;\n";
	vtx << "attribute highp vec4 a_unitCoords;\n";

	if (isVertexCase)
		vtx << "varying mediump vec3 v_color;\n";
		frag << "varying mediump vec3 v_color;\n";
		vtx << "varying mediump vec4 v_coords;\n";
		frag << "varying mediump vec4 v_coords;\n";

//	op << "uniform mediump sampler2D ut_brick;\n";

	vtx << "\n";
	vtx << "void main()\n";
	vtx << "{\n";
	vtx << "	gl_Position = a_position;\n";

	frag << "\n";
	frag << "void main()\n";
	frag << "{\n";

	// Write matrix.
	if (isVertexCase)
		op << "	${PRECISION} vec4 coords = a_unitCoords;\n";
		op << "	${PRECISION} vec4 coords = v_coords;\n";

	op << "	${PRECISION} vec3 res = vec3(0.0);\n";
	op << shaderBody.str();

	if (isVertexCase)
		vtx << "	v_color = res;\n";
		frag << "	gl_FragColor = vec4(v_color, 1.0);\n";
		vtx << "	v_coords = a_unitCoords;\n";
		frag << "	gl_FragColor = vec4(res, 1.0);\n";

	vtx << "}\n";
	frag << "}\n";

	// Fill in shader templates.
	map<string, string> params;
	params.insert(pair<string, string>("PRECISION", "mediump"));

	StringTemplate vertTemplate(vtx.str().c_str());
	StringTemplate fragTemplate(frag.str().c_str());
	string vertexShaderSource = vertTemplate.specialize(params);
	string fragmentShaderSource = fragTemplate.specialize(params);

	return new ShaderAlgorithmCase(context, caseName, description, isVertexCase, evalFunc, vertexShaderSource.c_str(), fragmentShaderSource.c_str());

// ShaderAlgorithmTests.

ShaderAlgorithmTests::ShaderAlgorithmTests(Context& context)
	: TestCaseGroup(context, "algorithm", "Miscellaneous algorithm implementations using shaders.")

ShaderAlgorithmTests::~ShaderAlgorithmTests (void)

void ShaderAlgorithmTests::init (void)
//	TestCaseGroup* colorGroup = new TestCaseGroup(m_testCtx, "color", "Miscellaneous color related algorithm tests.");
//	addChild(colorGroup);

		do {																													\
			struct Eval_##NAME { static void eval (ShaderEvalContext& c) EVAL_FUNC_BODY };										\
			addChild(createExpressionCase(m_context, #NAME "_vertex", DESCRIPTION, true, &Eval_##NAME::eval, SHADER_OP));		\
			addChild(createExpressionCase(m_context, #NAME "_fragment", DESCRIPTION, false, &Eval_##NAME::eval, SHADER_OP));	\
		} while (deGetFalse())

	SHADER_OP_CASE(hsl_to_rgb, "Conversion from HSL color space into RGB.",
		<< "mediump float H = coords.x, S = coords.y, L = coords.z;"
		<< "mediump float v = (L <= 0.5) ? (L * (1.0 + S)) : (L + S - L * S);"
		<< "res = vec3(L); // default to gray"
		<< "if (v > 0.0)"
		<< "{"
		<< "	mediump float m = L + L - v;"
		<< "	mediump float sv = (v - m) / v;"
		<< "	H *= 6.0;"
		<< "	mediump int sextant = int(H);"
		<< "	mediump float fract = H - float(sextant);"
		<< "	mediump float vsf = v * sv * fract;"
		<< "	mediump float mid1 = m + vsf;"
		<< "	mediump float mid2 = m - vsf;"
		<< "	if (sextant == 0)      res = vec3(v, mid1, m);"
		<< "	else if (sextant == 1) res = vec3(mid2, v, m);"
		<< "	else if (sextant == 2) res = vec3(m, v, mid1);"
		<< "	else if (sextant == 3) res = vec3(m, mid2, v);"
		<< "	else if (sextant == 4) res = vec3(mid1, m, v);"
		<< "	else                   res = vec3(v, m, mid2);"
		<< "}",
			float H = c.unitCoords.x();
			float S = c.unitCoords.y();
			float L = c.unitCoords.z();
			Vec3 rgb = Vec3(L);
			float v = (L <= 0.5f) ? (L * (1.0f + S)) : (L + S - L * S);
			if (v > 0.0f)
				float m = L + L - v;
				float sv = (v - m) / v;
				H *= 6.0f;
				int sextant = int(H);
				float fract = H - float(sextant);
				float vsf = v * sv * fract;
				float mid1 = m + vsf;
				float mid2 = m - vsf;
				if (sextant == 0)		rgb = Vec3(v, mid1, m);
				else if (sextant == 1)	rgb = Vec3(mid2, v, m);
				else if (sextant == 2)	rgb = Vec3(m, v, mid1);
				else if (sextant == 3)	rgb = Vec3(m, mid2, v);
				else if (sextant == 4)	rgb = Vec3(mid1, m, v);
				else					rgb = Vec3(v, m, mid2);
			c.color.xyz() = rgb;

	SHADER_OP_CASE(rgb_to_hsl, "Conversion from RGB color space into HSL.",
		<< "mediump float r = coords.x, g = coords.y, b = coords.z;"
		<< "mediump float minVal = min(min(r, g), b);"
		<< "mediump float maxVal = max(max(r, g), b);"
		<< "mediump float L = (minVal + maxVal) * 0.5;"
		<< "if (minVal == maxVal)"
		<< "	res = vec3(0.0, 0.0, L);"
		<< "else"
		<< "{"
		<< "	mediump float H;"
		<< "	mediump float S;"
		<< "	if (L < 0.5)"
		<< "		S = (maxVal - minVal) / (maxVal + minVal);"
		<< "	else"
		<< "		S = (maxVal - minVal) / (2.0 - maxVal - minVal);"
		<< ""
		<< "	mediump float ooDiff = 1.0 / (maxVal - minVal);"
		<< "	if (r == maxVal)      H = (g - b) * ooDiff;"
		<< "	else if (g == maxVal) H = 2.0 + (b - r) * ooDiff;"
		<< "	else                  H = 4.0 + (r - g) * ooDiff;"
		<< "	H /= 6.0;"
		<< ""
		<< "	res = vec3(H, S, L);"
		<< "}",
			float r = c.unitCoords.x();
			float g = c.unitCoords.y();
			float b = c.unitCoords.z();
			float minVal = min(min(r, g), b);
			float maxVal = max(max(r, g), b);
			float L = (minVal + maxVal) * 0.5f;
			Vec3 hsl;

			if (minVal == maxVal)
				hsl = Vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, L);
				float H;
				float S;
				if (L < 0.5f)
					S = (maxVal - minVal) / (maxVal + minVal);
					S = (maxVal - minVal) / (2.0f - maxVal - minVal);

				float ooDiff = 1.0f / (maxVal - minVal);
				if (r == maxVal)		H = (g - b) * ooDiff;
				else if (g == maxVal)	H = 2.0f + (b - r) * ooDiff;
				else					H = 4.0f + (r - g) * ooDiff;
				H /= 6.0f;

				hsl = Vec3(H, S, L);
			c.color.xyz() = hsl;

/*	SHADER_OP_CASE(image_to_grayscale, "Convert image to grayscale.",
		<< "res = texture2D(ut_brick, coords.xy).rgb;",
			c.color.xyz() = Vec3(0.5f);

} // Functional
} // gles2
} // deqp